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Professional Practice ILaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SOSSW201


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Merja Nybacka
  • Riikka Rantanen


After this Professional Practice in Social Services 1, you know the services, professional principles, legislation, curriculum and partners in social services or early childhood education. You are able to work in basic working assignments of social work or early childhood education according to the ethical principles of client work. You are able to participate, support and guide the clients. You know the basic principles and practices of documentation. You are able to analyze and assess your working competencies in social work or early childhood education, especially your interaction and work community skills.


In this professional practice you work in a unit of social services or early childhood education. There you orientate yourself to the services, work tasks, clients and their service processes. You apply the theories of social work to your working practices, methods, participating and guiding of the clients. You participate in the documentation processes of the client data in cooperation with the staff. You observe, analyze and assess your working competencies, especially your development in social interaction and work community skills.


The students know the basic theoretical and ethical principles in client work and social services.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) You are able to describe the services and main co-operation partners of your practical placement organization. You know, and are able to describe the main laws, as well as edicts and curriculums regulating the services. You apply the ethical values and professional principles of social work in your own actions and take part in the documentation of client data. You keep your promise of confidentiality in mind. You identify the customers' needs and resources, and you are able to consider those in your own operations and guiding work. You analyze and assess the development of your competences in social work, especially interaction skills and work community skills, during the practical training period.

Further information

You can apply prior learning identification, if you have a professional qualification and at least a half-year working experience in the field, which is in correspondence with the course competencies, objectives and contents of the practical training.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


15.04.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 55

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Anniina Berg
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Timo Hintikka
  • Tuija Ketola
  • Merja Nybacka
Teacher in charge

Merja Nybacka

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


After this Professional Practice in Social Services 1, you know the services, professional principles, legislation, curriculum and partners in social services or early childhood education. You are able to work in basic working assignments of social work or early childhood education according to the ethical principles of client work. You are able to participate, support and guide the clients. You know the basic principles and practices of documentation. You are able to analyze and assess your working competencies in social work or early childhood education, especially your interaction and work community skills.


In this professional practice you work in a unit of social services or early childhood education. There you orientate yourself to the services, work tasks, clients and their service processes. You apply the theories of social work to your working practices, methods, participating and guiding of the clients. You participate in the documentation processes of the client data in cooperation with the staff. You observe, analyze and assess your working competencies, especially your development in social interaction and work community skills.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) You are able to describe the services and main co-operation partners of your practical placement organization. You know, and are able to describe the main laws, as well as edicts and curriculums regulating the services. You apply the ethical values and professional principles of social work in your own actions and take part in the documentation of client data. You keep your promise of confidentiality in mind. You identify the customers' needs and resources, and you are able to consider those in your own operations and guiding work. You analyze and assess the development of your competences in social work, especially interaction skills and work community skills, during the practical training period.


The students know the basic theoretical and ethical principles in client work and social services.

Further information

You can apply prior learning identification, if you have a professional qualification and at least a half-year working experience in the field, which is in correspondence with the course competencies, objectives and contents of the practical training.


07.09.2023 - 15.09.2023


08.01.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Anniina Berg
Teacher in charge

Riikka Rantanen

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi, monimuoto, Lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi


After this Professional Practice in Social Services 1, you know the services, professional principles, legislation, curriculum and partners in social services or early childhood education. You are able to work in basic working assignments of social work or early childhood education according to the ethical principles of client work. You are able to participate, support and guide the clients. You know the basic principles and practices of documentation. You are able to analyze and assess your working competencies in social work or early childhood education, especially your interaction and work community skills.


In this professional practice you work in a unit of social services or early childhood education. There you orientate yourself to the services, work tasks, clients and their service processes. You apply the theories of social work to your working practices, methods, participating and guiding of the clients. You participate in the documentation processes of the client data in cooperation with the staff. You observe, analyze and assess your working competencies, especially your development in social interaction and work community skills.

Completion alternatives

Hyväksiluku/AHOT edellyttäen, että opiskelijalla on vähintään puoli vuoden kokemus sosiaalialan asiakastyöstä.

Further information

Avoin amk, Lastenhoitajasta sosionomiksi - erillisryhmän harjoittelu (30 opiskelijaa)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) You are able to describe the services and main co-operation partners of your practical placement organization. You know, and are able to describe the main laws, as well as edicts and curriculums regulating the services. You apply the ethical values and professional principles of social work in your own actions and take part in the documentation of client data. You keep your promise of confidentiality in mind. You identify the customers' needs and resources, and you are able to consider those in your own operations and guiding work. You analyze and assess the development of your competences in social work, especially interaction skills and work community skills, during the practical training period.


The students know the basic theoretical and ethical principles in client work and social services.

Further information

You can apply prior learning identification, if you have a professional qualification and at least a half-year working experience in the field, which is in correspondence with the course competencies, objectives and contents of the practical training.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


11.04.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 65

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Anniina Berg
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Tuija Ketola
  • Erikka Levälahti
  • Merja Nybacka
Teacher in charge

Riikka Rantanen

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


After this Professional Practice in Social Services 1, you know the services, professional principles, legislation, curriculum and partners in social services or early childhood education. You are able to work in basic working assignments of social work or early childhood education according to the ethical principles of client work. You are able to participate, support and guide the clients. You know the basic principles and practices of documentation. You are able to analyze and assess your working competencies in social work or early childhood education, especially your interaction and work community skills.


In this professional practice you work in a unit of social services or early childhood education. There you orientate yourself to the services, work tasks, clients and their service processes. You apply the theories of social work to your working practices, methods, participating and guiding of the clients. You participate in the documentation processes of the client data in cooperation with the staff. You observe, analyze and assess your working competencies, especially your development in social interaction and work community skills.

