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Ear Training and Transcription 1 (pop/jazz)Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: KP00BA47


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Heidi Ilves


After completing the course you able to figure out aurally the usual features of pop and jazz rhythm, structure, melody and harmony. You are able to realize them by singing and playing and to take dictation in them. You command the main principles and practices in pop and jazz writing.

You can recognize and produce even and triplet based phrasing and notation. You command syncopated rhythms and are able to use body in rhythmic comprehension and assimilation.

You possess the readiness for further development of your musical comprehension, motor-skills and coordination.


rhythmic units
even and triple based phrasing
reading and writing exercises in the typical time-signatures
body rhythms

structural forms
chordal sounds appearing in tonal music
the horizontal aspects of melody: ground scales and reading and writing melodic harmonic and bass-line exercises in the usual major and minor modes

melody and harmony and their interpretation notation
musical structural form writing and lead sheet
notation basics and hand writing



Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Passed (P):
You recognize and can produce in proper style even and triple based phrasing and notation in the main time signatures. You recognize and are able to produce tonal melody and harmony. You are able to write down material listened to in a way that complies with the commonly accepted notation practices. You are able to evaluate your skills and development. You are capable of acquiring, handling and evaluating critically acquired knowledge. You assume responsibility for personal and group learning as well as follow given instructions.


02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021


23.08.2021 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Heidi Ilves
  • KPD21VS
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • KPD21S1
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)


After completing the course you able to figure out aurally the usual features of pop and jazz rhythm, structure, melody and harmony. You are able to realize them by singing and playing and to take dictation in them. You command the main principles and practices in pop and jazz writing.

You can recognize and produce even and triplet based phrasing and notation. You command syncopated rhythms and are able to use body in rhythmic comprehension and assimilation.

You possess the readiness for further development of your musical comprehension, motor-skills and coordination.


rhythmic units
even and triple based phrasing
reading and writing exercises in the typical time-signatures
body rhythms

structural forms
chordal sounds appearing in tonal music
the horizontal aspects of melody: ground scales and reading and writing melodic harmonic and bass-line exercises in the usual major and minor modes

melody and harmony and their interpretation notation
musical structural form writing and lead sheet
notation basics and hand writing


Max Tabell: Jazzmusiikin harmonia ISBN 9789524950695
Mark Levine: Jazz Piano Book ISBN 9780961470159
Mark Levine: Jazz Theory ISBN 9781883217044

Teaching methods

Target Learning Outcome

You learn to perceive and understand the fundamental and basic rhythmical, structural, melodic and harmonic phenomenons in pop and jazz- music. You can accomplish these phenomenons by singing and playing and you can also notate the ear training assignments into a distinctive form of musical notation.

You master the basic elements and conventions in music notation writing. You are aware of understanding the swing- time notation and syncopated triplet- based phrasing.

Student workload

Contact Instruction 45 h
Independent Study 25 h - 45 h

Further information

Ei-tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen kapasiteetti:
EduFutura-lisäpaikat Gradian musiikin ammattiopiskelijoille sekä Schildtin lukiolaisille.
Exchange Student 2.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Passed (P):
You recognize and can produce in proper style even and triple based phrasing and notation in the main time signatures. You recognize and are able to produce tonal melody and harmony. You are able to write down material listened to in a way that complies with the commonly accepted notation practices. You are able to evaluate your skills and development. You are capable of acquiring, handling and evaluating critically acquired knowledge. You assume responsibility for personal and group learning as well as follow given instructions.

