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Nutrition as a Component of WellbeingLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SZ00BB83


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Maaret Rutanen, Hyvinvointi


Meaning of the course
You will learn what is the meaning of nutrition in human well-being. You will learn how you can guide and support to make a changes in nutrition.

Learning and information management competence
Client competence in health and social care

Goal of the course
This course supports you to understand the meaning of nutrition as a part of well-being. You will learn the most important challenges related to nutrition as well as ways to influence on them. You will understand nutrition guidance principles and you can apply them into practice.


In this course you will examine what is the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You will orientate yourself with the most important challenges in nutrition and nutrition guidance principles. You will use evidence-based knowledge in planning nutrition guidance. You will apply your learning into practice, and you will evaluate your own actions.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: You show that you understand the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You can allocate challenges related to nutrition and you will find new ways to support the changes in nutrition. You use base your knowledge on theory. You show that you can plan a guidance situation based on theory. You carry out a nutrition guidance situation utilizing your own knowledge and theory and you evaluate your own skills based on theory.

Fail: You cannot show that you understand the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You cannot allocate challenges related to nutrition and you will find new ways to support the changes in nutrition. You do not base your knowledge on theory. Carrying out a guidance situation does not work out or there are big challenges in it. Evaluating the guidance situation and you own skills in it is insufficient.

Further information

This course is part of Edufutura module 20 cr.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


04.09.2023 - 30.11.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Maaret Rutanen
Teacher in charge

Maaret Rutanen


Meaning of the course
You will learn what is the meaning of nutrition in human well-being. You will learn how you can guide and support to make a changes in nutrition.

Learning and information management competence
Client competence in health and social care

Goal of the course
This course supports you to understand the meaning of nutrition as a part of well-being. You will learn the most important challenges related to nutrition as well as ways to influence on them. You will understand nutrition guidance principles and you can apply them into practice.


In this course you will examine what is the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You will orientate yourself with the most important challenges in nutrition and nutrition guidance principles. You will use evidence-based knowledge in planning nutrition guidance. You will apply your learning into practice, and you will evaluate your own actions.


Arajärvi, P. & Thesleff, P. 2020. Suorituskyvyn psykologia. Tieto- ja tiatokirja korkeaa suorituskykyä ja hyvinvointia rakentaville. VK-Kustannus Oy.

Aro, A., Mutanen, M. & Uusitupa, M. (toim.) 2014. Ravitsemustiede. Duodecim.

Ilander, O. 2021. Liikuntaravitsemus 3.0. VK-Kustannus Oy. 3.

Valtion ravitsemusneuvottelukunta. Terveyttä ruoasta! Suomalaiset ravitsemussuositukset 2014. Juvenes Print.

Current age-based and special recommendations.

Teaching methods

Opintojakson opetus- ja oppimismenetelminä hyödynnetään verkko-opiskelua. Opintojakson toteutus perustuu oppimistehtäviin, verkkokeskusteluihin, käytännössä harjoitteluun ja workshop-työskentelyyn. Ohjauksessa ja palautteen annossa hyödynnetään itse- ja vertaisarviointia sekä opettajan antamaa palautetta.

Employer connections

The practical training of the course can be implemented with working life partner.

Student workload

Workshops and webinar 8 hrs
Reading recommendations and literature 27 hrs
Plan, practice and report 27 hrs
Learning tasks 19 hrs

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: You show that you understand the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You can allocate challenges related to nutrition and you will find new ways to support the changes in nutrition. You use base your knowledge on theory. You show that you can plan a guidance situation based on theory. You carry out a nutrition guidance situation utilizing your own knowledge and theory and you evaluate your own skills based on theory.

Fail: You cannot show that you understand the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You cannot allocate challenges related to nutrition and you will find new ways to support the changes in nutrition. You do not base your knowledge on theory. Carrying out a guidance situation does not work out or there are big challenges in it. Evaluating the guidance situation and you own skills in it is insufficient.

Further information

This course is part of Edufutura module 20 cr.


01.03.2022 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Maaret Rutanen
Teacher in charge

Maaret Rutanen

    Avoin amk, KKD, Hyvinvointivalmennuksen KKD


Meaning of the course
You will learn what is the meaning of nutrition in human well-being. You will learn how you can guide and support to make a changes in nutrition.

Learning and information management competence
Client competence in health and social care

Goal of the course
This course supports you to understand the meaning of nutrition as a part of well-being. You will learn the most important challenges related to nutrition as well as ways to influence on them. You will understand nutrition guidance principles and you can apply them into practice.


In this course you will examine what is the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You will orientate yourself with the most important challenges in nutrition and nutrition guidance principles. You will use evidence-based knowledge in planning nutrition guidance. You will apply your learning into practice, and you will evaluate your own actions.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass: You show that you understand the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You can allocate challenges related to nutrition and you will find new ways to support the changes in nutrition. You use base your knowledge on theory. You show that you can plan a guidance situation based on theory. You carry out a nutrition guidance situation utilizing your own knowledge and theory and you evaluate your own skills based on theory.

Fail: You cannot show that you understand the meaning of the nutrition in well-being. You cannot allocate challenges related to nutrition and you will find new ways to support the changes in nutrition. You do not base your knowledge on theory. Carrying out a guidance situation does not work out or there are big challenges in it. Evaluating the guidance situation and you own skills in it is insufficient.

Further information

This course is part of Edufutura module 20 cr.