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Postnatal Care of The Family and Promotion of Early AttachmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SLSS2012


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person


The purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the midwifery theory of postpartum care of woman and her family

Competences of the course
Professional competence in midwifery
Client competence in midwifery
Clinical competence as a sexual and reproductive health promoter midwife

Learning outcomes of the course
After completing the course, you will understand and be able to justify the factors related to the safe encounter of women given birth and their families.

You will able to identify, assess, and anticipate factors that contribute to the sexual and reproductive health of women given birth, newborns and their families, as well as postpartum recovery and risks and complications after birth based on evidence.

You will know and able to justify the key midwifery interventions, methods of helping and digital solutions and technology in caring the woman, newborn and their family after birth.

You will be able to make empowerment-based and evidence-based decisions in planning and evaluating the multi-professional midwifery work of a woman, newborn and their family after birth.


Legislation, recommendations and service system governing midwifery and nursing care for women who have given birth and families
Encountering and cooperating with a woman who has given birth and a family, and identifying and addressing difficult and sensitive issues
Principles, methods and main contents of sexual and reproductive health promotion of women who have given birth and families
Postpartum recovery, postpartum risks and complications, and nursing care for newborns requiring special monitoring
Midwifery interventions and nursing methods for women who have given birth, newborns and families
Evidence-based treatment process for the sexual and reproductive health of the woman who gave birth and the family
Supporting the relationship and sexuality for the woman who gave birth and the family
Supporting growth, early interaction and mental health in maternity parenting and family parenting, and maternal psychology
Competence in accordance with WHO breastfeeding counseling training
Postpartum checkup

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You can describe the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can name the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth. You can also name the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as name the postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can describe the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can describe empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Satisfactory 2
You can define the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can define the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also define the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as define postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can define the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can define empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You can justify the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can justify the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also justify the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as justify postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can justify the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can justify empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Good 4
You can evaluate the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can evaluate the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also evaluate the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as evaluate postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can evaluate the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can evaluate empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can critically evaluate the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can critically evaluate the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also critically evaluate the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as critically evaluate postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can critically evaluate the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can critically evaluate empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


18.09.2023 - 31.07.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Christina Mantsinen
  • Elina Tiainen
  • SOK21K1
    Degree programme in Midwifery


The purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the midwifery theory of postpartum care of woman and her family

Competences of the course
Professional competence in midwifery
Client competence in midwifery
Clinical competence as a sexual and reproductive health promoter midwife

Learning outcomes of the course
After completing the course, you will understand and be able to justify the factors related to the safe encounter of women given birth and their families.

You will able to identify, assess, and anticipate factors that contribute to the sexual and reproductive health of women given birth, newborns and their families, as well as postpartum recovery and risks and complications after birth based on evidence.

You will know and able to justify the key midwifery interventions, methods of helping and digital solutions and technology in caring the woman, newborn and their family after birth.

You will be able to make empowerment-based and evidence-based decisions in planning and evaluating the multi-professional midwifery work of a woman, newborn and their family after birth.


Legislation, recommendations and service system governing midwifery and nursing care for women who have given birth and families
Encountering and cooperating with a woman who has given birth and a family, and identifying and addressing difficult and sensitive issues
Principles, methods and main contents of sexual and reproductive health promotion of women who have given birth and families
Postpartum recovery, postpartum risks and complications, and nursing care for newborns requiring special monitoring
Midwifery interventions and nursing methods for women who have given birth, newborns and families
Evidence-based treatment process for the sexual and reproductive health of the woman who gave birth and the family
Supporting the relationship and sexuality for the woman who gave birth and the family
Supporting growth, early interaction and mental health in maternity parenting and family parenting, and maternal psychology
Competence in accordance with WHO breastfeeding counseling training
Postpartum checkup


Deufel M. & Montonen E. (toim.) 2017. Onnistunut imetys. Duodecim. e-kirja.
Deufel M. & Montonen E. toim. 2016. Lapsivuodeaika. Duodecim.
Metsäranta, M & Sankilampi, U. (toim.). 2019. Vastasyntyneiden akuuttihoito. Duodecim
Hakulinen T., Otronen K. & Kuronen M. Kansallinen imetyksen edistämisen toimintaohjelma vuosille 2018-2022. THL.
Kallad M. & Sinkkonen J. (toim.). 2011. Varhaislapsuuden tunnesiteet ja niiden suojeleminen. Helsinki. WSOY.
Klemetti, R. & Raussi-Lehto, E. (toim.) 2014. Edistä, ehkäise, vaikuta. Seksuaali- ja lisääntymistervyden toimintaohjelma 2014-2020. THL.
Paananen,U.& Pietiläinen,S. & Raussi-Lehto, E. & Väyrynen, P. & Äimälä, Ä-M (toim) Kätilötyö, 2021.Edita.

Teaching methods

Flipped learning
contact teaching, independent studying, breastfeeding guidance training, online tests, online discussions, group discussions, learning tasks, demonstration of competence.

Employer connections

Visiting lecturer

Exam schedules

Online exam for high risk postpartumtime at the end of the lectures
Online exam for breastfeeding guidance in the fall semester of 2023
Exam of maternal psychology and early interaction in the fall semester of 2023
Postnatal check-up online test.

Student workload

Highrisk postpartumtime 40.5h: contact hours 4.5h, online discussions 6h, independent study 30h
Breastfeeding guidance training 40.5h: contact teaching 15h, training and competence demonstration 8h and independent study 25.5h
Newborn nursing 13.5 h: contact teaching 7.5 h and independent study 6 h
Maternal psychology and early interaction 27 h: independent study 27 h
Online study of postpartum check-up 17 h

Content scheduling

Course 5 cr. consists of:
Highrisk postpartumtime 1.5 cr, in the late autumn semester 2023 or in the early spring semester 2024, and postpartum check-up 0.5 cr , which takes place in small groups either in the early autumn semester 2023.
Breastfeeding instructor training 1.5 cr, which will take place in the autumn semester 2023.
Newborn nursing work 0.5 cr, which will be completed in the late autumn semester of 2023.
Maternal psychology and early interaction 1 cr, which will take place in the late autumn semester 2023.

Further information

The evaluation of the course is based on the evaluation criteria of the course.

Assessment methods:
- self-assessment
- peer review
- qualitative assessment by the teacher
- network tests
- written exam
- learning tasks

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1
You can describe the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can name the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth. You can also name the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as name the postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can describe the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can describe empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Satisfactory 2
You can define the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can define the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also define the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as define postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can define the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can define empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You can justify the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can justify the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also justify the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as justify postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can justify the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can justify empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Good 4
You can evaluate the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can evaluate the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also evaluate the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as evaluate postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can evaluate the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can evaluate empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You can critically evaluate the factors involved in the safe encounter of women who have given birth and their families.

You can critically evaluate the factors that promote the health, as well as sexual and reproductive health, of the woman given birth, newborn and family. You can also critically evaluate the factors of childbirth and postpartum recovery as well as critically evaluate postnatal risks and complications of woman and newborn based on evidence.

You can critically evaluate the interventions and helping methods of midwifery for a woman given birth, newborn and family, and the related digitalisation and treatment technology.

You can critically evaluate empowerment-based and evidence-based process in planning and evaluation of midwifery work for women given birth, newborn and families.