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DreamUp projectLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: ZZWZ0150


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Suvi Salminen


1. The students are able to work in a working life-oriented, target-oriented project.
2. The students are able to utilise and develop their own competence in carrying out the project.
3. The students are able to share their competence and make use of the expertise of other members of the project group.
4. The students are capable of responsible, self-directed work.
5. The students are able to prioritise groups of tasks significant for the project to be carried out.
6. The students are able to communicate and document the phases and output of the project.


The DreamUp project course gives students the opportunity to develop their cooperation, interaction and communication competence as a part of a multidisciplinary team. During the course, students prepare for the DreamUp event, which will be organised next spring, and participate in the organisation process.

The course provides the students with a comprehensive idea of event planning, which includes preparing a project plan, project management, communication and marketing, and work with interest groups, such as safety and security issues, permits and first aid.



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The assessment is qualitative and based on the learning objectives of the course, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process. The assessment targets are described under `Attainments¿.

The learning outcomes are assessed in relation to the learning objectives of the course.

The course assessment criteria: active participation, approved completion of learning tasks and exercises.


01.09.2021 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
  • Emilia Lahdenperä
  • Suvi Salminen


1. The students are able to work in a working life-oriented, target-oriented project.
2. The students are able to utilise and develop their own competence in carrying out the project.
3. The students are able to share their competence and make use of the expertise of other members of the project group.
4. The students are capable of responsible, self-directed work.
5. The students are able to prioritise groups of tasks significant for the project to be carried out.
6. The students are able to communicate and document the phases and output of the project.


The DreamUp project course gives students the opportunity to develop their cooperation, interaction and communication competence as a part of a multidisciplinary team. During the course, students prepare for the DreamUp event, which will be organised next spring, and participate in the organisation process.

The course provides the students with a comprehensive idea of event planning, which includes preparing a project plan, project management, communication and marketing, and work with interest groups, such as safety and security issues, permits and first aid.


The students receive the course material during the course.

Completion alternatives

Each student shall work based on their personal strengths in teams or try new tasks and responsibilities as a part of the total project. The result may be, for example, a communication plan, project plan or other concrete output. The attainments are defined during the course.After the DreamUp event, students shall prepare a self-evaluation in which they reflect upon their efforts during the project.

Student workload

Classroom learning 40 h, independent and team work 95 h, 135 h in total

Further information

A student can get more than 5 cr. Total amount depends on how many hours the student has accomplished.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The assessment is qualitative and based on the learning objectives of the course, and self-evaluation by the student plays an important role in the process. The assessment targets are described under `Attainments¿.

The learning outcomes are assessed in relation to the learning objectives of the course.

The course assessment criteria: active participation, approved completion of learning tasks and exercises.

