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StatiikkaLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: TR00BU52


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Pekka Lähdesmäki


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in the future in order to determine internal forces and stresses in the structures and also when you design structures.

Course competences:
- Mathematic and Natural science competence
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
After you have passed the course you will know the balance equations and you will be able to solve the support reactions of statically determined structures. These are also the basic tasks of the course.


Balance equations, 2D Force systems, Simple Strusses, Support reactions, internal forces

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.