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Developing Forestry and Wood ProcessingLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: LMSV1200


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Arto Riihinen


Purpose of the course:
After completing this course you are able to utilize the forest in many ways and produce wood-based raw materials for various end products.

-forestry competence
-environmental competence
-competence of the operating environment

Learning outcomes:
You know diverse uses of forest and wood and how high quality wood is produced for your desired use. You know the market and the earning potential of your chosen forest-related product or service, and you know what the forest owner and forestry needs to produce the service or the raw material for the product.


-properties and use of wood as a raw material
-new forest-based products and services
-production technology of products
-the commercial potential of finished products

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1:
You know forest based raw materials suitable for further processing and final products processed from them. You know the basic characteristics, production and market of the final product or service you choose. You are able to make a presentation of the finished product or service of your choice.

Satisfactory 2:
You understand the effects of forest raw materials that are suitable for further processing on the final products processed. You know characteristics, production methods and markets of the finished product or service you choose. You are able to produce a presentation of your chosen final product or service according to your assignment.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3:
You are able to choose forest-based raw materials suitable for further processing for final products. You know the characteristics of the raw material of your chosen final product or the service, know production methods and will be able to evaluate the market.
You are able to draw up a presentation of your chosen final product or service using the source material.

Very good 4:
You are able to plan the production of forest-based raw materials suitable for further processing. You have a comprehensive knowledge of the raw material characteristics of your chosen final product or service, you know production methods and you will be able to evaluate the market. You are able to draw up a presentation of your chosen final product or service using versatile source materials.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5:
You are able to develop the production of forest-based raw materials suitable for further processing. You have a thorough knowledge of the the service you have chosen or the raw material characteristics and production of the final product you have selected and you can realistically evaluate the market. You are able to produce a flawless presentation of your chosen final product or service using rich and versatile source materials.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


03.02.2023 - 10.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Arto Riihinen
  • Tero Vesisenaho
  • LMS20S1
  • LMS21KM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries


Purpose of the course:
After completing this course you are able to utilize the forest in many ways and produce wood-based raw materials for various end products.

-forestry competence
-environmental competence
-competence of the operating environment

Learning outcomes:
You know diverse uses of forest and wood and how high quality wood is produced for your desired use. You know the market and the earning potential of your chosen forest-related product or service, and you know what the forest owner and forestry needs to produce the service or the raw material for the product.


-properties and use of wood as a raw material
-new forest-based products and services
-production technology of products
-the commercial potential of finished products


-Opiskelumateriaali Moodlen työtilassa
Karvonen, R., 2022. Kuusenkerkistä koivunmahlaan. Tapio; myös e.kirjana JAMKin kirjastossa
-Luonnontuotealan toimintaohjelma:

Teaching methods

Projektityö, yritysvierailut, luennot

Employer connections

Opintojaksolla tehdään metsän ja puun käyttöön liittyvä projektityö opiskelijan valitsemasta aiheesta ja tehtään opettajan järjestämiä yritysvierailuja.

Student workload

Kontaktiopeus 20 h
Projektityö 40 h
Itsenäinen työskentely 21 h

Content scheduling

-3.2. klo 12:30 - 15;45 ohjeistus, johdanto, ryhmäytyminen ja projektitöiden käynnistys
-17.2. klo 08:15-15:45 yritysvierailut
-10.3. klo 12:30 - 15:45 ohjaustunnit
-27.4. klo 12:30-15:45 projektitöiden esittelyseminaari

Läsnäolo kaikilla neljällä lähiopetuskerralla on erittäin suotavaa. Yritysvierailuista poissa oleva laatii korvaavan tehtävän, Ryhmässä laadittava projektityö on raportoitava ja tulokset on esiteltävä seminaaripäivänä.

Further information

Projektityön esittely, itsearviointi ja vertaisarviointi
Avoin AMK 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1:
You know forest based raw materials suitable for further processing and final products processed from them. You know the basic characteristics, production and market of the final product or service you choose. You are able to make a presentation of the finished product or service of your choice.

Satisfactory 2:
You understand the effects of forest raw materials that are suitable for further processing on the final products processed. You know characteristics, production methods and markets of the finished product or service you choose. You are able to produce a presentation of your chosen final product or service according to your assignment.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3:
You are able to choose forest-based raw materials suitable for further processing for final products. You know the characteristics of the raw material of your chosen final product or the service, know production methods and will be able to evaluate the market.
You are able to draw up a presentation of your chosen final product or service using the source material.

Very good 4:
You are able to plan the production of forest-based raw materials suitable for further processing. You have a comprehensive knowledge of the raw material characteristics of your chosen final product or service, you know production methods and you will be able to evaluate the market. You are able to draw up a presentation of your chosen final product or service using versatile source materials.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5:
You are able to develop the production of forest-based raw materials suitable for further processing. You have a thorough knowledge of the the service you have chosen or the raw material characteristics and production of the final product you have selected and you can realistically evaluate the market. You are able to produce a flawless presentation of your chosen final product or service using rich and versatile source materials.