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Service System and Social SecurityLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SOSS2013


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Tuija Ketola
  • Jenni Koivumäki


After completing the course, you
- are familiar with the main elements of the structures of the social and health care service system and Finnish social security
- are familiar with the international welfare state models and the special features of the Finnish social security as part of social change
- are familiar with the main elements of the legislation connected to the service system and the social and health policy programmes and you understand how they are connected with your own work, individuals, communities and societies
- are capable of acting as an expert in the field of social services in accordance with the client’s best interest in multi-professional and multi-disciplinary collaboration


The course examines the stuctures of social and health care services, social security and key regulations in Finland. Also, different welfare state models became familiar. Welfare state models and service systems are considere in relation to social service work as well as in their significance for the individual, the community and society.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1.The student recognises some features of the Finnish social services and health care system and social security and examines their significance. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

2.The student recognises some features and different stages of development in the Finnish social and health care system and social security and examines their significance using examples. The student can list essential aspects of social welfare and health care services and name the framework legislation governing their production and organisation. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3–4. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and presents the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student is familiar with the current social welfare and health care services in essential respects and describes the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to present the related decision-making. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and explains the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student can create an overall picture of current social and health care services and is familiar with the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to explain the related decision-making. They can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services. The student can utilise multiple sources in a versatile manner when examining topics and examine them through several examples.


Asiakasturvallisuuden teemanumero. Janus 4/2022.
Havakka P. ym. toim. 2017 Sosiaalivakuutus.
Nykänen, Kalliomaa-Puha, Mattila 2017. Sosiaaliset oikeudet - näkökulmia perustaan ja toteutumiseen.
Karvonen, S., Kestilä, L. & Saikkonen, P. toim. 2022. Suomalaisten hyvinvointi.
Sosiaalihuoltolaki 1301/2014 ja muu sosiaalilainsäädäntö soveltuvin osin.
Sosiaalihuoltolain soveltamisopas. STM 2017:5.
Terveydenhuoltolaki 1326/2010 palvelujen osalta. Finlex.
Zechner M. 2019. Näkökulmia palvelutarpeen arviointiin.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


11.03.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Tuija Ketola
Teacher in charge

Jenni Koivumäki

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


After completing the course, you
- are familiar with the main elements of the structures of the social and health care service system and Finnish social security
- are familiar with the international welfare state models and the special features of the Finnish social security as part of social change
- are familiar with the main elements of the legislation connected to the service system and the social and health policy programmes and you understand how they are connected with your own work, individuals, communities and societies
- are capable of acting as an expert in the field of social services in accordance with the client’s best interest in multi-professional and multi-disciplinary collaboration


The course examines the stuctures of social and health care services, social security and key regulations in Finland. Also, different welfare state models became familiar. Welfare state models and service systems are considere in relation to social service work as well as in their significance for the individual, the community and society.

Location and time

Webinaarit Zoomissa.


Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2022. Toim. Karvonen, Kestilä & Saikkonen. THL.

Janus-lehden Asiakasturvallisuuden teemanumero Vol 31 Nro 1 (2023).

Muu suositeltu kirjallisuus:
Havakka, P., Niemelä, M. & Uusitalo, H. (toim.) 2017. Sosiaalivakuutus. Helsinki: Finva

Julkunen Raija 2017. Muuttuvat hyvinvointivaltiot. Eurooppalaiset hyvinvointivaltiot reformotavina. SoPhi. University of Jyväskylä. Luettavissa verkossa:

Nykänen, E. Kalliomaa-Puha, L. & Mattila, Y. (toim.). 2017. Sosiaaliset oikeudet - näkökulmia perustaan ja toteutumiseen. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos..

Sosiaaliturvakomitean välimietintö. Valtioneuvoston julkaisuja 2023:26.

Zechner, M. (toim.) 2019. Näkökulmia palvelutarpeen arviointiin. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja B. Raportteja ja selvityksiä 144.

