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Master’s Degree Programme in Construction Management: Part-time Studies

Code: YRA2025KS

Master of Engineering

Degree title:
Rakennusmestari (YAMK)

90 ects

3 years (90 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2025


Master’s Degree Programme in Construction Management contains studies of 90 etcs. Studies are multidisciplinary and diverse. Studies consist of courses that enhance expertise in sustainable construction and management, complemented by research and development studies. In your thesis, you can solve a problem or development task arising from working life by applying researched information and your own expertise.


Representatives from the building industry, as well as experts and students from various fields within the university, have been involved in the planning and development of the degree program. The education is continuously improved based on the ongoing feedback from students..

Further information

The education consist several learning format, with remote lessons held 1-2 times per month on weekdays. Some sessions require on-campus attendance. Between these sessions, you will study independently or in small groups.


The Master’s degree studies in Civil Engineering provide you with up-to-date knowledge on sustainable construction. During your studies, you will deepen you knowledge in management, procurement, and contractual technicalities, which are essential for executing demanding building projects. Additionally, you will explore the latest research, methods, and technologies in the construction field, ensuring that you stay current in a rapidly evolving environment.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 Spring 2025 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 2. / 2025 3. / 2025 1. / 2025 2. / 2026 3. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2027 3. / 2027 1. / 2027

(Choose 10)

YZ00CK87 Research-based Development 5 5 5 5

(Choose 5)

YZ00CB88 Quantitative Research 5
YZ00CB90 Qualitative Research 5

(Choose all )

YZ00CL56 Development as a leader 5 5 2 3 2 3
YZ00CL59 Human Resource Management 5 5 5 5
YZ00CL57 Strategic management 5 5 5 5
YZ00CL58 Financial management 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

YT00CP65 Vähähiilinen rakentaminen ja ympäristöluokitukset 5 5 5 5
YT00CP67 Rakentamisen sopimuskäytänteet 5 5 5 5
YT00CP66 Rakentamisen hankinta 5 5 5 5
YT00CP68 Tietomallien hyödyntäminen 5 5 5 5

(Choose all )

YZ00BL94 Master's Thesis, Planning 7 7 7 7
YZ00BL98 Master's Thesis, Research Writing 3 3 3 3
YZ00BL95 Master's Thesis, Implementation 10 5 5 5 5 5 5
YZ00BL96 Master's Thesis, Reporting 10 10 10 10
YZ00BB05 Maturity Test, Master's Degree 0

(Choose ects: 10)

Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)

(Choose 23)

0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5
Learning And Competence Development (For Master's Student) 2023-2025

(Choose 17)

0 - 17
Studies in Educational Sciences

(Choose 12)

0 - 12
AJ00BN75 Understanding Learning 6
AJ00BN76 The Future of Education 6
Developing Pedagogical Skills and Competences

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
AE00BO56 Theoretical Foundations of Special Needs Education 5
AJ00BN77 Developing Competency in Guidance 5
AJ00BN78 Equality and Equity in Teaching and Guidance 5
AJ00BP45 Versatile Online Learning Assignments 5
AJ00BP46 Video as a Pedagogical Tool 5
AJ00BY42 Accessibility in Teaching and Guidance 5

(Choose 5)

0 - 5

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
Total 90 10 40 25 0 10 15 25 22 3 0 10 0 15 25 0 22 3 0 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Master’s degree: The shared competences 2023-2025


The graduating student assesses and promotes the realisation of ethical principles and values of their field of profession, taking equality and non-discrimination into account.
- Is able to promote ethically sustainable activities and the realisation of ethical reflection in their different operating environments.
- Promotes the realisation of the ethical principles and values of their field.
- Makes decisions taking individual, communal and societal perspectives into account.
- Promotes the realisation of diversity and accessibility.
- Implements the principles of responsible conduct of research and promotes their application in their work community.
- Is able to manage societally influential activities based on ethical values.

Research-based Development
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Development as a leader
Human Resource Management
Financial management
Master's Thesis, Planning
Master's Thesis, Research Writing
Master's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Master's Degree
Proactive development

The graduating student is able to manage the development of new solutions that anticipate the future and produces new information using different research and development methods.
− Produces new information and reforms operating methods, combining competence in different fields.
- Is able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods.
- Is able to develop new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future.
- Is able to analyse the current situation and anticipate the future of their field and changes in the operating environment.

Research-based Development
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Strategic management
Financial management
Master's Thesis, Planning
Master's Thesis, Research Writing
Master's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Master's Degree
Internationality and multiculturalism

The graduating student is able to develop and manage multicultural and international operating environments and networks.
- Is able to develop operating methods that take multiculturalism into account in their work community.
- Is able to anticipate the impacts and opportunities of global development and phenomena.
- Is able to interact, communicate and develop activities internationally in their own field.

Human Resource Management
Sustainable development

The graduating student develops and manages sustainable and responsible operating methods in their work and promotes sustainable change in their work community and society.
- Is able to apply the knowledge and future visions of sustainable development comprehensively as a basis for sustainable solutions.
- Is able to analyse and assess systemic dependencies of complex multidisciplinary problems and the different dimensions of solutions.
- Is able to manage the search, implementation and establishment of sustainable solutions and operating models in their work communit.

