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EntrepreneurshipLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: ZZ00CK90


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Eetu Lehtonen, Hyväksilukuhakemusten käsittely
  • Juuso Hassi, Hyväksilukuhakemusten käsittely


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


18.11.2024 - 09.01.2025


13.01.2025 - 19.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Hanne Wirta
  • KPV24S1
    Varhaisiän musiikkikasvatus ja kulttuurihyvinvointi tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • KPI24S1
    Instrumenttiopetus ja ryhmänohjaus tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


- luentomonisteet
- taulukkolaskentadokumentit
- kurssikirja

Kurssikirja (vapaasti saatavilla sähköisesti)
Möttönen, T. (toim.) (2019). Yrittäjät Suomessa – Elinkeinovapaudesta yrittäjyysyhteiskuntaan. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Muu kirjallisuus
Osterwalder, A., & Pigneur, Y. (2010). Business model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers. Wiley.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., & Smith, A. (2014). Value proposition design. Wiley.

Blank, S., & Dorf, B. (2012). The startup owner's manual: Vol. 1 : the step-by-step guide for building a great company. K&S Ranch.
Leppänen, O. (2013). Liiketoimintasuunnitelma roskakoriin! Tammi.

Teaching methods

- projektioppiminen
- ryhmäkeskustelut ja vertaisoppiminen
- itsereflektio

Opiskeluusi opintojaksolla sisältyy tiimityöskentelyä, itsenäistä työskentelyä ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan myös asiantuntijaluentoja. Keskeisin osa oppimista on sinun oma toimintasi ja sen itsearviointi. Yhteisiin tapaamisiin, kuten luennot ja ryhmätyöskentely, tulet aina valmistautuneena.

Opintojakso tukee sellaista oppimiskulttuuria, missä opit yksilönä ja ryhmissä kohtaamaan ja käsittelemään ohjaajien tuella epävarmuutta ja epäonnistumista sekä vahvistamaan riskinottamista, uskallusta ja päätöksentekokykyä sekä valmiutta viedä asiat käytäntöön ja tavoitteellisesti päätökseen. Työskentelet pienryhmässä, jossa synnytätte liikeidean. Arvioitte idean liiketoimintapotentiaalia ja asiakasarvoa.

Opiskelussa ja mahdollisuuksien mukaan myös opetuksessa tehdään yhteistyötä alueen yritysten ja yrittäjyyskumppaneiden/-verkostojen kanssa.

Exam schedules

Opintojaksolla ei ole tenttejä.

Student workload

- kontaktiopetus 16 h (seitsemän seminaari-/työpajapäivää)
- itsenäistä työskentelyä 25 h
- ryhmätyöskentelyä 40 h

1. Omat yrittäjämäiset piirteet (15 %)
2. Aktiivinen osallistuminen ryhmätyöskentelyyn, liikeidean kehittämiseen (70 %)
3. Toiminnan kuvaukset, tulosten ja tuotosten esittelyt (mm. liikeidean esittäminen) sekä arvioinnit omasta ja ryhmän toiminnasta (15 %)

Content scheduling

Kontakti 1: 3 x 45 min. aloitusseminaari
Kontakti 2: 3 x 45 min. työpaja
Kontakti 3: 3 x 45 min. työpaja
Kontakti 4: 3 x 45 min. työpaja
Kontakti 5: 3 x 45 min. työpaja
Kontakti 6: 3 x 45 min. työpaja
Kontakti 7: 3 x 45 min. päättöseminaari

Further information


Opintojakso toteutetaan projektimaisesti, jolloin luennot, ryhmätyöskentely ja itsenäinen työskentely täydentävät toisiaan. Arviointimenetelminä opettajan suullinen tai kirjallinen palaute, opiskelijan oman osaamisen kehittymisen arviointi, ryhmän vertaisarviointi sekä loppureflektio.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


23.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


11.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


University Services

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anne-Maria Raitio
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Hanna-Riikka Kantelinen
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki
Teacher in charge

Eetu Lehtonen


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. Active participation in group work, business idea development (80%)
2. Independent tasks (10%)
3. participation in a webinar (10%)

Webinars 8,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 64h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 which must be completed by the return date.

The course includes three workshops with compulsory attendance:

3*45 min start-up webinar
4*45 min webinar
4*45 min final webinar

The course will be completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 11.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


University Services

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • Antony Smal
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. Active participation in group work, business idea development (80%)
2. Independent tasks (10%)
3. participation in a webinar (10%)

Webinars 8,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 64h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 which must be completed by the return date.

The course includes three workshops with compulsory attendance:

3*45 min start-up webinar
4*45 min webinar
4*45 min final webinar

The course will be completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


University Services

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Tomi Hiltunen
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki
  • Mari Hakkarainen


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. active participation in group work, business idea development (68%)
2. independent tasks (10%)
3. class room teaching (22%)

Class room teaching 17,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 55h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 to be completed by the return date.

The course consists of seven 2.5 hour workshops on campus with compulsory attendance.

The course is completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 16.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


University Services

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Teemu Laitinen
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Matti Mieskolainen
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. active participation in group work, business idea development (68%)
2. independent tasks (10%)
3. class room teaching (22%)

Class room teaching 17,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 55h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 to be completed by the return date.

