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Service Design ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00CL78


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Janne-Valtteri Nisula, Liiketoimintayksikkö


Purpose of the course
In the course, you will learn how to manage a service design project and how service design can be used to develop organisations to be more customer-oriented, people-oriented and competitive.


Service management
You master the knowledge base of service management and are able to evaluate, analyse and apply it critically. You are able to utilise specialised problem-solving skills and practices in management and its research.

Internationality and multiculturalism
You are able to interact, communicate and develop activities internationally in your own field of expertise.

Operating in a workplace
You utilise the opportunities of technology and digitalisation in development and management.

Proactive development
You produce new information and reform operating methods, combining
competence in different fields. You are able to implement research, development and innovation projects and apply different research and development methods. You are able to develop new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions, anticipating the future.

Learning outcomes
You know the principles of service development and several service design methods. You know the basics of managing the service design process, and you have the skills to manage a service design project. You understand how a multidisciplinary creative team and iterative practice can be managed successfully. You understand the principles of strategic user-oriented development work.


Design according to the service design process
Using service design methods
Strategic competence and management of service design
The importance and management of customer and employee experience
Participation and utilisation of joint development in multidisciplinary teams
Managing a creative service design project

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

You demonstrate knowledge of the basics of service development and are able to produce materials for a service design project. You understand the requirements of service design management and demonstrate an understanding of team management in strategic user-oriented development work. You understand the structure and process of a service design project. (1)

You know the basics of service development, you are able to produce materials for a service design project, and you understand the basics of its management. You are able to take into account the challenges of team management in a user-oriented manner.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

You know the basics of service development comprehensively and are fluent in producing materials for a service design project. You demonstrate a clear understanding of creative team management and strategic user-oriented development work. You are able to build a coherent service design project and are able to evaluate its process and contextual challenges. (3)

You are able to apply the basics of service development and are able to produce interesting and well-prepared materials for a service design project. You demonstrate a multidisciplinary understanding of the composition and leadership of a creative team in strategic user-oriented development work. You are able to build a multidisciplinary service design project and evaluate the contextual challenges of its process and management. (4)

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

You are able to apply the basics of service development in a context-specific way, and you are able to produce insightful and user-friendly materials for a service design project. You are able to build a multidisciplinary creative team for the needs of strategic user-oriented development work. You are able to create a strategic service design project and evaluate the contextual challenges and opportunities of its process and management. (5)


Penin, L. (2019). Designing the invisible. Bloomsbury Publishing.