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Entrepreneurship (3 cr)

Code: ZZPP0750-3109

General information


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


14.09.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business


Main Campus


0 - 50


  • Suvi Salminen
  • Leena Kangastalo
  • Marika Puttonen


Purpose of the course:
During this course, you will acquire basic knowledge of entrepreneurship and profitable business in action-driven ways. You will assess your own entrepreneurial capabilities and expand your understanding of the sector with the help of company stories, for example. During the course, you will work in a multidisciplinary team in which you will develop a business idea.

Course competences:
Internationalisation and communications competence
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence

Course learning outcomes:
1. You recognise and are able to assess your own capabilities and attitudes concerning entrepreneurship.
2. You know the concept of internal entrepreneurship, what it means to become an entrepreneur and the significance of entrepreneurship and innovations in society.
3. You understand the preconditions of profitable business.
4. You understand and recognise the role of customer relationship in business and are able to apply this knowledge.
5. You demonstrate an ability for self-management in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team.
6. You identify the customers’ needs and find business opportunities in them.
7. You are familiar with and capable of utilising the JAMK and EduFutura entrepreneurship and innovation environments and the related support services.


You recognise the skills of your own internal entrepreneurship and use them to develop the course business idea.

Based on your experience, observations and the knowledge you have acquired, you form a conception of market needs or demand in response to which you develop your own turnkey solution/business concept (service/product concept).

You act in a multidisciplinary small group in which you reflect upon and assess the business opportunities of the idea and share their opportunities for success with other students in the course. The ideas are tested with potential customers and further developed on the basis of the feedback received.

The development and communication tools used in the assessment and development of the ideas include the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas.


Blank,Dorf: The Startup Owner's Manual
Osterwalder&al.: Value Proposition Design
Osterwalder&Pigneur: Business Model Generation

Teaching methods

Learning methods
- Flipped learning
- project learning

The course includes workshops, group work, independent work, coaching and expert lectures. Studies and teaching involve co-operation with companies and entrepreneurship partners / networks in the region (eg Jyväskylän Yritystehdas, JES, EduFutura). The most important part of learning is your own activity and its self-assessment. You will always be prepared for meetings (such as lectures, group work). The course supports a learning culture where you, as individual and in groups, learn to face and deal with uncertainty and failure with the support of mentors, and to strengthen risk-taking, courage and decision-making, as well as the ability to put things into practice and achieve them purposefully. You work in a small group where you give birth to a business idea. You evaluate the business potential and customer value of the idea.

Exam schedules

There are no exams in this course.

Student workload

1. Your entrepreneurial traits (15%)
2. Active participation in group work, business idea development (70%)
3. Descriptions of activities, presentations of results and outputs (eg presentation of business idea) and evaluations of own and group activities (15%)

Multiform students: Webinars and supervision 7h, independent work 33h and group work 41h

Content scheduling

Contact implementation
3*45 min start webinar
3*45 min Webinar and supervision
3*45 min end webinar

Further information

The course is implemented through project based learning, in which the lectures, group work and independent work complement each other. Assessment methods include direct feedback from the supervisor, self- and peer review and final feedback.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You recognise the features of your own inner entrepreneurship and utilise them in the development of a business idea and demonstrate an ability for self-management in an entrepreneurial way in a multidisciplinary team.

You understand the role of entrepreneurship in society and in your own sector. You understand the principles of profitable business.

In customer situations or services, you identify needs in response to which you develop a business idea together with your multidisciplinary team.

You understand the role of customers in the development of business ideas and the principles of value creation.