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Statistics and ProbabilityLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: TZVM6300


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Pasi Lehtola
  • Ida Arhosalo


The goal of the course
You will learn to process and analyse statistical data in order to make right decisions in working life. You will learn to calculate probabilities of different events or risks and to study statistical dependence found in the data.

Course competences
Knowledge and understanding (EUR-CE KN)

Learning outcomes
You know basic concepts and and methods of probability and statistics. You can analyze statistical data, make forecasts and study statistical relationships. You can calculate probabilities of events and evaluate risks. You know random variables, statistical distributions and the expectation value. You can use Excel in applications.


Descriptive statistics
Fundamentals of probability theory
Statistical distributions
Linear regression and correlation
Using Excel in applications


Basic use of spreadsheets

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1
You have achieved the desired goals. You know a few of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in familiar situations but your reasoning is often deficient and you make mistakes in calculations.

Satisfactory 2
You have achieved the desired goals. You know many of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in familiar situations but your reasoning is sometimes deficient or you make mistakes in calculations.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3
You have achieved the desired goals. You know most of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in familiar situations showing often the ability to reason completely and calculate flawlessly

Very good 4
You have achieved the desired goals. You know most of the concepts and methods and how to apply them in new situations showing in most cases the ability to reason completely and calculate flawlessly.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5
You have achieved the desired goals. You know all the concepts and methods and how to apply them in new situations showing always the ability to combine things, reason completely and calculate flawlessly.