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Scandinavian Model of Management and InnovationLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: YH00BV47


3 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Risto Korkia-Aho
  • Murat Akpinar


This course will familiarize you with the management style in Scandinavia and help you understand the determinants of management that underlie the innovativeness and competitiveness of Scandinavian firms in international markets. Upon successful completion of the course, you will develop your learning about innovation ecosystems and innovation policies in Finland, Sweden, and Denmark. You will also understand how Scandinavian values impact the strategies, innovativeness, and competitiveness of Scandinavian firms. With the help of case studies and sight visits, you will reflect on the role of innovation in the competitiveness of Scandinavian firms and apply theoretical concepts related to management, innovation, and competitiveness to practice.


Competitive advantage, competitiveness, innovation, innovation ecosystem, innovation policy, innovativeness, Scandinavian management style, Scandinavian values, strategy, sustainability, sustainable competitive advantage


No prerequisites

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You understand the key concepts and models of Scandinavian management and innovation sufficiently but fail to attempt to use them to analyze the strategies and competitiveness of Scandinavian firms. You have challenges communicating your findings in oral and written in a structured form.

Satisfactory 2: You understand the key concepts and models of Scandinavian management and innovation satisfactorily and attempt to use them to analyze the strategies and competitiveness of Scandinavian firms. You can communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You have a good understanding of the concepts and models of Scandinavian management and innovation and use them well to analyze the strategies and competitiveness of Scandinavian firms. You can communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly and in a structured manner.

Very good 4: You have a very good understanding of the concepts and models of Scandinavian management and innovation and use them innovatively to analyze the strategies and competitiveness of Scandinavian firms. You can communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly and in a well-structured manner.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: You have a thorough understanding of the concepts and models of Scandinavian management and innovation and apply them critically to analyze the strategies and competitiveness of Scandinavian firms. You can communicate your findings in oral and written form responsibly and in a well-structured manner.


Articles and case materials are to be provided by the course lecturer at the start of the course.