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Profitability and Cost AccountingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: LM00BD32


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Jaana Auer
  • Maija Laahanen
  • Milla Welling


On completion of this course you are able to make profitability and cost accounting. You can use calculations to manage agribusiness operations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Business know-how

Learning outcomes
On this course you will learn the concept of return and costs, principles of gross margin accounting and its application. On completion of this course you can make profitability calculations of crop production or domestic animal production, or other product or operation connected calculations. You can make cost and price setting calculations. You are able to value different types of property and determine capital costs. You can utilize internal calculation to manage agribusiness operations. You can make profitability and cost calculations for your business plan.


variable cost, fixed cost, total production cost, return, gross margin, net profit margin, labour cost, cost of machine work, pricing products, property value setting, capital cost, using internal accounting in agribusiness management, calculations for business plan

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You know the concept of return and costs and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting under guidance. You know some property valuation methods. You know some occasions where to utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan under guidance.

Satisfactory 2: You know the concept of return and costs, and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting independently. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can choose a suitable calculation formula for the planning situation at hand. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently.

Very good 4: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently and in a versatile way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You know the concept of return and costs, and can independently specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can independently apply them in varying situations. You can analyze critically business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently, in a versatile way and evaluate them critically.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


01.09.2023 - 08.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Milla Welling
  • LMS21S1
    Maaseutuelinkeinot (AMK)
  • LMS21KM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries


On completion of this course you are able to make profitability and cost accounting. You can use calculations to manage agribusiness operations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Business know-how

Learning outcomes
On this course you will learn the concept of return and costs, principles of gross margin accounting and its application. On completion of this course you can make profitability calculations of crop production or domestic animal production, or other product or operation connected calculations. You can make cost and price setting calculations. You are able to value different types of property and determine capital costs. You can utilize internal calculation to manage agribusiness operations. You can make profitability and cost calculations for your business plan.


variable cost, fixed cost, total production cost, return, gross margin, net profit margin, labour cost, cost of machine work, pricing products, property value setting, capital cost, using internal accounting in agribusiness management, calculations for business plan

Location and time

Kurssin opetus tapahtuu pääasiallisesti lähiopetuksena luokassa. Alustavan aikataulun mukaan opetus on syyslukukaudella, perjantaiaamupäivisin:
15.9. ETÄNÄ, ZOOM (kaikki etäopetus tässä zoom-linkissä)
27.10. ETÄNÄ, ZOOM (kaikki etäopetus tässä zoom-linkissä)
10.11. ETÄNÄ, ZOOM (kaikki etäopetus tässä zoom-linkissä)


Palva, R. 2019. Konetyön kuntannukset ja tilastolliset urakointihinnat. TTS julkaisuja 447.
Teaching material in Moodle.

Teaching methods

contact lessons
independent studies

Student workload

contact lessons 28 h
assignments 103 h
exam 4 h
Total 135 h

Further information

Exam and assignments 0-5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You know the concept of return and costs and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting under guidance. You know some property valuation methods. You know some occasions where to utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan under guidance.

Satisfactory 2: You know the concept of return and costs, and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting independently. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can choose a suitable calculation formula for the planning situation at hand. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently.

Very good 4: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently and in a versatile way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You know the concept of return and costs, and can independently specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can independently apply them in varying situations. You can analyze critically business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently, in a versatile way and evaluate them critically.


30.08.2023 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Milla Welling
    Avoin amk,Luva, Nonstop, Verkko
  • ZJA23SLNO2
    Avoin amk, Luva, Nonstop 2, Verkko
  • ZJA24KLNO3
    Avoin amk, Luva, Nonstop 3, Verkko


On completion of this course you are able to make profitability and cost accounting. You can use calculations to manage agribusiness operations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Business know-how

Learning outcomes
On this course you will learn the concept of return and costs, principles of gross margin accounting and its application. On completion of this course you can make profitability calculations of crop production or domestic animal production, or other product or operation connected calculations. You can make cost and price setting calculations. You are able to value different types of property and determine capital costs. You can utilize internal calculation to manage agribusiness operations. You can make profitability and cost calculations for your business plan.


variable cost, fixed cost, total production cost, return, gross margin, net profit margin, labour cost, cost of machine work, pricing products, property value setting, capital cost, using internal accounting in agribusiness management, calculations for business plan

Location and time

Lukukausi 2023-2024

Teaching methods

Kurssi on suoritettavissa kokonaisuudessaan virtuaalisesti. Kurssiin ei sisälly aikaan sidottua opetusta.

Student workload

Itsenäinen opiskelu, opintopäiväkirja ja tehtävät noin 133 tuntia. Tentti 2 tuntia.

Further information

Arvosana muodostuu opintopäiväkirjasta, palautettavista tehtävistä, sekä tentistä. Arviointi asteikolla 0-5.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You know the concept of return and costs and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting under guidance. You know some property valuation methods. You know some occasions where to utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan under guidance.

Satisfactory 2: You know the concept of return and costs, and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting independently. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can choose a suitable calculation formula for the planning situation at hand. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently.

Very good 4: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently and in a versatile way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You know the concept of return and costs, and can independently specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can independently apply them in varying situations. You can analyze critically business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently, in a versatile way and evaluate them critically.