Sosiaalihuoltolaki 1301/2014 ja muu sosiaalilainsäädäntö soveltuvin osin
Sosiaalihuoltolain soveltamisopas. 2017. Helsinki: Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Terveydenhuoltolaki 1326/2010 palvelujen osalta

Teaching methods

Luennot ja vierailijat 12 tuntia, case-tehtävät ryhmissä, oppimistehtävä ryhmässä ja Moodle-kirjatentti. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa.

Employer connections

Vierailijat sosiaalialan organisaatioista, kokemusasiantuntijan ja sosiaaliohjaajan puheenvuorot.

Exam schedules

Tentin ja uusintamahdollisuuksien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan opintojakson ensimmäisellä kerralla.

Completion alternatives

Moodle-tentti on ensisijainen suoritustapa, mutta erityistarpeet huomioiden suoritustapa voidaan räätälöidä yksilöllisesti.

Student workload

12 tuntia osallistuminen opetukseen
Tentti ja oppimistehtävät yht. 123 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.

Further information

Kevään toteutus järjestetään täysin etäopetuksena, webinaareina.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1.The student recognises some features of the Finnish social services and health care system and social security and examines their significance. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

2.The student recognises some features and different stages of development in the Finnish social and health care system and social security and examines their significance using examples. The student can list essential aspects of social welfare and health care services and name the framework legislation governing their production and organisation. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3–4. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and presents the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student is familiar with the current social welfare and health care services in essential respects and describes the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to present the related decision-making. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and explains the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student can create an overall picture of current social and health care services and is familiar with the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to explain the related decision-making. They can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services. The student can utilise multiple sources in a versatile manner when examining topics and examine them through several examples.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Tuija Ketola
Teacher in charge

Jenni Koivumäki

  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


After completing the course, you
- are familiar with the main elements of the structures of the social and health care service system and Finnish social security
- are familiar with the international welfare state models and the special features of the Finnish social security as part of social change
- are familiar with the main elements of the legislation connected to the service system and the social and health policy programmes and you understand how they are connected with your own work, individuals, communities and societies
- are capable of acting as an expert in the field of social services in accordance with the client’s best interest in multi-professional and multi-disciplinary collaboration


The course examines the stuctures of social and health care services, social security and key regulations in Finland. Also, different welfare state models became familiar. Welfare state models and service systems are considere in relation to social service work as well as in their significance for the individual, the community and society.

Location and time

Lähiopetus kampuksella 3 x 4 tuntia.


Suomalaisten hyvinvointi 2022. Toim. Karvonen, Kestilä & Saikkonen. THL.
Janus-lehden Asiakasturvallisuuden teemanumero Vol 31 Nro 1 (2023).

Muu suositeltu kirjallisuus:
Havakka, P., Niemelä, M. & Uusitalo, H. (toim.) 2017. Sosiaalivakuutus. Helsinki: Finva
Julkunen Raija 2017. Muuttuvat hyvinvointivaltiot. Eurooppalaiset hyvinvointivaltiot reformoitavina. SoPhi. University of Jyväskylä. Luettavissa verkossa:
Nykänen, E. Kalliomaa-Puha, L. & Mattila, Y. (toim.). 2017. Sosiaaliset oikeudet - näkökulmia perustaan ja toteutumiseen. Helsinki: Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
Rissanen, S., Lammintakanen, J. (toim.) 2017. Sosiaali- ja terveysjohtaminen. Helsinki: Sanoma Pro Oy.
Sosiaaliturvakomitean välimietintö. Valtioneuvoston julkaisuja 2023:26. E-julkaisu.
Zechner, M. (toim.) 2019. Näkökulmia palvelutarpeen arviointiin. Seinäjoen ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisusarja B. Raportteja ja selvityksiä 144.

