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Introduction to Enabling OccupationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: STTS2010


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Tanja Hilli-Harju


Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the knowledge of occupational therapy process. Occupational therapy is based on the understanding of human occupation and how it is related to health and well being. Occupation is used as a means and as a goal in occupational therapy process.

Knowledge of occupational therapy
Occupational therapy process and professional reasoning

Learning outcomes
Students understand and can explain how occupation is connected with health and well-being. Students are able to elaborate what client-centeredness/person-centredness means in occupational therapy. Students can explain why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work (theory-model-framework). Students can differentiate main models and compare their core concepts. Students can describe what occupation and participation mean and compare how different models use these concepts to guide practical work. Students can name and identify different phases of the occupational therapy process. They can apply this knowledge through an example. Students recognize and separate different intervention approaches in occupational therapy.


During the course you will study what theories, models and frame of references are in occupational therapy, and how they are used in the clinical reasoning process. During the course, you will study client-centered and occupational-based occupational therapy models. The focus is on how these models conceptualize occupation and guide occupational therapy process.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and the concepts related to that model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being. You can define client-centeredness by using a theory learned in the course. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, but you have challenges with differentiate them with a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it slightly to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness and apply this knowledge. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a case example.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by different theoretical models. You can describe and demostrate the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to describe and compare detailed concepts of occupation by using different theoretical models. You can describe, demonstrate and reason the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You understand clearly the main differences of the models. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking when reasoning why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario and in different phases of occupational therapy process. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example in an analytic way.


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


03.01.2024 - 10.03.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
Teacher in charge

Tanja Hilli-Harju

  • STT24KM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto


Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the knowledge of occupational therapy process. Occupational therapy is based on the understanding of human occupation and how it is related to health and well being. Occupation is used as a means and as a goal in occupational therapy process.

Knowledge of occupational therapy
Occupational therapy process and professional reasoning

Learning outcomes
Students understand and can explain how occupation is connected with health and well-being. Students are able to elaborate what client-centeredness/person-centredness means in occupational therapy. Students can explain why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work (theory-model-framework). Students can differentiate main models and compare their core concepts. Students can describe what occupation and participation mean and compare how different models use these concepts to guide practical work. Students can name and identify different phases of the occupational therapy process. They can apply this knowledge through an example. Students recognize and separate different intervention approaches in occupational therapy.


During the course you will study what theories, models and frame of references are in occupational therapy, and how they are used in the clinical reasoning process. During the course, you will study client-centered and occupational-based occupational therapy models. The focus is on how these models conceptualize occupation and guide occupational therapy process.


Fisher, A. G., & Marterella, A. (2019). Powerful practice: A model for authentic occupational therapy. Fort Collins, CO: Center for Innovative OT Solutions.

Hautala T., Hämäläinen T., Mäkelä L., Rusi-Pyykkönen M. 2016. Toiminnan voimaa. Toimintaterapia käytännössä. Edita: Helsinki. (mikä tahansa painos soveltuu)

Teaching methods

etukäteen opetusmateriaaleihin , kirjallisuuteen ja luentotallenteisiin perehtyminen, vuorovaikutteiset webinaarit, reflektoiva oppimispäiväkirja sekä tentti

Opintojakso edellyttää läsnäoloa webinaareissa.

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Opintojakson suoritukset kerrotaan ensimmäisellä tapaamisella. Uusintakerrat määritellään opintojakson alussa.

International connections


Completion alternatives

opintojaksosta voi saada hyväksilukua 2 op avoimen amk tai Campusonlinen kautta suoritetusta Ihmisen toiminta arjessa 2 op -opintojaksosta. Hyväksilukuhakemus vastuuopettajalle.

Student workload

luennot, kontaktioppimisen tunnit, tunneillä tehtävät oppimistehtävät sekä niihin valmistautuminen 1 op

tentti 2 op

oppimispäiväkirja 1 op

yhteensä 5 op

Content scheduling


Further information

Open Studies 10 students

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and the concepts related to that model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being. You can define client-centeredness by using a theory learned in the course. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, but you have challenges with differentiate them with a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it slightly to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness and apply this knowledge. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a case example.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by different theoretical models. You can describe and demostrate the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to describe and compare detailed concepts of occupation by using different theoretical models. You can describe, demonstrate and reason the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You understand clearly the main differences of the models. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking when reasoning why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario and in different phases of occupational therapy process. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example in an analytic way.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
Teacher in charge

Tanja Hilli-Harju

  • STT23SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto


Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the knowledge of occupational therapy process. Occupational therapy is based on the understanding of human occupation and how it is related to health and well being. Occupation is used as a means and as a goal in occupational therapy process.

