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Event Management (5 cr)

Code: MMTE0210-3013

General information


07.02.2022 - 28.02.2022


21.03.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business


Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management


  • Heidi Luck
  • Maiju Heimola
  • Blair Baldwin


    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, ESSCA School of Management. (Bachelor's)
  • MTM22VK
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management,vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies
  • HBI19S1
    Degree Programme in International Business
  • MTM20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
  • HBI22VKK
    Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Kedge Business School
  • MTM19S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
  • ZJA22KM
    Avoin AMK, marata


The object of the course
Events is a dynamic, exciting business sector that is growing both nationally and internationally. In this course, you will gain knowledge how to manage events professionally. After completing this course, you have learned the meaning of the event production process and the significance of events in the service and hospitality industry. This is your first step in developing as an event specialist.

Course competences
MTMCU Customerships
MTMNE Networks
MTMPT Profitable Tourism Business
MTMRE Responsibility
MTMTI Tourism Industry

The learning objectives of the course
You understand the significance of the events from the national and international perspective. You know key actors and services in the event production process. You can describe critical success factors in event management. You can identify and plan different phases in events. You know how to make responsible choices in event planning.


The principal contents of this course are (1) Structure of the event business sector, (2) Event production process and phases, (3) Ecological and socio-cultural responsibility, (4) Event financial management.

Location and time

The course will start on Wednesday 23.3.2022

The first lecture will be held at the Jamk Rajakatu 35 Campus at the classroom R35C113

The lectures will be on:

Wednesdays at 13.15 - 15.45
Thursdays at 9.45 - 12.15

Please follow carefully the changing classrooms from your student schedule.

The full schedule with the topics will be announced at the first contact lecture.


The reading material will be provided by the lecturer in Moodle.
Please check also the course videos/ppt slides for additional links about the different topics.

Teaching methods

This Event Management Course will be divided into three parts:

1. Theoretical (4 weeks)
2. Practical (3 weeks)
3. Presentations (1 week)

Part 1.
We will learn in theory what is event management. Different theories, different topics and different practices. After this part all students will write a learning diary of the the event management discipline.

Part 2.
We will do a small group work to apply your knowledge into the action. This group assignment will be introduced in the course.

Part 3.
All groups will present their group works. This part is compulsory for all students.

In total we will have approx. 16 x 2,5 hours lectures.

Grading is based on the group work (30 %) and individual assignment (70%)

No exam will be held.

Exam schedules

There will be no exam. Please see the assignments from Moodle > Event Management

Completion alternatives

If student cannot participate to the lectures the course can be implemented individually.
Please check the instructions from Moodle or contact to the lecturer.

Student workload

Total 135 h
Lectures 30 h
Assignments 60 h
Individual working, reading materials 45 h

Content scheduling

Schedule and Topics

0_Introduction_Marketing_Management_Course and assignments
1_Introduction to the Event Industry
2_Planning the Event
3_Event Concept Design
4_Event Production
5_Financial and Legal Planning of the Events
6_Safety and Security of the Events
7_Customer Journey and Marketing the Events

Further information

avoin amk 3

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment is based on learning objectives and is both qualitative and quantitative. Assessment is implemented by students (self-assessment), peers, and the teacher.

0 (Fail) You are unable to achieve the minimum objectives of the course.

1 (Sufficient) You can define the concepts related to events. You identify the significance of events in global and national levels. You can describe the event production process and management.

2 (Satisfactory) You explain the concepts and special characteristics related to events. You can describe the significance of events in global and national levels. You explain the event production process and critical management factors.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 (Good) You explain the concepts and special characteristics related to events. You describe and give examples about the significance of events in global and national levels. You can discuss the event production process and highlight important management factors.

4 (Very Good) You categorize the concepts and special characteristics related to events. You evaluate the significance of events in global and national levels. You discuss the event production process and analyze important management factors.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent) You can analyze the concepts and special characteristics related to events. You evaluate the significance of events in global and national levels from multiple perspectives. You show critical thinking in the evaluation of the event production process and important management factors.


You understand the concepts related to service operations and has basic customer competence. You understand how the tourism industry has developed and what it comprises in Finland and abroad. You understand the general concepts and phenomena related to tourism as well as the principles of responsible tourism.