Sosiaalihuoltolaki 1301/2014 ja muu sosiaalilainsäädäntö soveltuvin osin
Sosiaalihuoltolain soveltamisopas. 2017. Helsinki: Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Terveydenhuoltolaki 1326/2010 palvelujen osalta

Teaching methods

Luennot, case-työskentely ryhmissä, vierailijat, oppimistehtävä ryhmässä sekä Moodle-kirjatentti.
Lähiopetus kampuksella 12 tuntia sekä oppimistehtävä ja kirjatentti yhteensä 123 tuntia.

Employer connections

Vierailijat sosiaalialan organisaatioista, kokemusasiantuntijan ja sosiaaliohjaajan puheenvuorot.

Exam schedules

Tentin ja uusintamahdollisuuksien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan opintojakson ensimmäisellä kerralla.

Completion alternatives

Moodle-tentti on ensisijainen suoritustapa, mutta erityistarpeet huomioiden suoritustapa voidaan räätälöidä yksilöllisesti.

Student workload

12 tuntia osallistuminen opetukseen
Tentti ja oppimistehtävät yht. 123 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.

Further information

Syksyn toteutus järjestetään täysin lähiopetuksena kampuksella.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1.The student recognises some features of the Finnish social services and health care system and social security and examines their significance. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

2.The student recognises some features and different stages of development in the Finnish social and health care system and social security and examines their significance using examples. The student can list essential aspects of social welfare and health care services and name the framework legislation governing their production and organisation. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3–4. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and presents the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student is familiar with the current social welfare and health care services in essential respects and describes the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to present the related decision-making. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and explains the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student can create an overall picture of current social and health care services and is familiar with the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to explain the related decision-making. They can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services. The student can utilise multiple sources in a versatile manner when examining topics and examine them through several examples.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


13.03.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 65

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Tuija Ketola
Teacher in charge

Tuija Ketola

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)


After completing the course, you
- are familiar with the main elements of the structures of the social and health care service system and Finnish social security
- are familiar with the international welfare state models and the special features of the Finnish social security as part of social change
- are familiar with the main elements of the legislation connected to the service system and the social and health policy programmes and you understand how they are connected with your own work, individuals, communities and societies
- are capable of acting as an expert in the field of social services in accordance with the client’s best interest in multi-professional and multi-disciplinary collaboration


The course examines the stuctures of social and health care services, social security and key regulations in Finland. Also, different welfare state models became familiar. Welfare state models and service systems are considere in relation to social service work as well as in their significance for the individual, the community and society.

Location and time

Viikko 11 webinaari
Viikko 16 lähiopetus
Viikko 14 webinaari


Havakka P. ym. toim. 2017 Sosiaalivakuutus.
Nykänen, Kalliomaa-Puha, Mattila 2017. Sosiaaliset oikeudet - näkökulmia perustaan ja toteutumiseen
Raunio, K. 2009. Olennainen sosiaalityössä. Gaudeamus.
Zechner M. 2019. Näkökulmia palvelutarpeen arviointiin. E-kirja.
Sosiaalihuoltolaki 1301/2014 ja muu sosiaalilainsäädäntö soveltuvin osin.
Sosiaalihuoltolain soveltamisopas. STM 2017:5.

Teaching methods

Lähiopetus ja webinaarit yht. 12 tuntia, oppimistehtävät ja kirjatentti yht. 123 tuntia.

Exam schedules

Tentin ja uusintamahdollisuuksien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan opintojakson ensimmäisellä kerralla.

Student workload

12 tuntia osallistuminen opetukseen
Tentti ja oppimistehtävät yht. 123 tuntia opiskelijan työtä.

