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Theory and Analysis 1 (pop/jazz)Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: KP00BA49


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Sami Sallinen


After completing the course, you are able to read and understand written music by mastering commonly known practices of chord symbol notation. You are able to outline the harmonic functions of the chords, and if necessary, extend the chords in a stylistically appropriate manner in the contexts of popular music and tonal jazz music. You understand the relationship of melody to the prevailing harmony, and are able to take the melody into account as you accompany yourself and/or others.

You understand the basic principles of harmonic variation and tonal improvisation. You build the skills to apply theoretical knowledge related to improvisation in practice. You have an idea of the development of tonal thinking in Western music.

You understand the importance of analysis in the interpretation, accompaniment and improvisation of music. You gain conceptual skills for the study of arranging and composing.

You are able to evaluate the contents of the course constructively. You are also able to evaluate your own competence and its development.



Basics of music theory
- chords: chord voicings and chord symbols
- chord functions and functional analysis


Tonality: major and minor
- chord degrees and chord scales in major
- dominants and subdominants in major
- cadences
- diminished chords
- slash chords in popular music
- modal interchange
- key areas and modulations
- chord degrees in compound minor
- dominants and subdominants in minor
- chromaticism in tonal harmony


- replacing tonic and subdominant chords: diatonic reharmonization
- adding dominants and subdominants
- replacing dominants: tritone substitution
- changing the color of the chord: alternative chord scales

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S):
You are able to read music fluently. You recognize commonly used musical terms as well as notation practices. You are able to demonstrate that you understand the following basic principles of the melodic–harmonic aspects of tonal music:
- forming chords based on chord symbols
- harmony and melody analysis
- chord extensions and chord scales
- variation of harmony
- tonal improvisation

You are also able to evaluate your own competence and its development. You know how to acquire information and how to critically process and evaluate the information you have acquired. You take responsibility for your own and the group's learning.


02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021


23.08.2021 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Sami Sallinen
  • KPD21VS
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • KPD21S1
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)


After completing the course, you are able to read and understand written music by mastering commonly known practices of chord symbol notation. You are able to outline the harmonic functions of the chords, and if necessary, extend the chords in a stylistically appropriate manner in the contexts of popular music and tonal jazz music. You understand the relationship of melody to the prevailing harmony, and are able to take the melody into account as you accompany yourself and/or others.

You understand the basic principles of harmonic variation and tonal improvisation. You build the skills to apply theoretical knowledge related to improvisation in practice. You have an idea of the development of tonal thinking in Western music.

You understand the importance of analysis in the interpretation, accompaniment and improvisation of music. You gain conceptual skills for the study of arranging and composing.

You are able to evaluate the contents of the course constructively. You are also able to evaluate your own competence and its development.



Basics of music theory
- chords: chord voicings and chord symbols
- chord functions and functional analysis


Tonality: major and minor
- chord degrees and chord scales in major
- dominants and subdominants in major
- cadences
- diminished chords
- slash chords in popular music
- modal interchange
- key areas and modulations
- chord degrees in compound minor
- dominants and subdominants in minor
- chromaticism in tonal harmony


- replacing tonic and subdominant chords: diatonic reharmonization
- adding dominants and subdominants
- replacing dominants: tritone substitution
- changing the color of the chord: alternative chord scales


Oppimateriaali on opintojakson aikana jaettavaa itseopiskelumateriaalia oppimistehtävineen sekä tietoverkkojen välityksellä saavutettavaa materiaalia. Opintojaksolla käytettävä materiaali on sähköistä oppimateriaalia.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla osallistut lähi- ja tai etäopetukseen sekä teet itsenäisiä oppimistehtäviä säännöllisesti. Perehdyt myös opintojaksolla jaettuun sähköiseen oppimateriaaliin.

Exam schedules

Opintojakson loppukuulustelu järjestetään pääsääntöisesti viimeisellä kontaktikerralla. Tämän jälkeen pyritään järjestämään yksi uusintamahdollisuus.

Student workload

- lähi- ja/tai etäopiskelu ja loppukuulustelu: 45 t
- itsenäinen työskentely (oppimateriaaliin perehtyminen ja oppimistehtävien tekeminen): 90 t

Yhteensä: 135 t

Further information

Arviointimenetelminä käytetään itsearviointia ja jatkuvaa palautteenantoa. Opintojakson kirjallinen loppukuulustelu arvioidaan erikseen, ja sen hyväksyttyyn suoritukseen tarvitaan 50% maksimipisteistä.

Ei-tutkintoon johtavan koulutuksen kapasiteetti:
EduFutura-lisäpaikat Gradian musiikin ammattiopiskelijoille sekä Schildtin lukiolaisille.
Exchange Student 2.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S):
You are able to read music fluently. You recognize commonly used musical terms as well as notation practices. You are able to demonstrate that you understand the following basic principles of the melodic–harmonic aspects of tonal music:
- forming chords based on chord symbols
- harmony and melody analysis
- chord extensions and chord scales
- variation of harmony
- tonal improvisation

You are also able to evaluate your own competence and its development. You know how to acquire information and how to critically process and evaluate the information you have acquired. You take responsibility for your own and the group's learning.