The course consists of seven 2.5 hour workshops on campus with compulsory attendance.

The course is completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 17.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


University Services

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. active participation in group work, business idea development (68%)
2. independent tasks (10%)
3. class room teaching (22%)

Class room teaching 17,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 55h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 to be completed by the return date.

The course consists of seven 2.5 hour workshops on campus with compulsory attendance.

The course is completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


University Services

Teaching languages
  • English

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • Antony Smal
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. Active participation in group work, business idea development (68%)
2. Independent tasks (10%)
3. Participation in webinars (22%)

Webinars 17,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 55h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 which must be completed by the return date.

The course includes seven workshops with compulsory attendance:

The course will be completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 02.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


University Services

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Soile Laitinen
  • Lotta Happo
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. Active participation in group work, business idea development (80%)
2. Independent tasks (10%)
3. participation in a webinar (10%)

Webinars 8,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 64h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 which must be completed by the return date.

The course includes three workshops with compulsory attendance:

3*45 min start-up webinar
4*45 min webinar
4*45 min final webinar

The course will be completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 05.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


University Services

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 70

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Armi Hirvonen
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Suvi Ylänen
  • Essi Säynätmäki


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. Active participation in group work, business idea development (80%)
2. Independent tasks (10%)
3. participation in a webinar (10%)

Webinars 8,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 64h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 which must be completed by the return date.

The course includes three workshops with compulsory attendance:

3*45 min start-up webinar
4*45 min webinar
4*45 min final webinar

The course will be completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


01.08.2024 - 30.08.2024


02.09.2024 - 15.11.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

RDI portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


University Services

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Eetu Lehtonen
  • Jaana Kovanen
  • Juuso Hassi
  • Suvi Salminen
  • Essi Säynätmäki


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.


Osterwalder&al. 2014. Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur. 2010. Business Model Generation
Möttönen, Tuomas (toim.). 2019. Finnish Entrepreneurs.
Ries, Eric. 2011. Lean Startup.

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- flipped learning
- Reading group
- multidisciplinary group work

Your studies will include workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. The aim is to promote cooperation with companies and entrepreneurship partners/networks in the region (e.g. Jyväskylä Startup Factory, K-S Yritysidea, JES ry, EduFutura). A main part of the learning culture and your learning is goal-oriented work in a multidisciplinary team supported by a coach. The team will create a fictitious business idea and assess its business potential using a variety of tools. You will always come prepared to the team and workshop meetings. At different stages of the course, you will reflect on your own skills.

Student workload

1. active participation in group work, business idea development (68%)
2. independent tasks (10%)
3. class room teaching (22%)

Class room teaching 17,5h
Independent work 8,5h
Group work 55h

Content scheduling

The course starts with an independent assignment T1 to be completed by the return date.

The course consists of seven 2.5 hour workshops on campus with compulsory attendance.

The course is completed with an independent assignment T5.

Further information

The coach uses continuous guidance and evaluation as assessment methods. Students will assess their own progress at different phases of the course. In the middle of the course, the group will peer-evaluate its activities. At the end of the course, the coach will give a written evaluation of the answers to the T5 task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.


26.08.2024 - 31.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Logistics
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Service Business
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Electrical and Automation Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Information Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction Management
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
  • ZJA24SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


Purpose of the course

You will acquire basic knowledge about entrepreneurship and the importance of entrepreneurship in society. During the course you will assess your own entrepreneurial skills and broaden your understanding of entrepreneurship in different industries, e.g. through entrepreneurial stories. During the course, you will work in a multi-disciplinary team to develop an entrepreneurial idea and assess its business potential and profitability using a variety of operational tools.

Competences of the course

Learning to learn
Working life in the workplace
Proactive development

Learning objective of the course

1. Identify and assess your own entrepreneurial skills and attitudes.
2. You will know what internal entrepreneurship is, how to become an entrepreneur and the role of entrepreneurship and innovation in society.
3. Identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop your business idea.
4. Understand the prerequisites for profitable entrepreneurship and the principles of value creation.
5. Demonstrate the ability to lead yourself entrepreneurially in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial skills and use them when working in a multidisciplinary small group.

You will explore the concepts of entrepreneurship in theory and different ways of entrepreneurship through learning exercises.

Based on your experience, observations and knowledge, you will form a vision of your customers' needs, which you will use to develop an entrepreneurial idea with your small group.

You will discuss and evaluate the business potential of your business idea with your small group.

You will use the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas as a tool and communication tool to evaluate and develop your ideas.

Further information

Alkion toteutus. Opetus alkiolta.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Accepted: You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in different sectors. You will identify your own internal entrepreneurial traits and use them to develop a business idea and demonstrate the ability to lead yourself in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team. You will identify needs in customer situations or services, which you will use to develop a business idea. Understand the role of the customer in the development of a business idea and the principles of value creation. Identify the principles of profitable business.


After successfully completing the course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know the key concepts and goals of sustainable development. You will recognize the importance and aspects of sustainable development in your chosen destination.