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Self-ManagementLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: HL00BD01


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Maija Haaranen
  • Anu Manner, Tiimiakatemia


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Anu Manner
  • Tero Lehtinen
  • Kimmo Aho
  • Tapu Holttinen
  • Kimmo Aho
  • Janne Roiha
  • Jaana Larsson
  • HTA23S1
    Tiimiakatemia (AMK)
  • ZJAHTA23S1
    Avoin AMK, AMK-polut, Tiimiakatemia


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.

Location and time

The course is implemented at the beginning of the spring semester as face-to-face teaching at the Tiimiakatemia.


Learning material:

Bertrand Larssen, Erik: Paras
Björkstram, Ulrika: Nouse nyt
Clear, James: Pura rutiinit atomiksi
Dweck, Carol S: Mindset – Menestymisen psykologia
Huotilainen, Minna: Näin aivot oppivat
Kilpinen, P. & Hagqvist, A.: Varianssi – lataa itsesi täyteen energiaa
Lehtonen, T.: Tiimiakatemia – kuinka kasvaa tiimiyrittäjäksi
Markuksela, Hanna: Suorituskyvyn salaisuus
Martela, Frank: Tahdonvoiman käyttöohje
Pihlaja, Satu: Aikaansaamisen taika
Saari, Oskari & Hintsa, Aki: Voittamisen anatomia
Sydänmaalakka, Pentti: Älykäs itsensä johtaminen

Teaching methods

Team learning, independent work, group work, literature, learning assignments

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Team discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The return of the personal learning task is 23 February 2024.

Further information

Evaluation methods

- Self evaluation about self management

- Active participation in team learning

- Portfolio: Learning contract, book essay, Tiimiakatemia´s 8 hours reading + 8 hours team learning + 24 hours project work -model´s follow up and analysis, Motorola report

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Maija Haaranen
Teacher in charge

Maija Haaranen

  • HTL24KIY
    Tradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, monimuotototeutus
    Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-polut, liiketalous monimuoto


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Course materials:
Keltikangas-Järvinen: Tunne itsesi, suomalainen.
Rantanen, J. 2011. Tunteella! Voimaa tekemiseen.
Salmela-Aro; Nurmi 2017. Mikä meitä liikuttaa - motivaatiopsykologian perusteet.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Materials guided by the teacher.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by the end of the course.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and development plan.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Laura Sjöman
  • ZJAHTL23S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-polut, liiketalous päivätoteutus
  • HTL23SA
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Learning material:
Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Additional material:
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Other recommended learning material provided by the teacher in the course e-learning environment.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned on November 2023 according to the course schedule which will be announced in the beginning of the course.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible on 12 January 2024 and 9 February 2024.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways

More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
  • ZJAHTL23S1
    Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-polut, liiketalous päivätoteutus
  • HTL23SB
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by 24 November 2023.
The retakes of the personal portfolio will be informed at the first classroom session.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

20 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • HTL23SC
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by 30th November 2023.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible on 15th January 2024 and 30th January 2024.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


08.08.2023 - 15.08.2023


21.08.2023 - 22.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 10

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Serena Paasivuori
  • ZJA23SH1
    Avoin AMK, lita, organisaation johtaminen, erillisryhmä
  • HTL22S1
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.

Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes.

Flipped learning
Introduction webinar to the themes and learning assignments (recording available)
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning in webinars or online chat/discussion in learning environment
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of peer discussions
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Peer discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by due date.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for webinars/online discussion to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative webinar/online sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and introduction webinars and group discussions in online sessions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.08.2023 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Open Studies


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Anu Manner
  • Tero Lehtinen
  • Kimmo Aho
  • Tapu Holttinen
  • Kimmo Aho
  • Mikko Pitkänen
  • Janne Roiha
  • Jaana Larsson
  • HTA22S1
    Tiimiakatemia (AMK)
  • ZJAHTA22S1
    Avoin AMK, AMK-polut, Tiimiakatemia


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.

Location and time

The course is implemented at the beginning of the spring semester as face-to-face teaching at the Tiimiakatemia.


