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Teacher´s Work EnvironmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: AJ00BO25


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English


During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the teacher's operating environment and its change.Together with your learning circle, you will examine the development of Finnish education and familiarise yourself with the different regulations and documents defining it today. You will also familiarise yourself with the near future’s education policy outlooks and other future prospects related to education.

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your professional pedagogical skills and knowledge, future orientation and reflection skills.

The objective for professional pedagogical skills and knowledge is to learn the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical principles for vocational competence and learning. You will be able to act in different learning guidance sessions in accordance with the set learning objectives, and the documents that define teaching. You will also be able to analyse and justify your own facilitating learning activities.

The objective for future orientation in teacher education is that you are familiar with the history of Finnish vocational education and the current trends. You are also able to perceive upcoming changes to your field and their impact on the future of vocational competencies. You will also understand the opportunities in education for promoting social equality, culture, and sustainable development.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

You are familiar with the developmental phenomena of vocational education and/or higher education. You are familiar with the guidance and planning systems of upper secondary vocational education and higher education as well as the documents that are currently guiding the work of a teacher. You are aware of the directions of educational development in the near future.


The changes that have affected the teacher’s operating environment, the guidance system of vocational education and higher vocational education as well as the strategies, the key policies regarding the future and the legislation regulating the operation of educational institutions. Reflecting on one’s own learning and recording self-evaluations in the learning diary and portfolio.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Professional pedagogical skills and knowledge
- You are familiar with the legislation on vocational and higher education and the significance of its application from the perspective of the student, the work of a teacher, working life development and the education provider.

Future orientation skills
- You are familiar with the future trends of Finnish education.

Reflection skills
- You critically examine changes in a teacher's operating environment at different levels of the education system.


01.06.2023 - 24.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.05.2026

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Professional Teacher Education


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 370

Degree programmes
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Mika Loponen
  • Henna Pernu
  • Hanna Frilander
  • Pasi Savonmäki
  • Hanna Laitinen
  • Mari Punna
  • Siru Lehto
  • Maarit Miettinen
  • Anu Mustonen
  • Karoliina Väisänen
  • Mikael Viitasaari
  • Essi Silvennoinen
  • Kaija Peuna-Korpioja
  • Ari Hyyryläinen
  • Ari Langén
  • Virva-Liisa Pekkarinen
  • Ritva Ylitervo
  • Anna Leppäkorpi
  • Arja Pakkala
  • Kirsti Vänskä
  • Annu Niskanen
  • AJA23SJF
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA23SJP
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA23SJH
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA23SJA
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA23SJS
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the teacher's operating environment and its change.Together with your learning circle, you will examine the development of Finnish education and familiarise yourself with the different regulations and documents defining it today. You will also familiarise yourself with the near future’s education policy outlooks and other future prospects related to education.

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your professional pedagogical skills and knowledge, future orientation and reflection skills.

The objective for professional pedagogical skills and knowledge is to learn the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical principles for vocational competence and learning. You will be able to act in different learning guidance sessions in accordance with the set learning objectives, and the documents that define teaching. You will also be able to analyse and justify your own facilitating learning activities.

The objective for future orientation in teacher education is that you are familiar with the history of Finnish vocational education and the current trends. You are also able to perceive upcoming changes to your field and their impact on the future of vocational competencies. You will also understand the opportunities in education for promoting social equality, culture, and sustainable development.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

You are familiar with the developmental phenomena of vocational education and/or higher education. You are familiar with the guidance and planning systems of upper secondary vocational education and higher education as well as the documents that are currently guiding the work of a teacher. You are aware of the directions of educational development in the near future.


The changes that have affected the teacher’s operating environment, the guidance system of vocational education and higher vocational education as well as the strategies, the key policies regarding the future and the legislation regulating the operation of educational institutions. Reflecting on one’s own learning and recording self-evaluations in the learning diary and portfolio.

