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German 3Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: BI00BB27


5 op


You will develop your language competences in listening, reading, writing and speaking German and you will use grammar and vocabulary in basic communication with confidence. The objective is to reach German skills corresponding to level A2.2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

After completing the course, you can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, studies and leisure. You can understand the main point of many radio or TV programs on topics of personal or professional interest when the delivery is relatively slow and clear.

You can understand texts that consist mainly of high frequency every-day or job-related language. You can understand the description on events, feelings and wishes in personal messages.

You can deal with most situations likely to arise when travelling in a German speaking country. You can enter conversations that are familiar and of personal interest to you or that deal with everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, studies, work, travel, current events).

You can connect phrases in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, your dreams, hopes and ambitions. You can express your opinions and plans as well as narrate a story, summarize a book or film and describe your reactions.

You can write simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest to you. You can write simple personal letters describing your experiences and impressions.


Communication: everyday expressions in familiar situations, e.g. describe your own background, studies and work, your future plans future, state your opinions and give instructions and orders.

Grammar: genitive case, subordinate clauses (word order), adjective declination, future and conditional (Konjunktiv 1).

Reading and listening: comprehension with texts, audios and videos on study, leisure and work.

Vocabulary: basic vocabulary of everyday life.

Culture: Information retrieval using German media sources on communication culture, customs and traditions of the German speaking world.


German level A1.2 - A2.1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR, or German courses completed at JAMK UAS (10 ECTS) or successfully completed German courses in a Finnish Upper Secondary school as a B3 language courses 1-5 (approx.3 years).

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You demonstrate a minimal level of German in relation to the objectives and contents of the course. You struggle but manage to complete assignments and are able to interact in everyday life German. You can understand some parts of a clear speech and texts. You can talk about familiar, study- and work-related topics. Errors occur with basic structures in spoken and written production, which sometimes holds back communication. Your class participation was weak.

2 You demonstrate a basic level of German in relation to the objectives and contents of the course. You can apply your knowledge and language skills and manage everyday situations in German although with effort and difficulties. You understand several parts of brief texts and TV programs when the topics are familiar and narrated clearly. Some errors occur in spoken and written production, which may hold back communication. Assignments were sometimes completed late and with reminders. Your class participation was passive.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 You demonstrate a good level of German in relations to the objectives and contents of the course. You understand and produce language with assistance. You can manage everyday situations in German. You understand most main parts of brief texts and TV programs on clearly narrated and familiar topics. Communication is under control although some errors occur in spoken and written production. You completed your assignments in time, and they fulfill many of the set requirements. Your class participation was sometimes active.

4 You demonstrate a very good level of German in relation to the objectives and contents of the course. You understand and produce text on familiar topics and on unfamiliar topics we well although with some difficulties. You can manage everyday situations in Spanish and sometimes use some complex language structures and vocabulary there as well although some faltering may occur. Communication is under control and minor errors occur in spoken and written production. Your assignments were completed independently as scheduled and fulfill most requirements. You were active in contact lessons.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 You demonstrate an excellent level of German in relation to the objectives and contents of the course. You understand and produce extended language also on unfamiliar topics. You can assess written texts and spoken language and interact with others accordingly. Your assignments were completed independently as scheduled and fulfill all requirements. You were very active in contact lessons.