Learning material:

Bertrand Larssen, Erik: Paras
Björkstram, Ulrika: Nouse nyt
Clear, James: Pura rutiinit atomiksi
Dweck, Carol S: Mindset – Menestymisen psykologia
Huotilainen, Minna: Näin aivot oppivat
Kilpinen, P. & Hagqvist, A.: Varianssi – lataa itsesi täyteen energiaa
Lehtonen, T.: Tiimiakatemia – kuinka kasvaa tiimiyrittäjäksi
Markuksela, Hanna: Suorituskyvyn salaisuus
Martela, Frank: Tahdonvoiman käyttöohje
Pihlaja, Satu: Aikaansaamisen taika
Saari, Oskari & Hintsa, Aki: Voittamisen anatomia
Sydänmaalakka, Pentti: Älykäs itsensä johtaminen

Teaching methods

Tiimitreenit, itsenäinen työskentely, ryhmätyöskentely, kirjallisuus, oppimistehtävät.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Team discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The return of the personal learning task is 23 February 2023.

Further information

Evaluation methods

- Self evaluation about self management

- Active participation in team learning

- Portfolio: Learning contract, book essay, Tiimiakatemia´s 8 hours reading + 8 hours team learning + 24 hours project work -model´s follow up and analysis, Motorola report

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
  • Peppi Teacher
  • HTL22SA
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by 6 April 2023.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible on 12 May 2023 and 26 May 2023.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Serena Paasivuori
Teacher in charge

Maija Haaranen

  • HTL22SB
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Learning Material:
Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Keltikangas-Järvinen: Tunne itsesi, suomalainen.
Salmela-Aro; Nurmi 2017. Mikä meitä liikuttaa - motivaatiopsykologian perusteet.
Additional Materials by the Teacher.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by the end of the course.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


02.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Maija Haaranen
Teacher in charge

Maija Haaranen

  • HTL23KIY
    Tradenomi (AMK), liiketalous, monimuotototeutus
    Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-polut, liiketalous monimuoto


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Course materials:
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Keltikangas-Järvinen: Tunne itsesi, suomalainen.
Rantanen, J. 2011. Tunteella! Voimaa tekemiseen.
Salmela-Aro; Nurmi 2017. Mikä meitä liikuttaa - motivaatiopsykologian perusteet.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Materials guided by the teacher.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by the end of the course.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and development plan.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


29.08.2022 - 23.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Laura Sjöman
  • ZJA22SH5
    Avoin AMK, lita, minpaketti
  • ZJA22SH1
    Avoin AMK, lita, organisaation johtaminen, erillisryhmä


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable either in the webinars or otherwise as agreed.
The personal portfolio must be returned by 23rd October 2022.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible on 4th December 2022 and 8th January 2023.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide.

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 48 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 12 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative webinars and group discussions will alternate.
A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Liinamaaria Hakola
  • HTL22SC
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by 30th November 2022.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible on 15th January 2023 and 30th January 2023.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Maija Haaranen
    Avoin AMK, lita, AMK-polut, liiketalous monimuoto
  • HTL22SIY
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Course materials:
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Keltikangas-Järvinen: Tunne itsesi, suomalainen.
Rantanen, J. 2011. Tunteella! Voimaa tekemiseen.
Salmela-Aro; Nurmi 2017. Mikä meitä liikuttaa - motivaatiopsykologian perusteet.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Materials guided by the teacher.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by 30 November 2022.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and development plan.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

RDI portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Team Academy
  • Timo Lehtonen
  • Anu Manner
  • Kimmo Aho
  • Tapu Holttinen
  • Jaana Larsson
  • Janne Roiha
  • HTA21S1
    Tiimiakatemia (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, tiimiakatemia, AMK-polku


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.

Location and time

Spring 2022 Team Academy, Kangas


Ulrika Björkstam: Nouse nyt
Kaisa Jaakkola. Palaudu ja vahvistu
Greg Mckeow: Essentialismi - keskity olennaiseen
Anna Perho: Antisäätäjä - Fiksun ajankäyttäjän opas
Satu Pihlaja: Aikaansaamisen taika
Oskari Saari: Aki Hintsa - Voittamisen anatomia
Pentti Sydänmaalakka: Älykäs itsensä johtaminen
Saku Tuominen: Pieni kirja priorisoinnista
Henri Tuomilehto: Nukkumalla menestykseen

Other literature recommended by coach

Teaching methods

Team learning, dialogue, learning by doing, project learning, reflection

Employer connections

Via project learning

Completion alternatives

No alternative options

Student workload

Literature 1 ECTS
Dialogue 1 ECTS
Project learning 1 ECTS
Learning assignment 1 ECTS