Further information

Avoin AMK 21

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1.The student recognises some features of the Finnish social services and health care system and social security and examines their significance. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

2.The student recognises some features and different stages of development in the Finnish social and health care system and social security and examines their significance using examples. The student can list essential aspects of social welfare and health care services and name the framework legislation governing their production and organisation. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3–4. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and presents the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student is familiar with the current social welfare and health care services in essential respects and describes the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to present the related decision-making. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and explains the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student can create an overall picture of current social and health care services and is familiar with the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to explain the related decision-making. They can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services. The student can utilise multiple sources in a versatile manner when examining topics and examine them through several examples.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Tuomas Lallukka
Teacher in charge

Riikka Rantanen

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, lähihoitajasta sosionomiksi monimuoto


After completing the course, you
- are familiar with the main elements of the structures of the social and health care service system and Finnish social security
- are familiar with the international welfare state models and the special features of the Finnish social security as part of social change
- are familiar with the main elements of the legislation connected to the service system and the social and health policy programmes and you understand how they are connected with your own work, individuals, communities and societies
- are capable of acting as an expert in the field of social services in accordance with the client’s best interest in multi-professional and multi-disciplinary collaboration


The course examines the stuctures of social and health care services, social security and key regulations in Finland. Also, different welfare state models became familiar. Welfare state models and service systems are considere in relation to social service work as well as in their significance for the individual, the community and society.

Further information

Avoin amk 25 paikkaa (Lähihoitajasta sosionomiksi).

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1.The student recognises some features of the Finnish social services and health care system and social security and examines their significance. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

2.The student recognises some features and different stages of development in the Finnish social and health care system and social security and examines their significance using examples. The student can list essential aspects of social welfare and health care services and name the framework legislation governing their production and organisation. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3–4. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and presents the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student is familiar with the current social welfare and health care services in essential respects and describes the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to present the related decision-making. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and explains the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student can create an overall picture of current social and health care services and is familiar with the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to explain the related decision-making. They can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services. The student can utilise multiple sources in a versatile manner when examining topics and examine them through several examples.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


14.03.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 65

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Jenni Koivumäki
  • Tuija Ketola
Teacher in charge

Tuija Ketola

  • SOS21SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomit monimuoto


After completing the course, you
- are familiar with the main elements of the structures of the social and health care service system and Finnish social security
- are familiar with the international welfare state models and the special features of the Finnish social security as part of social change
- are familiar with the main elements of the legislation connected to the service system and the social and health policy programmes and you understand how they are connected with your own work, individuals, communities and societies
- are capable of acting as an expert in the field of social services in accordance with the client’s best interest in multi-professional and multi-disciplinary collaboration


The course examines the stuctures of social and health care services, social security and key regulations in Finland. Also, different welfare state models became familiar. Welfare state models and service systems are considere in relation to social service work as well as in their significance for the individual, the community and society.


Havakka P. ym. toim. 2017 Sosiaalivakuutus.
Nykänen, Kalliomaa-Puha, Mattila 2017. Sosiaaliset oikeudet - näkökulmia perustaan ja toteutumiseen
Zechner M. 2019. Näkökulmia palvelutarpeen arviointiin.
Sosiaalihuoltolaki 1301/2014 ja muu sosiaalilainsäädäntö soveltuvin osin.
Sosiaalihuoltolain soveltamisopas. STM 2017:5.

Teaching methods

Kontaktiopetus webinaarit ja lähiopetus 13 tuntia, tiimiopiskelu ja tehtävät 122 tuntia.

Further information

Avoin AMK 21

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1.The student recognises some features of the Finnish social services and health care system and social security and examines their significance. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

2.The student recognises some features and different stages of development in the Finnish social and health care system and social security and examines their significance using examples. The student can list essential aspects of social welfare and health care services and name the framework legislation governing their production and organisation. Is familiar with different welfare state models. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs based on the instructions and feedback received as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3–4. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and presents the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student is familiar with the current social welfare and health care services in essential respects and describes the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to present the related decision-making. The student can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5. The student is familiar with the stages of the development of social and health services and social security and explains the societal factors behind the change. The student examines the significance of social welfare and health care services from the perspective of individuals, communities and society alike. The student is familiar with the funding, organisation, quality recommendations and good practices of social welfare and health care services. The student can create an overall picture of current social and health care services and is familiar with the framework legislation governing their production and organisation and is able to explain the related decision-making. They can assess their overall understanding and development needs as an expert in social and health care services. The student can utilise multiple sources in a versatile manner when examining topics and examine them through several examples.