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Marketing (5 cr)

Code: HMAB0110-3006

General information


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 26.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 25

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management


  • Sunday Olaleye


  • MTM21S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management


Knowledge and Understanding: This course is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the fundamental principles of marketing.
 •The student will gain insights into the understanding marketplace, customer needs, designing value-creating marketing strategies, developing the marketing mix that delivers value, satisfaction, engage and build the strong relationship with the customer. For this, the course includes topics such as environmental industry and competitor analysis, consumer behaviour, segmentation, marketing mix elements, and finally, challenges and the prospect of global and sustainable marketing.
 • A particular emphasis has been placed on developing students' understanding of how to create customer value and engagement in a digital and social age. This student will gain knowledge about the changing consumer-marketer relationship in the digital and social age. The students will explore contemporary trends in the marketing landscape, such as consumer-generated marketing.

 Practical Skills: Upon completion of the course, a student can
 •Implement fundamental marketing concepts applicable to case companies in the actual situation.

 •Competence in identifying problems, suggesting solutions, and making decisions about marketing related issues faced by case companies.


In this course, the student will learn how to create customer value and engagement and manage customer relationships with the use of traditional, digital, and social technologies. We will start by defining marketing and understanding the marketing process. We will learn how to analyze the marketing environment and gain consumer insights into consumer and buyer behaviour. Next, we will learn how to design customer-driven market offerings with the use of traditional marketing methods and a dazzling set of new tools such as the internet, smartphones, tablets, and online and social media. Last but not least, students will be introduced to global and sustainable marketing issues and prospects. Below are the key contents.
 • Creating and capturing customer value and engagement
 • Marketing strategies to build customer engagement, value and relationship
 • Marketing environment and consumer insights
 • Consumer and business market behaviour
 • Value creation using customer-driven marketing strategies
 • Market offering: product, brand and service
 • Developing and managing new market offerings
 • Capturing consumer value: Pricing
 • Delivering value to the customer: Retailing and wholesaling
 • Communicating with the consumer: Integrated marketing communication and advertising
 • Communication with the consumer: Sales promotion, personal selling

Location and time

Topics we are covering on this course (please see the weekly schedule from the first lecture slides)

Purpose of Marketing (From 4 P's to 5 C’s)
Product/Services and their Marketing
Understanding the Marketing Environment
Marketing Strategy and Tactics
Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning
Marketing Mix
Customer Insights and Creating Value
Digital Marketing and Social Media
Brand, What is it?
Tourism/Destination Marketing


Principles of Marketing; Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong 2017 edition
This is Marketing; Seth Godin, 2018

Other materials will be provided by the lecturer.

Teaching methods

This Marketing Course will be divided into three parts:

1. Theoretical
2. Practical
3. Presentations

Part 1.
We will learn in theory what is marketing. Different theories, different topics and different practices. After this part all students will write a written exam about the Marketing theory. When you have been passing the exam you can continue to the 2. part.

Part 2.
We will do a small group work to apply your knowledge into the action. This group assignment will be introduced in the course.

Part 3.
All groups will present their group works. This part is compulsory for all students.

In total we will have 16 x 2,5 hours lectures.

Grading is based on the Group work (40 %) and individual exam (60%)

Completion alternatives

This course can be completed completely virtually/individually.

This method contain video lectures and a course work. Please contact the lecture for more information.

Student workload

The learning will be completed by:

Exam 60%
Group work 40%

Further information

Avoin AMK (Open UAS) 3
Exchange students 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Excellent (5) - The student shows exceptional and detailed theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area. The student demonstrates an advanced ability to apply theory to real-life situations and expresses ideas that have significant value for implementation. The student shows superior communications skills with critical argumentation.
Within a team environment, the student contributes to the content extensively, providing new and relevant sources of information and is supportive of others and shows leadership skills. The group delivers the project independently under supervision. The aims of the project are achieved very well and the results are significant. Group communication in oral, written and digital format is fluent, impressive, error free and precise.

Very good (4) - The student shows great theoretical and conceptual knowledge of subject area. Central concepts have been defined very well and the student displays a very good command and understanding of the subject area. The student demonstrates a competent ability to apply theory to real-life situations and the ideas are worth implementing. The student shows superior communications skills. Within a team environment, the student contributes to the content, providing relevant sources of information, and is supportive of others and allows them to participate. The group delivers the project independently under supervision. The aims of the project are achieved well and the results are fairly significant. Group communication in oral, written and digital format is fluent, almost error free and precise.

Good (3) - The student shows theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area at a relatively clear level. Central concepts have been defined fairly well. The student displays a competent command of the subject area. The student shows adequate but general ability to apply theory to real-life situations. The student can communicate effectively. Within a team environment, the student contributes to the content adequately and participates actively in group meetings. The group delivers the project fairly independently under supervision. The aims of the project are achieved and the results have some significance. Group communication in oral, written and digital format is comprehensible and the structure is descriptive.

Satisfactory (2) - The student shows a degree of theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area. Central concepts have been defined satisfactorily. The student has an obvious overall command and understanding of the subject area but fails to show a convincing ability to apply theory to real-life situations. The student has some weaknesses in communication skills. Within a team environment, the student contributes to the content and is a dependable team member. The planning and implementation of the group project including the scheduling have been student-led. The group requires close guidance with basic issues. The aims of the project are achieved rather well. Group communication in oral, written and digital format has some weaknesses. The structure is logical.

Adequate (1) - The student attempts to demonstrate his/her theoretical and conceptual knowledge. Command of the subject area remains unclear. The student fails to show a convincing ability to apply theory to real-life situations or communicate effectively. The planning and implementation of the group project including the scheduling have been only partly student-led. The group requires extensive supervision with many basic issues. The aims of the project have been partially achieved. Group communication in oral, written and digital format has clear weaknesses and the structure is not organised.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Very good (4) - The student shows great theoretical and conceptual knowledge of subject area. Central concepts have been defined very well and the student displays a very good command and understanding of the subject area. The student demonstrates a competent ability to apply theory to real-life situations and the ideas are worth implementing. The student shows superior communications skills. Within a team environment, the student contributes to the content, providing relevant sources of information, and is supportive of others and allows them to participate. The group delivers the project independently under supervision. The aims of the project are achieved well and the results are fairly significant. Group communication in oral, written and digital format is fluent, almost error free and precise.
Good (3) - The student shows theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area at a relatively clear level. Central concepts have been defined fairly well. The student displays a competent command of the subject area. The student shows adequate but general ability to apply theory to real-life situations. The student can communicate effectively. Within a team environment, the student contributes to the content adequately and participates actively in group meetings. The group delivers the project fairly independently under supervision. The aims of the project are achieved and the results have some significance. Group communication in oral, written and digital format is comprehensible and the structure is descriptive.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent (5) - The student shows exceptional and detailed theoretical and conceptual knowledge of the subject area. The student demonstrates an advanced ability to apply theory to real-life situations and expresses ideas that have significant value for implementation. The student shows superior communications skills with critical argumentation. Within a team environment, the student contributes to the content extensively, providing new and relevant sources of information and is supportive of others and shows leadership skills. The group delivers the project independently under supervision. The aims of the project are achieved very well and the results are significant. Group communication in oral, written and digital format is fluent, impressive, error free and precise.