Location and time

The study unit is possible to start and implement according to the schedule agreed by the learning circle.

Teaching methods

The study unit is implemented as self-directed learning and learning circle activity. It includes learning circle based guidance.

Completion alternatives

You can acquire the competence required by this study unit by doing the learning tasks required with your learning circle.

You can demonstrate the competence required by this course by completing the learning assignments in an approved manner.

Student workload

This study unit is 5 credits and it consists of 135 hours of students’ work. It consists of reading, searching for materials, reflecting on and working on learning assignments independently and with the learning circles.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives and is qualitative. The methods for assessing the learning process include different types of feedback and self-assessment.

Competence assessment is criteria based and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the study unit.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Professional pedagogical skills and knowledge
- You are familiar with the legislation on vocational and higher education and the significance of its application from the perspective of the student, the work of a teacher, working life development and the education provider.

Future orientation skills
- You are familiar with the future trends of Finnish education.

Reflection skills
- You critically examine changes in a teacher's operating environment at different levels of the education system.


01.06.2023 - 24.08.2023


01.08.2023 - 31.05.2026

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Professional Teacher Education


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 24

Degree programmes
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Eila Burns
  • Tuulia Kiilavuori
  • AJA23SKJ
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the teacher's operating environment and its change.Together with your learning circle, you will examine the development of Finnish education and familiarise yourself with the different regulations and documents defining it today. You will also familiarise yourself with the near future’s education policy outlooks and other future prospects related to education.

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your professional pedagogical skills and knowledge, future orientation and reflection skills.

The objective for professional pedagogical skills and knowledge is to learn the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical principles for vocational competence and learning. You will be able to act in different learning guidance sessions in accordance with the set learning objectives, and the documents that define teaching. You will also be able to analyse and justify your own facilitating learning activities.

The objective for future orientation in teacher education is that you are familiar with the history of Finnish vocational education and the current trends. You are also able to perceive upcoming changes to your field and their impact on the future of vocational competencies. You will also understand the opportunities in education for promoting social equality, culture, and sustainable development.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

You are familiar with the developmental phenomena of vocational education and/or higher education. You are familiar with the guidance and planning systems of upper secondary vocational education and higher education as well as the documents that are currently guiding the work of a teacher. You are aware of the directions of educational development in the near future.


The changes that have affected the teacher’s operating environment, the guidance system of vocational education and higher vocational education as well as the strategies, the key policies regarding the future and the legislation regulating the operation of educational institutions. Reflecting on one’s own learning and recording self-evaluations in the learning diary and portfolio.

Location and time

The study unit is possible to start and implement according to the schedule agreed by the learning circle.

Teaching methods

The study unit is implemented as self-directed learning and learning circle activity. It includes learning circle based guidance.

Completion alternatives

You can acquire the competence required by this study unit by doing the learning tasks required with your learning circle.

You can demonstrate the competence required by this course by completing the learning assignments in an approved manner.

Student workload

This study unit is 5 credits and it consists of 135 hours of students’ work. It consists of reading, searching for materials, reflecting on and working on learning assignments independently and with the learning circles.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives and is qualitative. The methods for assessing the learning process include different types of feedback and self-assessment.

Competence assessment is criteria based and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the study unit.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Professional pedagogical skills and knowledge
- You are familiar with the legislation on vocational and higher education and the significance of its application from the perspective of the student, the work of a teacher, working life development and the education provider.

Future orientation skills
- You are familiar with the future trends of Finnish education.

Reflection skills
- You critically examine changes in a teacher's operating environment at different levels of the education system.


01.06.2022 - 25.08.2022


01.08.2022 - 30.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Professional Teacher Education

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 26

Degree programmes
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Maarit Miettinen
  • Tuulia Kiilavuori
  • AJA22SKJ
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the teacher's operating environment and its change.Together with your learning circle, you will examine the development of Finnish education and familiarise yourself with the different regulations and documents defining it today. You will also familiarise yourself with the near future’s education policy outlooks and other future prospects related to education.

