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Orientation Practice in Family NursingLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SZYYW207


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


08.01.2024 - 10.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Elina Tiainen
  • Suvi Aunala
  • SOK22KS
    Kätilö (AMK), päivätoteutus


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinal practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug accounting
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Female Nursing and Child and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


23.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Karoliina Mecklin
  • Taina Sten
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Suvi Aunala
  • Elina Tiainen
    Avoin AMK, sote, Sairaanhoitajan osaajakoulutus: Lasten ja nuorten hoitotyön syventävä osaaminen
  • SAR23KM2
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinical practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug calculations
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Women´s Nursing and Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 27.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Taina Sten
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Suvi Aunala
  • Elina Tiainen
  • SAR22KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinical practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug calculations
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Women´s Nursing and Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


13.03.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Karoliina Mecklin
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Elina Tiainen
  • Suvi Aunala
  • SAR21SM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinical practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug calculations
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Women´s Nursing and Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 12.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Elina Tiainen
  • Suvi Aunala
  • SOK21K1
    Degree programme in Midwifery


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinal practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug accounting
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Female Nursing and Child and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 10.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 32

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Karoliina Mecklin
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Suvi Aunala
  • SAR21S1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinal practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug accounting
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Female Nursing and Child and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


24.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Karoliina Mecklin
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Suvi Aunala
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinical practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug calculations
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Women´s Nursing and Pediatric and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 28.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Suvi Aunala
  • Elina Tiainen
  • SAR21K1
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinal practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug accounting
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Female Nursing and Child and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.08.2022 - 31.07.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Hakala
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


14.03.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Heidi Pasonen
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Suvi Aunala
  • Elina Tiainen
  • SAR21KM
    Sairaanhoitaja (AMK)


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinal practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug accounting
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Female Nursing and Child and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 10.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Degree Programme in Nursing
  • Karoliina Mecklin
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Suvi Aunala
  • SAR20S1


Purpose of the course
After completing this course, you will have readiness to use family nursing methods.

Competences of the course
Health promotion skills
Guidance and interaction competence
Clinical competence

Outcomes of the course
You understand the diversity of families and are able to apply the key empowering methods of family nursing in simulation situation. You understand the growth and developmental stages of a child and are able to apply growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examinations and nursing care in a simulation situation.
You are able to apply monitoring and nursing methods with pediatric illnesses.
You are able to apply sexual and reproductive health examination and nursing care in a simulation situation.


Diversity of families
Evidence-based family nursing
Family resource-focused counseling
Role maps
Monitoring growth and development of a child
Children's emotional and safety skills
Essential examinations and assistance in examinations of a sick child
Newborn and child resuscitation
Gynecological examinations and care, and support during examinations
Treatment of unplanned out-of-hospital childbirth
Neonatal basic care
Baby massage
Basics of breastfeeding guidance
Medication calculation


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016. Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro.
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit.
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro.
Nursing clinal practice guidelines Current care guidelines
The main Nursing Recommendations and Current Care Recommendations related to family nursing.

Teaching methods

Laboratory and simulation teaching
Demonstration of learning
Contact teaching of drug accounting
Participatory lecture teaching

Exam schedules

Family nursing course portfolio
Demonstration of learning
Drug calculation exam

Student workload

Laboratory and simulation teaching, drug calculations and demonstration of learning 3 ECTS

Content scheduling

Laboratory and simulation teaching, demonstration of learning and drug calculation take place simultaneously with Maternity and Female Nursing and Child and Adolescent Nursing.

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the objectives and assessment criteria of the course.

Criteria for the approved course portfolio:
You can apply the theory of family care to the context of family care. You justify and reflect on choices in the course portfolio using relevant and evidence-based multidisciplinary information. You can comprehensively assess your ability to carry out family care work.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You demonstrate understanding of family diversity and you demonstrate the ability to use key empowering methods in family nursing in a simulation situation.
You demonstrate understanding of the growth and developmental stages of a child and you demonstrate the ability to implement growth and developmental monitoring methods as well as examination and assistance methods in the case of a sick child.
In simulation situation, you demonstrate your ability to perform examination and nursing care methods of sexual and reproductive health.
You demonstrate your ability to perform medication calculation needed in the implementation of medication treatment.


The student masters the contents of anatomy and physiology as well as of pharmacology and medicine related to the above mentioned nursing studies.
The student masters the methods of health promotion, medical nursing, mental health, substance abuse and crisis management.
The student knows the basics of evidence-based decision making.