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Active in Student AssociationsLaajuus (5 - 15 cr)

Code: ZZAJ0100


5 - 15 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person


The students
- are familiar with student union and association activities
- are able to act in a responsible way in the board of a student unior or an association
- are able to work both independently and in groups to achieve commonly agreed goals
- understand the significance of inner entrepreneurial spirit for achieving one’s goals and are able to develop their own inner entrepreneurship
- understand the financial management and planning of an association
- are able to operate both in the local and the national environment of student politics
- are able to express well-founded opinions on social issues concerning students
- master meeting techniques and practices
- are able to produce informative texts
- are able to utilise ICT as required by the world of work
- are able to plan and implement projects.


- Development of learning abilities
- Professional growth and development
- Student union and association activities
- Meeting techniques and practices
- Budgeting and financial monitoring
- Management
- Project, team and cross-evaluation work
- Reporting, provision of information, and marketing
- JAMKO Akatemia's expert lectures


Minimum of one of the following elected memberships:
a) JAMKO’s Board or Representative Body
b) Board of a JAMK field-specific student association
c) JAMKO’s representative appointed by JAMKOs’ Board or Representative Body for a body/organ (JAMK, cross evaluation group, SAMOK, KOAS, etc.)

Approval of the course as part of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS).

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The study module is graded as Pass/Fail, marked as “S (Pass)” and “0 (Fail)”. In order pass the study module the student has to monitor his / hers working time and demonstrate th working time that matches the asked credit units (5-15 ects). In addittion to this the student must attend the JAMKO Akatemia schooling regularly. The student also provides a report paper and attends an ending discussion.


01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025


01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 - 15

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 100

  • Ismo Puhakka


The students
- are familiar with student union and association activities
- are able to act in a responsible way in the board of a student unior or an association
- are able to work both independently and in groups to achieve commonly agreed goals
- understand the significance of inner entrepreneurial spirit for achieving one’s goals and are able to develop their own inner entrepreneurship
- understand the financial management and planning of an association
- are able to operate both in the local and the national environment of student politics
- are able to express well-founded opinions on social issues concerning students
- master meeting techniques and practices
- are able to produce informative texts
- are able to utilise ICT as required by the world of work
- are able to plan and implement projects.


- Development of learning abilities
- Professional growth and development
- Student union and association activities
- Meeting techniques and practices
- Budgeting and financial monitoring
- Management
- Project, team and cross-evaluation work
- Reporting, provision of information, and marketing
- JAMKO Akatemia's expert lectures

Location and time

26-27.1. JAMKO Akatemian kevään lähipäivä.


Opiskelijakunnan säännöt, ohjesäännöt, toimintasuunnitelma, toimintakertomus, talousarvio, strategia ja muut asiakirjat, koulutusalajärjestöjen vastaavat dokumentit.

Completion alternatives

Seuraavat osiot tulee olla suoritettuna toimikauden loputtua: - Oman sektorin osuus toimintasuunnitelmaan ja toimintakertomukseen - Ohjauskeskustelut - Aktiivinen osallistuminen hallituksen ja/tai edustajiston kokouksiin - Oman sektorin projektien toteuttaminen - Työryhmien kokoontumisiin osallistuminen - Aktiivinen osallistuminen SAMOKIn koulutuksiin tai JAMKO Akatemiaan - Raportti oman osaamisen kehittymisestä - Työaikaseuranta - Oppimista reflektoiva keskustelu

Student workload

Opiskelijakunnan edustajiston kokoukset 10 h - Opiskelijakunnan hallituksen kokoukset 0-40 h - Samokin ja JAMKOn koulutuksiin osallistuminen 10-45 h - Oman vastuualueen projektien toteuttaminen 45-125 h - JAMK:n työryhmien kokouksiin osallistuminen 0-20 h - Tekstien tuottaminen ja tiedotus/markkinointityö 10-30 h - Ristiinarvioinnit 40 h - Osallistuminen JAMKOn tiimeihin 10-40 h - Koulutusalajärjestön hallituksen kokouksiin osallistuminen 10-40 h - Ammattiliittojen opiskelijajärjestöjen koulutuksiin osallistuminen 0-15 h. Yhteensä 135-405 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.