Knowledge of occupational therapy
Occupational therapy process and professional reasoning

Learning outcomes
Students understand and can explain how occupation is connected with health and well-being. Students are able to elaborate what client-centeredness/person-centredness means in occupational therapy. Students can explain why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work (theory-model-framework). Students can differentiate main models and compare their core concepts. Students can describe what occupation and participation mean and compare how different models use these concepts to guide practical work. Students can name and identify different phases of the occupational therapy process. They can apply this knowledge through an example. Students recognize and separate different intervention approaches in occupational therapy.


During the course you will study what theories, models and frame of references are in occupational therapy, and how they are used in the clinical reasoning process. During the course, you will study client-centered and occupational-based occupational therapy models. The focus is on how these models conceptualize occupation and guide occupational therapy process.


Fisher, A. G., & Marterella, A. (2019). Powerful practice: A model for authentic occupational therapy. Fort Collins, CO: Center for Innovative OT Solutions.

Hautala T., Hämäläinen T., Mäkelä L., Rusi-Pyykkönen M. 2016. Toiminnan voimaa. Toimintaterapia käytännössä. Edita: Helsinki. (mikä tahansa painos soveltuu)

Teaching methods

etukäteen opetusmateriaaleihin , kirjallisuuteen ja luentotallenteisiin perehtyminen, vuorovaikutteiset webinaarit, reflektoiva oppimispäiväkirja sekä tentti

Opintojakso edellyttää läsnäoloa webinaareissa.

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Opintojakson suoritukset kerrotaan ensimmäisellä tapaamisella. Uusintakerrat määritellään opintojakson alussa.

International connections


Completion alternatives

opintojaksosta voi saada hyväksilukua 2 op avoimen amk tai Campusonlinen kautta suoritetusta Ihmisen toiminta arjessa 2 op -opintojaksosta. Hyväksilukuhakemus vastuuopettajalle.

Student workload

luennot, kontaktioppimisen tunnit, tunneillä tehtävät oppimistehtävät sekä niihin valmistautuminen 1 op

tentti 2 op

oppimispäiväkirja 1 op

yhteensä 5 op

Content scheduling


Further information

Open Studies 10 students

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and the concepts related to that model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being. You can define client-centeredness by using a theory learned in the course. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, but you have challenges with differentiate them with a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it slightly to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness and apply this knowledge. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a case example.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by different theoretical models. You can describe and demostrate the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to describe and compare detailed concepts of occupation by using different theoretical models. You can describe, demonstrate and reason the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You understand clearly the main differences of the models. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking when reasoning why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario and in different phases of occupational therapy process. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example in an analytic way.


01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


28.08.2023 - 29.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Emmi Ritvos
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
Teacher in charge

Tanja Hilli-Harju

  • STT23S1
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)


Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the knowledge of occupational therapy process. Occupational therapy is based on the understanding of human occupation and how it is related to health and well being. Occupation is used as a means and as a goal in occupational therapy process.

Knowledge of occupational therapy
Occupational therapy process and professional reasoning

Learning outcomes
Students understand and can explain how occupation is connected with health and well-being. Students are able to elaborate what client-centeredness/person-centredness means in occupational therapy. Students can explain why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work (theory-model-framework). Students can differentiate main models and compare their core concepts. Students can describe what occupation and participation mean and compare how different models use these concepts to guide practical work. Students can name and identify different phases of the occupational therapy process. They can apply this knowledge through an example. Students recognize and separate different intervention approaches in occupational therapy.


During the course you will study what theories, models and frame of references are in occupational therapy, and how they are used in the clinical reasoning process. During the course, you will study client-centered and occupational-based occupational therapy models. The focus is on how these models conceptualize occupation and guide occupational therapy process.

Teaching methods

Etukäteen itsenäinen valmistautuminen ja perehtyminen (flipped learning), vuorovaikuttinen lähiopetus, oppimispäiväkirja työskentely

Completion alternatives

Opintojaksosta saa 2 op hyväksiluettua avoimen Amk:n tsai Campus Onlinen kautta suoritetusta Ihmisen toiminta arjessa -opinotjaksolla. Toimita hyväksilukuhakemus vastuu opettajalle

Student workload

luennot, kontaktioppimisen tunnit ja näyttöpäivä, tunneillä tehtävät oppimistehtävät sekä niihin valmistautumiset 2 op = 54 h
oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittaminen 1 op=27h
tentti 2 op = 54 h