01.08.2022 - 31.05.2023


30.08.2022 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Jaana Auer
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • Maija Laahanen
  • ZJA22SLNO1
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 1, Verkko
  • ZJA22SLNO2
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 2, Verkko
  • ZJA23KLNO3
    Avoin amk, Nonstop 3, Verkko


On completion of this course you are able to make profitability and cost accounting. You can use calculations to manage agribusiness operations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Business know-how

Learning outcomes
On this course you will learn the concept of return and costs, principles of gross margin accounting and its application. On completion of this course you can make profitability calculations of crop production or domestic animal production, or other product or operation connected calculations. You can make cost and price setting calculations. You are able to value different types of property and determine capital costs. You can utilize internal calculation to manage agribusiness operations. You can make profitability and cost calculations for your business plan.


variable cost, fixed cost, total production cost, return, gross margin, net profit margin, labour cost, cost of machine work, pricing products, property value setting, capital cost, using internal accounting in agribusiness management, calculations for business plan

Location and time

e-learning in Moodle


teaching material in Moodle
Palva, R.2019. Konetyön kustannukset ja tilastolliset urakointihinnat. TTS julkaisuja 447; Markkinariskien hallinta maatilalla.2013. Tieto tuottamaan 138.
study material in Moodle

Teaching methods

on-line course, independent study, assignments

Exam schedules

no exam
assingments are evaluated using scale 0-5

Student workload

independent study135 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You know the concept of return and costs and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting under guidance. You know some property valuation methods. You know some occasions where to utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan under guidance.

Satisfactory 2: You know the concept of return and costs, and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting independently. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can choose a suitable calculation formula for the planning situation at hand. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently.

Very good 4: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently and in a versatile way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You know the concept of return and costs, and can independently specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can independently apply them in varying situations. You can analyze critically business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently, in a versatile way and evaluate them critically.


03.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

40 % Contact teaching, 60 % Distance learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Maija Laahanen
  • LMS20S1


On completion of this course you are able to make profitability and cost accounting. You can use calculations to manage agribusiness operations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Business know-how

Learning outcomes
On this course you will learn the concept of return and costs, principles of gross margin accounting and its application. On completion of this course you can make profitability calculations of crop production or domestic animal production, or other product or operation connected calculations. You can make cost and price setting calculations. You are able to value different types of property and determine capital costs. You can utilize internal calculation to manage agribusiness operations. You can make profitability and cost calculations for your business plan.


variable cost, fixed cost, total production cost, return, gross margin, net profit margin, labour cost, cost of machine work, pricing products, property value setting, capital cost, using internal accounting in agribusiness management, calculations for business plan


Palva, R. 2019. Konetyön kuntannukset ja tilastolliset urakointihinnat. TTS julkaisuja 447.
Teaching material in Moodle.

Teaching methods

contact lessons
independent studies

Student workload

contact lessons 60 h
assignments 71 h
exam 4 h
Total 135 h

Further information

Exam and assignments 0-5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You know the concept of return and costs and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting under guidance. You know some property valuation methods. You know some occasions where to utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan under guidance.

Satisfactory 2: You know the concept of return and costs, and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting independently. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can choose a suitable calculation formula for the planning situation at hand. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently.

Very good 4: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently and in a versatile way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You know the concept of return and costs, and can independently specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can independently apply them in varying situations. You can analyze critically business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently, in a versatile way and evaluate them critically.


16.08.2021 - 31.07.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology


Institute of Bioeconomy

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Agricultural and Rural Industries
  • Jaana Auer
  • Kaisa Kinnunen
  • Maija Laahanen
    Avoin AMK, luva, Nuoren viljelijän opinnot
  • ZJA22KL
    Avoin AMK, luva


On completion of this course you are able to make profitability and cost accounting. You can use calculations to manage agribusiness operations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Business know-how

Learning outcomes
On this course you will learn the concept of return and costs, principles of gross margin accounting and its application. On completion of this course you can make profitability calculations of crop production or domestic animal production, or other product or operation connected calculations. You can make cost and price setting calculations. You are able to value different types of property and determine capital costs. You can utilize internal calculation to manage agribusiness operations. You can make profitability and cost calculations for your business plan.


variable cost, fixed cost, total production cost, return, gross margin, net profit margin, labour cost, cost of machine work, pricing products, property value setting, capital cost, using internal accounting in agribusiness management, calculations for business plan


teaching material in Moodle
Palva, R.2019. Konetyön kustannukset ja tilastolliset urakointihinnat. TTS julkaisuja 447; Markkinariskien hallinta maatilalla.2013. Tieto tuottamaan 138.
study material in Moodle

Teaching methods

on-line course
independent studies

Exam schedules

no exam
assingments are evaluated using scale 0-5

Student workload

independent study135 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You know the concept of return and costs and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting under guidance. You know some property valuation methods. You know some occasions where to utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan under guidance.

Satisfactory 2: You know the concept of return and costs, and can recognize variable costs, fixed costs and returns of a production field. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting independently. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can choose a suitable calculation formula for the planning situation at hand. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know some property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently.

Very good 4: You know the concept of return and costs, and can specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can apply them in varying situations. You can analyze business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently and in a versatile way.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You know the concept of return and costs, and can independently specify variable costs, fixed costs and returns of different production fields. You are able to make gross margin, total production cost and cost accounting in varying situations. You know property valuation methods and can independently apply them in varying situations. You can analyze critically business performance based on profitability and cost calculations and can utilize calculations in agribusiness management. You can calculate profitability and costs for your business plan independently, in a versatile way and evaluate them critically.