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your professional pedagogical skills and knowledge, future orientation and reflection skills.

The objective for professional pedagogical skills and knowledge is to learn the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical principles for vocational competence and learning. You will be able to act in different learning guidance sessions in accordance with the set learning objectives, and the documents that define teaching. You will also be able to analyse and justify your own facilitating learning activities.

The objective for future orientation in teacher education is that you are familiar with the history of Finnish vocational education and the current trends. You are also able to perceive upcoming changes to your field and their impact on the future of vocational competencies. You will also understand the opportunities in education for promoting social equality, culture, and sustainable development.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

You are familiar with the developmental phenomena of vocational education and/or higher education. You are familiar with the guidance and planning systems of upper secondary vocational education and higher education as well as the documents that are currently guiding the work of a teacher. You are aware of the directions of educational development in the near future.


The changes that have affected the teacher’s operating environment, the guidance system of vocational education and higher vocational education as well as the strategies, the key policies regarding the future and the legislation regulating the operation of educational institutions. Reflecting on one’s own learning and recording self-evaluations in the learning diary and portfolio.

Location and time

The study unit is possible to start and implement according to the schedule agreed by the learning circle.

Teaching methods

The study unit is implemented as self-directed learning and learning circle activity. It includes learning circle based online guidance.

Completion alternatives

You can acquire the competence required by this study unit by doing the learning tasks required with your learning circle.

You can demonstrate the competence required by this course by completing the learning assignments in an approved manner.

Student workload

This study unit is 5 credits and it consists of 135 hours of students’ work. It consists of reading, searching for materials, reflecting on and working on learning assignments independently and with the learning circles.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives and is qualitative. The methods for assessing the learning process include different types of feedback and self-assessment.

Competence assessment is criteria based and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the study unit.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Professional pedagogical skills and knowledge
- You are familiar with the legislation on vocational and higher education and the significance of its application from the perspective of the student, the work of a teacher, working life development and the education provider.

Future orientation skills
- You are familiar with the future trends of Finnish education.

Reflection skills
- You critically examine changes in a teacher's operating environment at different levels of the education system.


01.06.2022 - 25.08.2022


01.08.2022 - 30.05.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Professional Teacher Education


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Anu Utter
  • Mika Loponen
  • Henna Pernu
  • Hanna Frilander
  • Virpi Koskelo
  • Tiina Mustonen
  • Siru Lehto
  • Hanna Laitinen
  • Mari Punna
  • Anu Mustonen
  • Maarit Miettinen
  • Karoliina Väisänen
  • Essi Silvennoinen
  • Mikael Viitasaari
  • Ari Hyyryläinen
  • Ari Langén
  • Virva-Liisa Pekkarinen
  • Ritva Ylitervo
  • Arja Pakkala
  • Kirsti Vänskä
  • Annu Niskanen
  • AJA22SJP
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA22SJA
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA22SJH
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA22SJS
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA22SJF
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the teacher's operating environment and its change.Together with your learning circle, you will examine the development of Finnish education and familiarise yourself with the different regulations and documents defining it today. You will also familiarise yourself with the near future’s education policy outlooks and other future prospects related to education.

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your professional pedagogical skills and knowledge, future orientation and reflection skills.

The objective for professional pedagogical skills and knowledge is to learn the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical principles for vocational competence and learning. You will be able to act in different learning guidance sessions in accordance with the set learning objectives, and the documents that define teaching. You will also be able to analyse and justify your own facilitating learning activities.

The objective for future orientation in teacher education is that you are familiar with the history of Finnish vocational education and the current trends. You are also able to perceive upcoming changes to your field and their impact on the future of vocational competencies. You will also understand the opportunities in education for promoting social equality, culture, and sustainable development.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

You are familiar with the developmental phenomena of vocational education and/or higher education. You are familiar with the guidance and planning systems of upper secondary vocational education and higher education as well as the documents that are currently guiding the work of a teacher. You are aware of the directions of educational development in the near future.