Further information

Arviointiin vaikuttaa lähiopetuksen tunneilla aktiivinen osallistuminen. Arvosana muodostuu tentistä ja pareittain tehtävästä kirjallisesta tehtävästä

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and the concepts related to that model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being. You can define client-centeredness by using a theory learned in the course. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, but you have challenges with differentiate them with a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it slightly to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness and apply this knowledge. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a case example.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by different theoretical models. You can describe and demostrate the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to describe and compare detailed concepts of occupation by using different theoretical models. You can describe, demonstrate and reason the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You understand clearly the main differences of the models. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking when reasoning why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario and in different phases of occupational therapy process. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example in an analytic way.


01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


31.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 45

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Kaisa Jokinen
  • Katri Kainulainen
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
Teacher in charge

Mari Kantanen

  • STT22SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto


Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the knowledge of occupational therapy process. Occupational therapy is based on the understanding of human occupation and how it is related to health and well being. Occupation is used as a means and as a goal in occupational therapy process.

Knowledge of occupational therapy
Occupational therapy process and professional reasoning

Learning outcomes
Students understand and can explain how occupation is connected with health and well-being. Students are able to elaborate what client-centeredness/person-centredness means in occupational therapy. Students can explain why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work (theory-model-framework). Students can differentiate main models and compare their core concepts. Students can describe what occupation and participation mean and compare how different models use these concepts to guide practical work. Students can name and identify different phases of the occupational therapy process. They can apply this knowledge through an example. Students recognize and separate different intervention approaches in occupational therapy.


During the course you will study what theories, models and frame of references are in occupational therapy, and how they are used in the clinical reasoning process. During the course, you will study client-centered and occupational-based occupational therapy models. The focus is on how these models conceptualize occupation and guide occupational therapy process.


Fisher, A. G., & Marterella, A. (2019). Powerful practice: A model for authentic occupational therapy. Fort Collins, CO: Center for Innovative OT Solutions.

Hautala T., Hämäläinen T., Mäkelä L., Rusi-Pyykkönen M. 2016. Toiminnan voimaa. Toimintaterapia käytännössä. Edita: Helsinki. (mikä tahansa painos soveltuu)

Teaching methods

etukäteen opetusmateriaaleihin , kirjallisuuteen ja luentotallenteisiin perehtyminen, vuorovaikutteiset webinaarit, reflektoiva oppimispäiväkirja sekä tentti

Opintojakso edellyttää läsnäoloa webinaareissa.

Employer connections


Exam schedules

Tentti vkolla 50
1. uusinta vkkolla 51
2. uusinta tammikuussa 2023 viikolla 2

International connections


Completion alternatives

opintojaksosta voi saada hyväksilukua 2 op avoimen amk, Campusonlinen tai Digicampuksen kautta suoritetusta Ihmisen toiminta arjessa 2 op -opintojaksosta. Hyväksilukuhakemus vastuuopettajalle.

Student workload

luennot, kontaktioppimisen tunnit, tunneillä tehtävät oppimistehtävät sekä niihin valmistautuminen 1 op

tentti 2 op

oppimispäiväkirja 1 op

yhteensä 5 op

Content scheduling


Further information

Open Studies 10 students

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and the concepts related to that model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being. You can define client-centeredness by using a theory learned in the course. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, but you have challenges with differentiate them with a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it slightly to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness and apply this knowledge. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a case example.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by different theoretical models. You can describe and demostrate the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to describe and compare detailed concepts of occupation by using different theoretical models. You can describe, demonstrate and reason the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You understand clearly the main differences of the models. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking when reasoning why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario and in different phases of occupational therapy process. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example in an analytic way.


01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 28.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

1 op

Mode of delivery

80 % Contact teaching, 20 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Kaisa Jokinen
  • Katri Kainulainen
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
Teacher in charge

Mari Kantanen

  • STT22S1
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)


Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the knowledge of occupational therapy process. Occupational therapy is based on the understanding of human occupation and how it is related to health and well being. Occupation is used as a means and as a goal in occupational therapy process.

Knowledge of occupational therapy
Occupational therapy process and professional reasoning

Learning outcomes
Students understand and can explain how occupation is connected with health and well-being. Students are able to elaborate what client-centeredness/person-centredness means in occupational therapy. Students can explain why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work (theory-model-framework). Students can differentiate main models and compare their core concepts. Students can describe what occupation and participation mean and compare how different models use these concepts to guide practical work. Students can name and identify different phases of the occupational therapy process. They can apply this knowledge through an example. Students recognize and separate different intervention approaches in occupational therapy.


