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Accompanying skillsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KP00BA64


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Eliisa Suni


You will learn basics of piano accompaniment, in order to work and accompany as a music pedagog. After you've finished the study module, you are able to play triads and four-note chords, inversions, most common chord progressions, transpose as well as accompany broad variety of musical genres according to your musical orientation. Beyond accompanying according to chord symbols and notes you'll practice freedom around the composition and harmonizing a simple tune. You'll understand the meaning of dynamics and ergonomy. You'll be able to accompany taking into consideration you level of skills, strengths and aim to support the interpretation of a solist.

After the study module you are able to accompany with piano a repertoire according to your musical orientation. You understand the elements that are essential to different musical genres. You'll accompany from chord symbols and notes, and free your playing from the written material taking into consideration your level of skills. You have rehearsed steadily and shared your learning results during the contact lessons.


During the study module you'll explore triads, four-note chords, inversions, most common chord progressions (for example II-V-I, circle of fiths, blues), transposing, harmonizing, prima vista -playing, ergonomy, meaning of dynamics, accompanying from chord symbols and notes according to a musical genre, and freeing your playing from the notated material.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S):

You are able to accompany with piano a repertoire with variety of musical genres, emphasizing you musical strengths. You are able to use accompany skills in a work of a music pedagog.

Fail (0):

You are not able to accompany with piano a repertoire with variety of musical genres, and you don't recognise you musical strengths. You are not able to use accompany skills in a work of a music pedagog.


Study material including learning tasks will be shared during the study module.


02.08.2021 - 05.09.2021


23.08.2021 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Eliisa Suni
  • Panu Korhonen
  • KPD21VS
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK), vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • KPD21S1
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)


You will learn basics of piano accompaniment, in order to work and accompany as a music pedagog. After you've finished the study module, you are able to play triads and four-note chords, inversions, most common chord progressions, transpose as well as accompany broad variety of musical genres according to your musical orientation. Beyond accompanying according to chord symbols and notes you'll practice freedom around the composition and harmonizing a simple tune. You'll understand the meaning of dynamics and ergonomy. You'll be able to accompany taking into consideration you level of skills, strengths and aim to support the interpretation of a solist.

After the study module you are able to accompany with piano a repertoire according to your musical orientation. You understand the elements that are essential to different musical genres. You'll accompany from chord symbols and notes, and free your playing from the written material taking into consideration your level of skills. You have rehearsed steadily and shared your learning results during the contact lessons.


During the study module you'll explore triads, four-note chords, inversions, most common chord progressions (for example II-V-I, circle of fiths, blues), transposing, harmonizing, prima vista -playing, ergonomy, meaning of dynamics, accompanying from chord symbols and notes according to a musical genre, and freeing your playing from the notated material.


J. Moser. Rock Piano Book vol 1 and 2 ISBN 9783795721787
Pop/jazz- music exercises and pieces
Classical music exemples and notes

Study material and learning tasks will be shared during the study module.

Teaching methods

Target learning outcome

You know how to use piano and keyboards to accompany with different kind of musical styles. You can utilize the piano or keyboard as an instrument of accompaniment in your teaching and if necessary you can transpose your output.


Triads and fourth chords. Note reading and transposing exercises. All-round ability to play different kind of musical accompaniment styles.

Exam schedules

In the end of the study module is a contact exam, where you'll accompany or play a solistic piece.

Student workload

Contact lessons 26h

Independent practising (study material, learning tasks, repertoire, observation) 105h

In all 135h

Further information

You'll utilize self- and peer review as a part of continuing learning of accompany skills.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Pass (S):

You are able to accompany with piano a repertoire with variety of musical genres, emphasizing you musical strengths. You are able to use accompany skills in a work of a music pedagog.

Fail (0):

You are not able to accompany with piano a repertoire with variety of musical genres, and you don't recognise you musical strengths. You are not able to use accompany skills in a work of a music pedagog.