Teaching methods

Harjoittelun info- ja purkuwebinaarit. Ammattitaitoa edistävä harjoittelu työelämässä. Harjoitteluraportin työstäminen.

Employer connections

Harjoittelu sosiaalialan tai varhaiskasvatyksen yksikössä.

Student workload

Practical training 124 hours.
Assignments 11 hours.
Total 135 h

Further information

Arviointikeskustelu, johon osallistuvat opiskelija, harjoittelupaikan ohjaaja sekä ohjaava opettaja. Lisäksi arviointi perustuu harjoitteluraportin arviointiin.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) You are able to describe the services and main co-operation partners of your practical placement organization. You know, and are able to describe the main laws, as well as edicts and curriculums regulating the services. You apply the ethical values and professional principles of social work in your own actions and take part in the documentation of client data. You keep your promise of confidentiality in mind. You identify the customers' needs and resources, and you are able to consider those in your own operations and guiding work. You analyze and assess the development of your competences in social work, especially interaction skills and work community skills, during the practical training period.


The students know the basic theoretical and ethical principles in client work and social services.

Further information

You can apply prior learning identification, if you have a professional qualification and at least a half-year working experience in the field, which is in correspondence with the course competencies, objectives and contents of the practical training.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 23

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Anniina Berg
Teacher in charge

Riikka Rantanen

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, lähihoitajasta sosionomiksi monimuoto


After this Professional Practice in Social Services 1, you know the services, professional principles, legislation, curriculum and partners in social services or early childhood education. You are able to work in basic working assignments of social work or early childhood education according to the ethical principles of client work. You are able to participate, support and guide the clients. You know the basic principles and practices of documentation. You are able to analyze and assess your working competencies in social work or early childhood education, especially your interaction and work community skills.


In this professional practice you work in a unit of social services or early childhood education. There you orientate yourself to the services, work tasks, clients and their service processes. You apply the theories of social work to your working practices, methods, participating and guiding of the clients. You participate in the documentation processes of the client data in cooperation with the staff. You observe, analyze and assess your working competencies, especially your development in social interaction and work community skills.

Completion alternatives

Hyväksiluku/AHOT edellyttäen, että opiskelijalla on vähintään puoli vuoden kokemus sosiaalialan asiakastyöstä.

Further information

Avoin AMK, Lähihoitajasta sosionomiksi - ryhmän harjoittelu.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) You are able to describe the services and main co-operation partners of your practical placement organization. You know, and are able to describe the main laws, as well as edicts and curriculums regulating the services. You apply the ethical values and professional principles of social work in your own actions and take part in the documentation of client data. You keep your promise of confidentiality in mind. You identify the customers' needs and resources, and you are able to consider those in your own operations and guiding work. You analyze and assess the development of your competences in social work, especially interaction skills and work community skills, during the practical training period.


The students know the basic theoretical and ethical principles in client work and social services.

Further information

You can apply prior learning identification, if you have a professional qualification and at least a half-year working experience in the field, which is in correspondence with the course competencies, objectives and contents of the practical training.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


11.04.2022 - 06.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Anniina Berg
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Timo Hintikka
  • Tuija Ketola
  • Merja Nybacka
  • Raija Lundahl
Teacher in charge

Merja Nybacka

  • SOS21SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


After this Professional Practice in Social Services 1, you know the services, professional principles, legislation, curriculum and partners in social services or early childhood education. You are able to work in basic working assignments of social work or early childhood education according to the ethical principles of client work. You are able to participate, support and guide the clients. You know the basic principles and practices of documentation. You are able to analyze and assess your working competencies in social work or early childhood education, especially your interaction and work community skills.


In this professional practice you work in a unit of social services or early childhood education. There you orientate yourself to the services, work tasks, clients and their service processes. You apply the theories of social work to your working practices, methods, participating and guiding of the clients. You participate in the documentation processes of the client data in cooperation with the staff. You observe, analyze and assess your working competencies, especially your development in social interaction and work community skills.

Teaching methods

Ohjattu harjoittelu, harjoittelussa oppimistehtävät, itsearvionti.

Completion alternatives

Varhaiskasvatuksen sosionomin kelpoisuuden hankkivat opiskelijat suorittavat harjoittelun päiväkodissa. Sosiaaliohjaukseen suuntautuneet opiskelijat suorittavat harjoittelun HOPSin mukaisesti.

Student workload

Harjoittelun kokonaislaajuus on 135 tuntia, josta työskentely sosiaalialan toimintaympäristössä 124 tuntia (noin 4 viikkoa) 6-7 tuntia päivässä. Tuntimäärä sisältää tapaamiset koululla (mikäli teet harjoittelun ohjeellisen harjoitteluajan ulkopuolella, tee tunnit harjoittelupaikassa). Muu aika 11 h on varattu harjoittelun oppimistehtävien tekemiseen.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S) You are able to describe the services and main co-operation partners of your practical placement organization. You know, and are able to describe the main laws, as well as edicts and curriculums regulating the services. You apply the ethical values and professional principles of social work in your own actions and take part in the documentation of client data. You keep your promise of confidentiality in mind. You identify the customers' needs and resources, and you are able to consider those in your own operations and guiding work. You analyze and assess the development of your competences in social work, especially interaction skills and work community skills, during the practical training period.


The students know the basic theoretical and ethical principles in client work and social services.

Further information

You can apply prior learning identification, if you have a professional qualification and at least a half-year working experience in the field, which is in correspondence with the course competencies, objectives and contents of the practical training.