During the course you will study what theories, models and frame of references are in occupational therapy, and how they are used in the clinical reasoning process. During the course, you will study client-centered and occupational-based occupational therapy models. The focus is on how these models conceptualize occupation and guide occupational therapy process.


Fisher, A. G., & Marterella, A. (2019). Powerful practice: A model for authentic occupational therapy. Fort Collins, CO: Center for Innovative OT Solutions.

Hautala T., Hämäläinen T., Mäkelä L., Rusi-Pyykkönen M. 2016. Toiminnan voimaa. Toimintaterapia käytännössä. Edita: Helsinki. (mikä tahansa painos soveltuu)

Teaching methods

Etukäteen itsenäinen valmistautuminen ja perehtyminen, vuorovaikuttinen lähiopetus, oppimispäiväkirja työskentely

Employer connections


Exam schedules

tentti vko 41
1. uusinta vko 43
2.uusinta vko 45

International connections


Completion alternatives

Opintojaksosta saa 2 op hyväksiluettua avoimen amk:n, Campus Onlinen tai Digicampuksen kautta suoritetusta Ihmisen toiminta arjessa -opinotjaksolla. Toimita hyväksilukuhakemus vastuu opettajalle.

Student workload

luennot, kontaktioppimisen tunnit ja näyttöpäivä, tunneillä tehtävät oppimistehtävät sekä niihin valmistautumiset 2 op = 54 h
oppimispäiväkirjan kirjoittaminen 1 op=27h
tentti 2 op = 54 h

Yht. 5op = 135h

Further information

Open Studies: 15 students

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and the concepts related to that model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being. You can define client-centeredness by using a theory learned in the course. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, but you have challenges with differentiate them with a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it slightly to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness and apply this knowledge. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a case example.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by different theoretical models. You can describe and demostrate the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to describe and compare detailed concepts of occupation by using different theoretical models. You can describe, demonstrate and reason the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You understand clearly the main differences of the models. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking when reasoning why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario and in different phases of occupational therapy process. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example in an analytic way.


15.05.2022 - 30.06.2022


01.06.2022 - 31.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Mari Kantanen
  • Tanja Hilli-Harju
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)


Purpose of the course
In this course you will learn the knowledge of occupational therapy process. Occupational therapy is based on the understanding of human occupation and how it is related to health and well being. Occupation is used as a means and as a goal in occupational therapy process.

Knowledge of occupational therapy
Occupational therapy process and professional reasoning

Learning outcomes
Students understand and can explain how occupation is connected with health and well-being. Students are able to elaborate what client-centeredness/person-centredness means in occupational therapy. Students can explain why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work (theory-model-framework). Students can differentiate main models and compare their core concepts. Students can describe what occupation and participation mean and compare how different models use these concepts to guide practical work. Students can name and identify different phases of the occupational therapy process. They can apply this knowledge through an example. Students recognize and separate different intervention approaches in occupational therapy.


During the course you will study what theories, models and frame of references are in occupational therapy, and how they are used in the clinical reasoning process. During the course, you will study client-centered and occupational-based occupational therapy models. The focus is on how these models conceptualize occupation and guide occupational therapy process.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso on suunnattu vain LAB ammattikorkeakoulun kanssa yhteistyössä toteutettavan työvoimakoulutuksen opiskelijoille.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and the concepts related to that model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being. You can define client-centeredness by using a theory learned in the course. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, but you have challenges with differentiate them with a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it slightly to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness and apply this knowledge. You can describe why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational threrapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a case example.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You are able to describe occupation by using at least one theoretical model and compare it to another model. You understand the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of one model of occupational therapy and compare them. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

You are able to describe occupation by different theoretical models. You can describe and demostrate the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking as well by thinking why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of OTIPM occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to describe and compare detailed concepts of occupation by using different theoretical models. You can describe, demonstrate and reason the relationship between occupation and health and well being by giving some examples. You understand clearly the main differences of the models. You can define client-centeredness in versatile ways and apply this knowledge. You show critical thinking when reasoning why theory is needed in occupational therapy and how it guides practical work. You are able to apply this knowledge to a case scenario and in different phases of occupational therapy process. You can differentiate a model and a framework. You can name different models of occupational therapy. You can describe concepts of the models and compare them. You can apply this information into practice. You recognize and name phases of occupational therapy process by using a case scenario. You can list and describe different intervention models and types, and you can differentiate them with a chosen knowledge of a case example in an analytic way.