Further information

Self evaluation, peer evaluation, evaluation by coach
Active participation in dialogue and project learning
Written assignment by Bloom taxonomy of educational obejctives

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
  • HTL21SA
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned by 25 March 2022.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible on 13 May 2022 and 27 May 2022.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

4 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Management
  • Anita Hukkanen
  • Serena Paasivuori
  • HTL21SB
    Liiketalouden tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)


The object of the course
Self-management is the foundation for life-long development, and it brings tangible benefits to studies, working life and personal life. According to various studies, self-management is one of the most important skills in future working life. Skillful self-management is also a guarantee of success in supervisory work.

Course competences
Learning to learn
Operating in a workplace

The learning object of the course
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.


Goal orientation
Areas of personal well-being (psychological, physical, mental, social, professional)
Time management
Stress management

A variety of analysis tools will be used to develop self-management.


Sydänmaanlakka, P. 2008. Älykäs itsensä johtaminen. Helsinki: Talentum.
Salmimies, R. 2008. Onnistu itsesi johtamisessa. Helsinki: WSOYpro.
Goleman, D. 2006. Tunneäly työelämässä. Helsinki: Otava.
Leppänen, M. & Rauhala, I. 2012. Johda ihmistä: psykologiaa johtajille. Helsinki: Talentum.
Perttula, J. & Syväjärvi, A. 2012. Johtamisen psykologia. Jyväskylä: PS-Kustannus.
Kohtakangas, Krista Kohtakangas. 2019. Välittävä johtajuus ja armollinen itsensä johtaminen konkurssin tai alasajon tehneiden yrittäjien kokemuksissa. Väitöskirja. Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto.

Teaching methods

The teaching during the course will proceed by themes/modules.
Flipped learning
Interactive introduction to the themes and learning assignments
Independent study and theme-specific learning assignments
Group discussions and peer learning
Peer feedback
Personal action and development plan
The learning portfolio will be constructed of theme-specific learning assignments, including a personal action and development plan.

Guidance will be available during the course as follows:
Introductions to themes and learning assignments
Guidance of group discussions
Peer-to-peer discussions
Peer feedback
Personal feedback on the portfolio

The grade for the course is based on the competence shown in the personal portfolio. The portfolio will be prepared throughout the duration of the course.

Exam schedules

The theme-specific learning assignments must be completed and returned during the course.
Group discussions must be attended to in accordance with the course timetable.
The personal portfolio must be returned in April.
The retake of the personal portfolio is possible in May.
A more detailed schedule will be announced at the beginning of the spring term.

Completion alternatives

Accreditation (replacement and inclusion)
Recognition of prior learning and experience acquired in other ways
More detailed instructions can be found from the Degree Regulations and the Study Guide

Student workload

Preparing for classroom sessions to complete theme-specific learning assignments 4*10 h = 40 h
Interactive and collaborative classroom sessions 10*2 h = 20 h
Completing the personal final assignment 48 h

Content scheduling

During the course, independent learning assignments and interactive and collaborative classroom sessions and group discussions will alternate. A personal portfolio will be prepared independently throughout the duration of the course, consisting of theme-specific learning assignments and action and development plans.

Further information

The course assessment methods include:
Assessment of own competence related to the learning portfolio
Peer review related to theme-specific learning assignments
The teacher’s feedback on the learning portfolio
Assessment of competence, feedback and course grade based on the learning portfolio

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You understand the significance of the theories and tools of self-management. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You get started with self-knowledge and are capable of strengthening your self-esteem. You recognise the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You recognise time management issues, stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Satisfactory 2
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You understand the significance of the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being. You are capable of planning your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You understand the opportunities for personal development.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You are able to use self-management theories and tools. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You analyse the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning and prioritising your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Very good 4
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to analyse and draw conclusions from the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of stress factors and recovery methods. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You are able to compare different theories of self-management and mirror your own self-management against them. You are able to set goals related to studies, work and your personal life and prepare a substantiated plan for attaining these goals. You are able to utilise theories in the strengthening of your self-knowledge and self-esteem. You are able to develop the areas of physical, psychological, mental, social and professional well-being in your personal life. You are capable of planning, prioritising and substantiating your time management, taking account of your stress factors and developing your recovery. You are capable of planning your personal development in a target-oriented way.