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Understanding Adult LearningLaajuus (8 cr)

Code: AJ00BA18


8 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Juha Hautanen


The purpose of the course

This course will introduce you to the basic concepts of education and the professional terminology used in teachers’ work. Further, you will become familiar with learning as a phenomenon and gain deepened understanding on the different phases of learning process, and their implications on planning, implementation and assessing learning. You will also be able to assess and reflect upon your own learning realistically and justifiy your pedagogical choices. This course is a part of the educational studies of teacher education.

Course competences

In this course you will develop your facilitating learning skills and reflection skills.

Facilitating learning skills consists of:
- Teachers’ theoretical and philosophical understanding of learning.
- Ability to plan, implement and assess meaningful learning processes.
- Take into consideration the diversity of learners.

Reflection skills means teachers’
- Ability to recognise and critically assess their values, attitudes, ethical principles and work methods as a facilitator of learning.

The learning objectives of the course

You will understand the opportunities that studies on adult learning and human development have on facilitating learning. You will be able to follow relevant educational research, and be able to utilise the knowledge of human development and learning in supporting the professional growth of your students and developing your own professional teacher identity.


During this course, you will discover the main theories and concepts of learning, as well as, the significance of educational research in teacher's thinking and practices. You will develop theoretical knowledge and understanding related to the facilitating learning.



Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment criteria for an acceptable level are as follows:

Facilitating learning skills
- You are familiar with and understand the basic concepts of education and the professional terminology used in the work of a teacher.
- You are capable of searching for information independently and can find up-to-date sources of information, research and reports important to their own work.
- You are familiar with learning as a phenomenon and receive basic information for planning, implementing and assessing the facilitation of learning.

Reflection skills
- You assess your own learning realistically and with justification.


03.08.2020 - 03.09.2020


01.08.2020 - 16.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

8 op

Virtual portion

8 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Professional Teacher Education


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 340

Degree programmes
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Piia Kolho
  • Mika Loponen
  • Päivi Kauppila
  • Anu Utter
  • Pirjo Hänninen
  • Outi Pylkkä
  • Siru Lehto
  • Maarit Miettinen
  • Marja Olsonen
  • Heli Kinnunen
  • Mikael Viitasaari
  • Virva-Liisa Pekkarinen
  • Ari Langén
  • Tuulia Kiilavuori
  • Ritva Ylitervo
  • Mari Kolu
  • Markku Rissanen
  • Pauliina Silvennoinen
  • Arja Pakkala
  • Kirsti Vänskä
  • Annu Niskanen
  • AJA20SJE
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJV
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJL
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJS
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJA
    Vocational Teacher Education
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJB
    Vocational Teacher Education
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJJ
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJF
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA20SJH
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


The purpose of the course

This course will introduce you to the basic concepts of education and the professional terminology used in teachers’ work. Further, you will become familiar with learning as a phenomenon and gain deepened understanding on the different phases of learning process, and their implications on planning, implementation and assessing learning. You will also be able to assess and reflect upon your own learning realistically and justifiy your pedagogical choices. This course is a part of the educational studies of teacher education.

Course competences

In this course you will develop your facilitating learning skills and reflection skills.

Facilitating learning skills consists of:
- Teachers’ theoretical and philosophical understanding of learning.
- Ability to plan, implement and assess meaningful learning processes.
- Take into consideration the diversity of learners.

Reflection skills means teachers’
- Ability to recognise and critically assess their values, attitudes, ethical principles and work methods as a facilitator of learning.

The learning objectives of the course

You will understand the opportunities that studies on adult learning and human development have on facilitating learning. You will be able to follow relevant educational research, and be able to utilise the knowledge of human development and learning in supporting the professional growth of your students and developing your own professional teacher identity.


During this course, you will discover the main theories and concepts of learning, as well as, the significance of educational research in teacher's thinking and practices. You will develop theoretical knowledge and understanding related to the facilitating learning.


Lehtinen, E., Vauras, M. & Lerkkanen, M-K. 2016. Kasvatuspsykologia. E-kirja. PS-Kustannus tai Rinne, R, Kivirauma, J. & Lehtinen, E. 2015. Johdatus kasvatustieteisiin. E-kirja. PS-kustannus.

E. Nivala & M. Saastamoinen (toim.). 2010. Nuorisokasvatuksen teoria. Perusteita ja puheenvuoroja (2.painos). E-kirja.

Lisäksi oppimistehtävien yhteydessä oleva muu materiaali.

Teaching methods

Voit hankkia tämän opintojakson tavoitteena olevan osaamisen osallistumalla verkko-opintojaksolle ja tekemällä siihen kuuluvat oppimis- ja arviointitehtävät.

Opintojaksossa toteutetaan yhteistoiminnallisia ja osallistavia menetelmiä, vertaisohjausta, pari- ja oppimispiirityöskentelyä sekä itsenäistä työskentelyä.

Completion alternatives

Olet voinut jo hankkia tässä opintojaksossa tavoitteena olevan osaamisen suorittamalla kasvatustieteen, aikuiskasvatustieteen tai ammattikasvatuksen perusopinnot tai approbatur-arvosanan tai suorittamalla vastaavat opinnot Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun ammatillisessa opettajakorkeakoulussa ennen opettajaopintoja.

Voit myös opettajaopintojesi aikana suorittaa edellä mainitut perusopinnot ja siten hankkia tavoitteena olevan osaamisen.

Student workload

Opintojakso yhteensä 216 h (8 x 27 h) opiskelijan työtä.
Orientoituminen 6 h
Kirjallisuuteen/oppimateriaaleihin perehtyminn, oppimistehtävät ja keskustelut 190 h
Vertaiskeskustelut ja –arvioinnit ja sekä itsearviointi 20h

Further information

Arviointi on osaamistavoitteisiin pohjautuvaa ja laadullista. Oppimisprosessin arvioinnin välineitä ovat palautteet ja itsearviointi. Osaamisen arviointi on kriteeriperusteista ja arviointipäätöksen tekee opettajakorkeakoulun kouluttaja, kun kaikki oppimistehtävät on tehty. Arviointiaineiston muodostavat opintojakson oppimistehtävät ja itsearviointitehtävä.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Assessment criteria for an acceptable level are as follows:

Facilitating learning skills
- You are familiar with and understand the basic concepts of education and the professional terminology used in the work of a teacher.
- You are capable of searching for information independently and can find up-to-date sources of information, research and reports important to their own work.
- You are familiar with learning as a phenomenon and receive basic information for planning, implementing and assessing the facilitation of learning.

Reflection skills
- You assess your own learning realistically and with justification.