The changes that have affected the teacher’s operating environment, the guidance system of vocational education and higher vocational education as well as the strategies, the key policies regarding the future and the legislation regulating the operation of educational institutions. Reflecting on one’s own learning and recording self-evaluations in the learning diary and portfolio.

Location and time

The study unit is possible to start and implement according to the schedule agreed by the learning circle.

Teaching methods

The study unit is implemented as self-directed learning and learning circle activity. It includes learning circle based guidance.

Completion alternatives

You can acquire the competence required by this study unit by doing the learning tasks required with your learning circle.

You can demonstrate the competence required by this course by completing the learning assignments in an approved manner.

Student workload

This study unit is 5 credits and it consists of 135 hours of students’ work. It consists of reading, searching for materials, reflecting on and working on learning assignments independently and with the learning circles.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives and is qualitative. The methods for assessing the learning process include different types of feedback and self-assessment.

Competence assessment is criteria based and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the study unit.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Professional pedagogical skills and knowledge
- You are familiar with the legislation on vocational and higher education and the significance of its application from the perspective of the student, the work of a teacher, working life development and the education provider.

Future orientation skills
- You are familiar with the future trends of Finnish education.

Reflection skills
- You critically examine changes in a teacher's operating environment at different levels of the education system.


01.06.2021 - 05.09.2021


01.08.2021 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Professional Teacher Education

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Eila Burns
  • Anu Verma
  • Tuulia Kiilavuori
  • AJA21SKJ
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the teacher's operating environment and its change.Together with your learning circle, you will examine the development of Finnish education and familiarise yourself with the different regulations and documents defining it today. You will also familiarise yourself with the near future’s education policy outlooks and other future prospects related to education.

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your professional pedagogical skills and knowledge, future orientation and reflection skills.

The objective for professional pedagogical skills and knowledge is to learn the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical principles for vocational competence and learning. You will be able to act in different learning guidance sessions in accordance with the set learning objectives, and the documents that define teaching. You will also be able to analyse and justify your own facilitating learning activities.

The objective for future orientation in teacher education is that you are familiar with the history of Finnish vocational education and the current trends. You are also able to perceive upcoming changes to your field and their impact on the future of vocational competencies. You will also understand the opportunities in education for promoting social equality, culture, and sustainable development.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

You are familiar with the developmental phenomena of vocational education and/or higher education. You are familiar with the guidance and planning systems of upper secondary vocational education and higher education as well as the documents that are currently guiding the work of a teacher. You are aware of the directions of educational development in the near future.


The changes that have affected the teacher’s operating environment, the guidance system of vocational education and higher vocational education as well as the strategies, the key policies regarding the future and the legislation regulating the operation of educational institutions. Reflecting on one’s own learning and recording self-evaluations in the learning diary and portfolio.

Location and time

The study unit is possible to start and implement according to the schedule agreed by the learning circle.

Teaching methods

The study unit is implemented as self-directed learning and learning circle activity. It includes learning circle based online guidance.

Completion alternatives

You can acquire the competence required by this study unit by doing the learning tasks required with your learning circle.

You can demonstrate the competence required by this course by completing the learning assignments in an approved manner.

Student workload

This study unit is 5 credits and it consists of 135 hours of students’ work. It consists of reading, searching for materials, reflecting on and working on learning assignments independently and with the learning circles.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives and is qualitative. The methods for assessing the learning process include different types of feedback and self-assessment.

Competence assessment is criteria based and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the study unit.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Professional pedagogical skills and knowledge
- You are familiar with the legislation on vocational and higher education and the significance of its application from the perspective of the student, the work of a teacher, working life development and the education provider.

Future orientation skills
- You are familiar with the future trends of Finnish education.

Reflection skills
- You critically examine changes in a teacher's operating environment at different levels of the education system.