Further information

Opintojaksosta suoriutuminen vaatii työajanseurantaa (27h=1op), vapaamuotoisesti excelissä tai wordissa tehtävään omaan seurantaan, joka esitellään loppuraportin kera (loppuraportti JAMK raportointipohjaan 3-4 sivua) toiminnanjohtajalle opiskelija-aktiivitoiminnan päättyessä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The study module is graded as Pass/Fail, marked as “S (Pass)” and “0 (Fail)”. In order pass the study module the student has to monitor his / hers working time and demonstrate th working time that matches the asked credit units (5-15 ects). In addittion to this the student must attend the JAMKO Akatemia schooling regularly. The student also provides a report paper and attends an ending discussion.


Minimum of one of the following elected memberships:
a) JAMKO’s Board or Representative Body
b) Board of a JAMK field-specific student association
c) JAMKO’s representative appointed by JAMKOs’ Board or Representative Body for a body/organ (JAMK, cross evaluation group, SAMOK, KOAS, etc.)

Approval of the course as part of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS).


01.01.2022 - 01.12.2023


01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 - 15

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Miina Pirnes
  • Ismo Puhakka


The students
- are familiar with student union and association activities
- are able to act in a responsible way in the board of a student unior or an association
- are able to work both independently and in groups to achieve commonly agreed goals
- understand the significance of inner entrepreneurial spirit for achieving one’s goals and are able to develop their own inner entrepreneurship
- understand the financial management and planning of an association
- are able to operate both in the local and the national environment of student politics
- are able to express well-founded opinions on social issues concerning students
- master meeting techniques and practices
- are able to produce informative texts
- are able to utilise ICT as required by the world of work
- are able to plan and implement projects.


- Development of learning abilities
- Professional growth and development
- Student union and association activities
- Meeting techniques and practices
- Budgeting and financial monitoring
- Management
- Project, team and cross-evaluation work
- Reporting, provision of information, and marketing
- JAMKO Akatemia's expert lectures

Location and time

11.2. JAMKO Akatemian kevään lähipäivä


Opiskelijakunnan säännöt, ohjesäännöt, toimintasuunnitelma, toimintakertomus, talousarvio, strategia ja muut asiakirjat, koulutusalajärjestöjen vastaavat dokumentit.

Completion alternatives

Seuraavat osiot tulee olla suoritettuna toimikauden loputtua: - Oman sektorin osuus toimintasuunnitelmaan ja toimintakertomukseen - Ohjauskeskustelut - Aktiivinen osallistuminen hallituksen ja/tai edustajiston kokouksiin - Oman sektorin projektien toteuttaminen - Työryhmien kokoontumisiin osallistuminen - Aktiivinen osallistuminen SAMOKIn koulutuksiin tai JAMKO Akatemiaan - Raportti oman osaamisen kehittymisestä - Työaikaseuranta - Oppimista reflektoiva keskustelu

Student workload

Opiskelijakunnan edustajiston kokoukset 10 h - Opiskelijakunnan hallituksen kokoukset 0-40 h - Samokin ja JAMKOn koulutuksiin osallistuminen 10-45 h - Oman vastuualueen projektien toteuttaminen 45-125 h - JAMK:n työryhmien kokouksiin osallistuminen 0-20 h - Tekstien tuottaminen ja tiedotus/markkinointityö 10-30 h - Ristiinarvioinnit 40 h - Osallistuminen JAMKOn tiimeihin 10-40 h - Koulutusalajärjestön hallituksen kokouksiin osallistuminen 10-40 h - Ammattiliittojen opiskelijajärjestöjen koulutuksiin osallistuminen 0-15 h. Yhteensä 135-405 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.

Further information

Opintojaksosta suoriutuminen vaatii työajanseurantaa (27h=1op), vapaamuotoisesti excelissä tai wordissa tehtävään omaan seurantaan, joka esitellään loppuraportin kera (loppuraportti JAMK raportointipohjaan 3-4 sivua) toiminnanjohtajalle opiskelija-aktiivitoiminnan päättyessä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The study module is graded as Pass/Fail, marked as “S (Pass)” and “0 (Fail)”. In order pass the study module the student has to monitor his / hers working time and demonstrate th working time that matches the asked credit units (5-15 ects). In addittion to this the student must attend the JAMKO Akatemia schooling regularly. The student also provides a report paper and attends an ending discussion.


Minimum of one of the following elected memberships:
a) JAMKO’s Board or Representative Body
b) Board of a JAMK field-specific student association
c) JAMKO’s representative appointed by JAMKOs’ Board or Representative Body for a body/organ (JAMK, cross evaluation group, SAMOK, KOAS, etc.)

Approval of the course as part of the student’s personal study plan (HOPS).