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Business network managementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YJ00CL53


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sanna Nieminen


You understand the opportunities and challenges of networking as a strategic solution of the organization and outlines the role of the organization in the international value network. You have the ability to identify market opportunities and agilely connect different players into a successful network.

You are able to develop co-operation between organizations and are able to promote individual-level co-operation and networking through your own activities and thus promote business development.


The main themes are
- networks in business
- the conditions, benefits and challenges of networking
- cooperation between companies
- cooperation and interaction between individuals
- value creation and co - development


Bachelor degree

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You will understand the opportunities and challenges of networking as a strategic solution for your organization. You outline the role of an organization in a network. You understand the customer’s needs and identify market opportunities. You know how to design networks that wisely connect different actors. You know how to develop co-operation between organizations and you are able to promote co-operation between individuals through your own activities.


01.08.2024 - 08.09.2024


09.09.2024 - 18.12.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Insinööri
  • Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Agrologi
  • Sanna Nieminen
  • YJL24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, agrologi
  • YJT24S1
    Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, insinööri


You understand the opportunities and challenges of networking as a strategic solution of the organization and outlines the role of the organization in the international value network. You have the ability to identify market opportunities and agilely connect different players into a successful network.

You are able to develop co-operation between organizations and are able to promote individual-level co-operation and networking through your own activities and thus promote business development.


The main themes are
- networks in business
- the conditions, benefits and challenges of networking
- cooperation between companies
- cooperation and interaction between individuals
- value creation and co - development


Aarikka-Stenroos, L., & Ritala, P. 2017. Network management in the era of ecosystems: Systematic review and management framework. Industrial marketing management, 67, 23-36.
Antikainen, Maria, and Katri Valkokari. 2016. A Framework for Sustainable Circular Business Model Innovation. Technology Innovation Management Review, 6 (7).
Hurmelinna-Laukkanen, Pia, and Nätti, Satu. 2018. Orchestrator types, roles and capabilities – A framework for innovation networks. Industrial Marketing Management (74): 65-78.
Granovetter, M. S. 1973. The strength of weak ties. American journal of sociology, 78(6), 1360-1380.
Håkansson, Håkan, and David Ford. 2002. How should companies interact in business networks? Journal of Business Research 55 (2): 133-139.
Järvensivu, T. 2019. Verkostojen johtaminen: Opi ja etene yhdessä. Helsinki. BoD - Books on Demand.
Ketonen-Oksi, S., & Valkokari, K. 2019. Innovation ecosystems as structures for value co-creation. Technology Innovation Management Review, 9(2).
Kola, Sari, Koivukoski, Ulla, Koponen, Laura, and Heino, Markku. 2020. Ecosystem Handbook. Alma Talent Oy.
Möller, Kristian, Suvi Nenonen and Kaj Storbacka. 2020. Networks, ecosystems, fields, market systems? Making sense of the business environment. Industrial Marketing Management. 90 (October): 380-399.
Valkokari, Katri, Salminen, Jaakko, Rajala, Anni, Koskela, Merja, Kaunisto, Kari ja Apilo, Tiina. 2014. Ekosysteemit ja verkostojen parviäly. VTT.
Vanhala, Mika, Puumalainen, Kaisu and Blomqvist, Kirsimarja. 2011. Impersonal Trust: The Development of the Construct and the Scale. Personnel Review 40 (4): 485–513.

Teaching methods

Teaching and learning methods used are lectures, discussions and working together as well as learning assignments in the form of individual and group works. The reflection and feedback are used to support the learning.

Employer connections

Visiting lectures from working life.

Student workload

On-line studies 18h
Orientation assignments 20 h
Learning assignments 60 h
Other independent studies 37 h

Further information

In this course the network competence and business management competence are assessed. The tools for evaluating the learning process are a learning assignment emphasizing theoretical competence, a learning assignment with an emphasis on applied competence, and reflective assignments.

Competence assessment is based on criteria and the assessment is done by the responsible teacher when all learning assignments have been completed. The evaluation decision is made on a scale of accepted/failed. The assessment material consists of the learning assignments of the course.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You will understand the opportunities and challenges of networking as a strategic solution for your organization. You outline the role of an organization in a network. You understand the customer’s needs and identify market opportunities. You know how to design networks that wisely connect different actors. You know how to develop co-operation between organizations and you are able to promote co-operation between individuals through your own activities.


Bachelor degree