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Practical trainingLaajuus (15 cr)

Code: MT00BX93


15 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Alison Doolittle


The student recognizes vocational learning objectives based on his/her Personal Learning Plan. The student has the working life and customer service skills of the service fields and he/she has familiarised him-/herself with the company/organisation’s operations. The student can describe and analyse the service and production processes of his/her practical training place. The student becomes more certain about his/her professional direction and is able to set further goals for the development of his/her competence in line with the career plan.


Job-hunting skills (networks, CV, application, channels)
International opportunities in the field
Practical training search process
Practical training plan
Practical training reporting
Reflection of own competence and professional development.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment methods are based on learning objectives. Assessment is qualitative, based on a criteria and the student's self-assessment plays an important role in it.Accreditation procedures are described in the Degree Regulations and Study Guide. Further information about possible course-specific arrangements is available from Course tutor.