01.06.2021 - 05.09.2021


01.08.2021 - 31.07.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Professional Teacher Education


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 370

Degree programmes
  • School of Professional Teacher Education
  • Päivi Kauppila
  • Mika Loponen
  • Anu Utter
  • Henna Pernu
  • Hanna Frilander
  • Tiina Mustonen
  • Outi Pylkkä
  • Siru Lehto
  • Mari Punna
  • Maarit Miettinen
  • Marja Olsonen
  • Heli Kinnunen
  • Essi Silvennoinen
  • Mikael Viitasaari
  • Tuulia Kiilavuori
  • Ari Hyyryläinen
  • Virva-Liisa Pekkarinen
  • Ari Langén
  • Ritva Ylitervo
  • Arja Pakkala
  • Kirsti Vänskä
  • AJA21SJJ
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA21SJS
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA21SJH
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA21SJA
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA21SJF
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA21SJB
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
  • AJA21SJV
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus
    Ammatillinen opettajankoulutus


During this course, you will familiarise yourself with the teacher's operating environment and its change.Together with your learning circle, you will examine the development of Finnish education and familiarise yourself with the different regulations and documents defining it today. You will also familiarise yourself with the near future’s education policy outlooks and other future prospects related to education.

In this study unit, you will promote and develop your professional pedagogical skills and knowledge, future orientation and reflection skills.

The objective for professional pedagogical skills and knowledge is to learn the theoretical, ethical, and philosophical principles for vocational competence and learning. You will be able to act in different learning guidance sessions in accordance with the set learning objectives, and the documents that define teaching. You will also be able to analyse and justify your own facilitating learning activities.

The objective for future orientation in teacher education is that you are familiar with the history of Finnish vocational education and the current trends. You are also able to perceive upcoming changes to your field and their impact on the future of vocational competencies. You will also understand the opportunities in education for promoting social equality, culture, and sustainable development.

The objective for reflective skills is to be able to recognise and assess one’s pedagogical assumptions, and work methods as facilitators of learning. You will be able to realistically assess your own learning and competence and set yourself new goals as a facilitator of learning.

You are familiar with the developmental phenomena of vocational education and/or higher education. You are familiar with the guidance and planning systems of upper secondary vocational education and higher education as well as the documents that are currently guiding the work of a teacher. You are aware of the directions of educational development in the near future.


The changes that have affected the teacher’s operating environment, the guidance system of vocational education and higher vocational education as well as the strategies, the key policies regarding the future and the legislation regulating the operation of educational institutions. Reflecting on one’s own learning and recording self-evaluations in the learning diary and portfolio.

Teaching methods

The study unit is implemented as self-directed learning and learning circle activity. It includes learning circle based online guidance.

Exam schedules

Tähän opintojaksoon ei sisälly tenttiä.

Completion alternatives

You can acquire the competence required by this study unit by doing the learning tasks required with your learning circle.

You can demonstrate the competence required by this course by completing the learning assignments in an approved manner.

Student workload

This study unit is 5 credits and it consists of 135 hours of students’ work. It consists of reading, searching for materials, reflecting on and working on learning assignments independently and with the learning circles.

Content scheduling

The study unit is possible to start and implement according to the schedule agreed by the learning circle.

Further information

The assessment is based on learning objectives and is qualitative. The methods for assessing the learning process include different types of feedback and self-assessment.

Competence assessment is criteria based and the teacher educator makes the assessment decision once all the learning tasks have been completed. The assessment material consists of the learning tasks of the study unit.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The criteria for assessing the approved level are as follows:

Professional pedagogical skills and knowledge
- You are familiar with the legislation on vocational and higher education and the significance of its application from the perspective of the student, the work of a teacher, working life development and the education provider.

Future orientation skills
- You are familiar with the future trends of Finnish education.

Reflection skills
- You critically examine changes in a teacher's operating environment at different levels of the education system.