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ProjectLaajuus (13 cr)

Code: TTMS1100


13 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Kari Niemi


The student deepens his/her knowledge of project work and activities of responsible member of a group:
- understands the significance of responsible work in an assignment given by a client organisation.
- understands the special characteristics of the client organisation’s field of operation
- masters the implementation of a project as a whole (specification, design, implementation, follow-up, assessment, management)
- masters documentation of project and its application area
- deepens his/her knowledge of content area in the project assignment
-The student is able to analyze the quality of his/her own and the team’s actions and assess his/her own work.


- Work in customer interface (workshops, steering group, other project communication)
- Project planning and implementation (project agreement and project plan, status reviews, problems and solving them, project risks and their management
- Deepening knowledge of the content area and learning the chosen technologies


Web technologies for client and server-side and specification and design know-how as well as basics of project and team work.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You understand the significance of project management, project communication and documentation for the given assignment in your designated role. There are notable difficulties in your working and methods, in particular related to quality. The project outcome meets partly the needs of the client organization. You have notable difficulties in critical assessment and development of your own and the group’s work.

Satisfactory 2: You understand project management, project communication and the significance of documentation related to his/her own designated role. Your work is partly responsible and the project outcome almost meets the needs of the client organization. You have difficulties in assessing and developing your the group’s work.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You are able to manage your project, communicate about the assignment and document it in your own designated role. You work is responsible and the project outcome meets the needs of the client organization in the main parts. You are able to assess your own and the group’s work critically.

Very good 4: You master project management, project communication and documentation of the given assignment in your designated role. Your carry out your work is responsibly and with high-quality and the project outcome almost meets the needs of the client organization. You are able to assess your and the group’s work and in some areas (project management and project communication, command of the content area) strive to improve your own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You master project management, project communication and documentation of the given assignment in your designated role. You work responsibly and with high-quality, and the project outcome meets the needs of the client organization. You are able to assess your own and the group’s work critically and are able to continuously develop and improve your own and the group's work (project management and communication, command of the content area).


02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021


30.08.2021 - 25.02.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

13 op

RDI portion

10 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Information and Communications Technology
  • Pasi Manninen
  • Kari Niemi
Teacher in charge

Kari Niemi

  • TTV19S2
    Tieto- ja viestintätekniikka


The student deepens his/her knowledge of project work and activities of responsible member of a group:
- understands the significance of responsible work in an assignment given by a client organisation.
- understands the special characteristics of the client organisation’s field of operation
- masters the implementation of a project as a whole (specification, design, implementation, follow-up, assessment, management)
- masters documentation of project and its application area
- deepens his/her knowledge of content area in the project assignment
-The student is able to analyze the quality of his/her own and the team’s actions and assess his/her own work.


- Work in customer interface (workshops, steering group, other project communication)
- Project planning and implementation (project agreement and project plan, status reviews, problems and solving them, project risks and their management
- Deepening knowledge of the content area and learning the chosen technologies

Location and time



Oppimisympäristössä oleva materiaali

Teaching methods

Projektioppiminen sekä ongelmakeskeinen oppiminen.
Kontaktitunnit sekä projektityö, joka tehdään todelliseen asiakasorganisaation toimeksiantoon. Osan projektista voidaan suorittaa virtuaalisesti, mutta pääosin on ryhmässä yhdessä työskentelyä.

Employer connections

Tehdään yritysten antamiin toimeksiantoihin.

Completion alternatives

AHOT eli Aikaisemmin Hankitun Osaamisen Tunnistaminen, mikäli opiskelijalla on jo työelämässä suoritettuna vastaavan sisältöisiä ammatillisia projekteja.

Student workload

Yritysten suuntaan raportoidaan n. 280t/opiskelija
Opintojakson koulutus, seminaarit, ohjaus, arvioinnit n. 71tuntia

Content scheduling

Syksyllä yksi päivä (keskiviikko) viikossa koko syksyn ajan
Keväällä 3 päivää viikossa (ma-ke) viikolle 9 asti.

Further information

Edeltävyys:Asiakas- ja palvelinpään Web-tekniikat sekä web-palvelun määrittely ja suunnitteluosaaminen sekä projekti- ja tiimityöskentely osaaminen.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You understand the significance of project management, project communication and documentation for the given assignment in your designated role. There are notable difficulties in your working and methods, in particular related to quality. The project outcome meets partly the needs of the client organization. You have notable difficulties in critical assessment and development of your own and the group’s work.

Satisfactory 2: You understand project management, project communication and the significance of documentation related to his/her own designated role. Your work is partly responsible and the project outcome almost meets the needs of the client organization. You have difficulties in assessing and developing your the group’s work.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You are able to manage your project, communicate about the assignment and document it in your own designated role. You work is responsible and the project outcome meets the needs of the client organization in the main parts. You are able to assess your own and the group’s work critically.

Very good 4: You master project management, project communication and documentation of the given assignment in your designated role. Your carry out your work is responsibly and with high-quality and the project outcome almost meets the needs of the client organization. You are able to assess your and the group’s work and in some areas (project management and project communication, command of the content area) strive to improve your own work.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You master project management, project communication and documentation of the given assignment in your designated role. You work responsibly and with high-quality, and the project outcome meets the needs of the client organization. You are able to assess your own and the group’s work critically and are able to continuously develop and improve your own and the group's work (project management and communication, command of the content area).


Web technologies for client and server-side and specification and design know-how as well as basics of project and team work.