Human Resource Management
Master's Thesis, Planning
Master's Thesis, Reporting
Learning to learn

The graduating student promotes their own and their community's continuous learning and competence development, drawing on knowledge from different fields and the opportunities of digitalisation.
- Is able to assess and develop their expertise diversely and in a goal-oriented manner at different stages of their career and life.
- Is able to acquire, critically assess and produce information while taking into account the perspectives of different fields.
- Is able to develop and manage goal-oriented, continuous learning in their community.

Research-based Development
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Development as a leader
Financial management
Master's Thesis, Planning
Master's Thesis, Research Writing
Master's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Master's Degree
Operating in a workplace

The graduating student is able to develop and manage their work community and reforms working life.
- Is able to develop and manage multidisciplinary teams and work communities.
- Is able to develop the communication and interaction culture of work communities.
- Is able to develop and manage the comprehensive well-being of a work community.
- Utilises the opportunities of technology and digitalisation in development and management.
- Promotes the resilience of a work community.

Research-based Development
Human Resource Management
Master's Thesis, Planning
Master's Thesis, Research Writing
Master's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Master's Degree
Not grouped
Vähähiilinen rakentaminen ja ympäristöluokitukset
Rakentamisen sopimuskäytänteet
Rakentamisen hankinta
Tietomallien hyödyntäminen

Master’s Degree: Construction Management 2025-2027

Management competence

The student
- knows how to define the organization's strategic goals and manage strategic development.
- knows how to manage and develop the functions of the organization.
- knows how to search, analyze and produce information to support decision-making.
- knows how to manage the both organization's and one's own expertise.

Rakentamisen sopimuskäytänteet
Rakentamisen hankinta
Development competence

The student
- knows how to develop his own and his organization's operations and search for new solutions.
- knows how to utilize information based on evidence or research and evaluate it critically.
- masters the methods of research and development activities in the renewal of working life.
- masters good scientific practice and ethical principles in research and development activities.

Vähähiilinen rakentaminen ja ympäristöluokitukset
Tietomallien hyödyntäminen
Master's Thesis, Planning
Master's Thesis, Implementation
Maturity Test, Master's Degree
Sustainable construction management

The student
- understands the principles of low-carbon and sustainable construction mangement.
- understands the principles of low-carbon and sustainable construction mangement and is able to assess the impacts of choices.
- knows the principles of low-carbon and sustainable construction mangement and can assess the impacts of choices as well as develop solutions.
- understands the laws and effects of sustainable construction mangement and can also guide others on the subject.

Vähähiilinen rakentaminen ja ympäristöluokitukset
Rakentamisen sopimuskäytänteet
Rakentamisen hankinta
Tietomallien hyödyntäminen
Not grouped
Research-based Development
Quantitative Research
Qualitative Research
Development as a leader
Human Resource Management
Strategic management
Financial management
Master's Thesis, Research Writing
Master's Thesis, Reporting

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose 10)

YZ00CK87 Research-based Development 5

(Choose 5)

YZ00CB88 Quantitative Research 5
YZ00CB90 Qualitative Research 5

(Choose all)

YZ00CL56 Development as a leader 5
YZ00CL59 Human Resource Management 5
YZ00CL57 Strategic management 5
YZ00CL58 Financial management 5

(Choose all)

YT00CP65 Vähähiilinen rakentaminen ja ympäristöluokitukset 5
YT00CP67 Rakentamisen sopimuskäytänteet 5
YT00CP66 Rakentamisen hankinta 5
YT00CP68 Tietomallien hyödyntäminen 5

(Choose all)

YZ00BL94 Master's Thesis, Planning 7
YZ00BL98 Master's Thesis, Research Writing 3
YZ00BL95 Master's Thesis, Implementation 10
YZ00BL96 Master's Thesis, Reporting 10
YZ00BB05 Maturity Test, Master's Degree 0

(Choose ects: 10)

Shared Entrepreneurship Studies (For Bachelor's and Master's Student)
0 - 23
ZZ00BC02 Idea to Business 5
ZZ00BC03 Business Coaching 8
ZYVZ0200 The Dreams+Inspiration! 3
ZZ00CQ16 Narratives of entrepreneurship 2
ZZ00CQ17 Valmiina yrittämään 3
ZZ00CQ18 JA Company Program 1 - 5
ZZ00CQ62 Yritystoimintaa kehittävät opinnot 1 - 5
Learning And Competence Development (For Master's Student) 2023-2025
0 - 17
Studies in Educational Sciences

(Choose 12)

0 - 12
AJ00BN75 Understanding Learning 6
AJ00BN76 The Future of Education 6
Developing Pedagogical Skills and Competences

(Choose 5)

0 - 5
AE00BO56 Theoretical Foundations of Special Needs Education 5
AJ00BN77 Developing Competency in Guidance 5
AJ00BN78 Equality and Equity in Teaching and Guidance 5
AJ00BP45 Versatile Online Learning Assignments 5
AJ00BP46 Video as a Pedagogical Tool 5
AJ00BY42 Accessibility in Teaching and Guidance 5

(Choose 5)

0 - 5

(Choose 5)

0 - 5