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Business CoachingLaajuus (8 cr)

Code: ZZ00BC03


8 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Suvi Salminen, Vastuuopettaja
  • Mari Hakkarainen, Vastuuopettaja


Student is able to develop his/her own business profitably.
Student is able to plan sales and marketing actions proactively and economically.
Student masters the financial situation of his/her business and is able to make proactive decisions related to liquidity and financial solidity.


Entrepreneurial qualifications, development and implementation of a business idea.
Monitoring sales, product development, profitability and cash flow.
The content will be defined according to the needs of the student`s company.


Business plan, profitability calculation, cash flow statement.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The assessment will be done in relation to the learning outcomes.

Further information

Students have a company with a registered business ID, which they will develop during coaching. The students must have a business idea to develop in order to take part in the course. Participants are chosen based on their applications. The course is organized in co-operation with the Jyväskylä Startup Factory. For more information, see


01.08.2024 - 31.08.2024


01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

8 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

0 - 10

Degree programmes
  • Yhteiset opinnot
  • Peppi Teacher
  • RIKE2024
    Ristiinopiskeluryhmä kevät 2024


Student is able to develop his/her own business profitably.
Student is able to plan sales and marketing actions proactively and economically.
Student masters the financial situation of his/her business and is able to make proactive decisions related to liquidity and financial solidity.


Entrepreneurial qualifications, development and implementation of a business idea.
Monitoring sales, product development, profitability and cash flow.
The content will be defined according to the needs of the student`s company.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The assessment will be done in relation to the learning outcomes.


Business plan, profitability calculation, cash flow statement.

Further information

Students have a company with a registered business ID, which they will develop during coaching. The students must have a business idea to develop in order to take part in the course. Participants are chosen based on their applications. The course is organized in co-operation with the Jyväskylä Startup Factory. For more information, see


28.11.2023 - 31.08.2024


27.11.2023 - 31.08.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

8 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Oppilaitosten yhteiset ura- ja yrittäjyysopinnot
  • RIKE2024
    Ristiinopiskeluryhmä kevät 2024


Student is able to develop his/her own business profitably.
Student is able to plan sales and marketing actions proactively and economically.
Student masters the financial situation of his/her business and is able to make proactive decisions related to liquidity and financial solidity.


Entrepreneurial qualifications, development and implementation of a business idea.
Monitoring sales, product development, profitability and cash flow.
The content will be defined according to the needs of the student`s company.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The assessment will be done in relation to the learning outcomes.


Business plan, profitability calculation, cash flow statement.

Further information

Students have a company with a registered business ID, which they will develop during coaching. The students must have a business idea to develop in order to take part in the course. Participants are chosen based on their applications. The course is organized in co-operation with the Jyväskylä Startup Factory. For more information, see


01.01.2022 - 31.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

8 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


University Services

Teaching languages
  • English
  • Finnish
  • Johanna Tupamäki
  • Riku Ojanperä
  • Teemu Laitinen
  • Suvi Salminen


Student is able to develop his/her own business profitably.
Student is able to plan sales and marketing actions proactively and economically.
Student masters the financial situation of his/her business and is able to make proactive decisions related to liquidity and financial solidity.


Entrepreneurial qualifications, development and implementation of a business idea.
Monitoring sales, product development, profitability and cash flow.
The content will be defined according to the needs of the student`s company.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The assessment will be done in relation to the learning outcomes.


Business plan, profitability calculation, cash flow statement.

Further information

Students have a company with a registered business ID, which they will develop during coaching. The students must have a business idea to develop in order to take part in the course. Participants are chosen based on their applications. The course is organized in co-operation with the Jyväskylä Startup Factory. For more information, see