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Future trends in tourism (5 cr)

Code: MMTI2100-3004

General information


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


31.08.2022 - 30.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Business

Teaching languages

  • English


0 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management


  • Heidi Luck
  • Susanna Riekkinen


  • ZJA22SM
    Avoin AMK, marata
  • MTM20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management
  • MTM22VS
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Tourism Management,vaihto-opiskelu/Exchange studies


The students

-Recognizes changes in global environment and its effects to tourism -Recognizes weak signals effecting tourism
- Recognize methods to foresee in tourism
- Recognize new business opportunities based on future consumer needs, the resources of the business environment, and the competitive situation


Tourism trends
Weak signals
Scenario toolkit


Tourism trend reports - UNWTO
Consumer trend reports – Euromonitor international
Other materials provided by the lecturers of the course (Moodle).

Teaching methods

Online and offline lectures and supervision.

Exam schedules

No exam. The course will be completed by different assignments.

Completion alternatives

You can complete this course individually (virtually) or participating the guidance in the class (f2f).

Student workload

In total student work 135 hours.

F2F learning:
Lectures /guidance 20%
Individual Learning 50%
Groupwork 30%

If completed individually/virtually:
Individual learning 50%
Assingment 50%

Further information

Open UAS 5 (included in the total capacity)
Exchange students: 5 (included in the total capacity)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Assessment is based on learning objectives and is both qualitative and quantitative. A course accepted as completed is assessed on the following five-step scale:

5 (Excellent) The student analyzes the concepts related to future trends in tourism. The student compares multiple perspectives in content matter and displays creativeness in exercises. The student can evaluate critically topics in global and national levels.

4 (Very Good) The student can analyze the concepts related to future trends in tourism. The student compares multiple perspectives in content matter. The student can evaluate topics in global and national levels.

3 (Good) The student illustrates the concepts related to future trends in tourism. The student demonstrates multiple perspectives in content matter. The student differentiates topics in global and national levels.

2 (Satisfactory) The student understands the concepts and special characteristics related to future trends in tourism. The student can explain multiple perspectives in content matter. The student can give examples on topics in global and national levels.

1 (Sufficient) The student can define concepts related to future trends in tourism. The student understands multiple perspectives in content matter. The student identifies topics in global and national levels.

If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail).

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 (Good) You can illustrate the concepts and phenomena related to future trends in tourism. You demonstrates multiple perspectives in content matter, and you are able to apply methods in tourism future scenarios. You differentiate topics in global and national levels.

4 (Very Good) You can analyze the concepts and phenomena related to future trends in tourism. You compare multiple perspectives in content matter, and you are able to apply methods in tourism future scenarios. You can evaluate topics in global and national levels.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent) You can analyze the concepts and phenomena related to future trends in tourism. You can analyze multiple perspectives in content matter, and you are able to apply methods in tourism future scenarios. You are able to display creativeness in your performance. You can evaluate critically topics in global and national levels.


Student understands basics of global mega trends and tourism trends
-scope of tourism industry
- meaning of innovation for companies
-themes of sustainability
- technology change as a phenomenom