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Quantitative Research (5 cr)

Code: YZWZ0120-3009

General information


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 26.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Business

Teaching languages

  • English


5 - 30

Degree programmes

  • Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management


  • Heikki Peltonen
  • Osmo Laitila
  • Aila Ahonen


  • ZJA23KH
    Avoin AMK, lita
  • ZJAYSP22S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy , YAMK-polku
  • YHS21S1
    Master's Degree Programme in Sport Business Management


You know basics of quantitative research and some methodology. You understand the strengths and the weaknesses of quantitative research. You have an ability to conduct a quantitative research and assess it as well as its applicability to your own field of research and development work. You can identify the applicability of various types of quantitative data and methods for solving different types of research questions.


Epistemological grounds of quantitative research, definition of the research topic, formulation of the research questions, process of quantitative research, methods of data collection, main analysis methods for Master's thesis, reliability of quantitative research, ethics in quantitative research.

Quantitative Research
Hypotheses testing
Populations and samples,
Normality assumption of data,
Descriptive statistics,
Correlational analysis
Regression analysis (simple, linear),
T-tests and ANOVA
Validity and reliability of data, assumptions of parametric data
Logistic regression and non-linear regression,
Explorative Factor analysis,
Non-parametric tests
Revisiting assumptions of parametric data
Multi-collinearity, Autocorrelation and Heteroscedasticity

Location and time

The course is held in the spring semester.


Quantitative Research Methods.
Focus in Sport Management research.

Study Material
Lecture slides and spreadsheets, research articles and videos.
Text Book Discovering Statistics Using IBM SPSS Statistics (5th Edition) by Andy Field Publishers: SAGE Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-1526436566, ISBN-10: 1526436566
Microsoft Excel, Webropol

Teaching methods

The primary modes of delivery are online Webinars and online learning.

Exam schedules

Research articles-based assignment (50% weight)-Individual work: Each one of you must choose one research article. You may choose the article either from RESEARCH ARTICLES folder available in the Moodle or pick one by yourself.

In the case of former, you must reserve your article via the Discussion Forum message thread only.

In the latter case, you must receive my consent regarding the article before you proceed. After I give my consent then mention the details of your chosen article in the Discussion Forum in the same message thread mentioned before. The basic criterial of the selection of the article is that it must have review of literature, hypotheses, methodology, analysis (descriptive and inferential) and of course discussion.

Whatever the case may be no two or more students can choose the same article.

You are required to analyze the following issues in your presentation: research questions/objectives, hypotheses, methodology, analysis, finding and implications, any limitations.

You are required to submit a word file (1200 or more words).

2. Online written examination (50% weight)
Based on contents studied in the lecture slides and recommended research articles, there will a one hour long online written examination. You will be required to attempt two out of three questions.

International connections

There are several possibilities to participate in the international projects.

Student workload

Lectures 27 h
Assignments 54 h
Independent study 54 h
Total 135h ( one credit equals 27 hours of student work)

Further information

Open UAS 5

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: You demonstrate an understanding of the epistemological grounds of quantitative research as well as its strengths and weaknesses. You recognize different quantitative materials and methods that are suited for the solution of different types of research assignments. You have basic preparedness to carry out quantitative research. You perceive how quantitative research is assessed.

Satisfactory 2 : You demonstrate an understanding of the epistemological grounds of quantitative research as well as its strengths and weaknesses. You recognize and are able to select different quantitative materials and methods that are suited for the solution of different types of research assignments. You have basic preparedness to carry out quantitative research. You perceive how quantitative research is assessed and apply the information to the research and development work of your own field.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: You demonstrate an understanding of the epistemological grounds of quantitative research as well as its strengths and weaknesses. You select and justify your choice of quantitative material and methods that are suited to solving the research assignments of your thesis. You have good preparedness to carry out quantitative research. You can assess quantitative research and apply the information to the research and development work of your own field.

Very good 4: You specify with justifications the epistemological grounds and methods of your quantitative research. You competently examine the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. You assess the suitability of different quantitative materials and methods to solving different types of research assignments. You have very good preparedness to carry out quantitative research. You assess quantitative research and its applicability to the research and development work of your own field.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5:
You specify with justifications the epistemological grounds and methods of your quantitative research. You competently examine the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research. You assess the suitability of different quantitative materials and methods to solving different types of research assignments. You have excellent preparedness to carry out quantitative research. You critically assess quantitative research and its applicability to the research and development work of your own field.


Bachelor's degree