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Managing Professional Success ProjectLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HB00BX77


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Jay Panjwani


In this course, we will look at how you can creatively shape your career as you go into the radically changing world of work. We will focus on meaningful work as a core element of career sustainability and explore ways to design a value-driven path. After completing the course, you will understand how the changing context influences your career agency, how to use narrative to clarify your career identity, how to pursue meaningfulness and how to use radical creativity and design thinking to navigate the uncertain future of work. The course is an open online course. The course material is divided into five (5) chapters.


To understand the nature of radically changing career dynamics and the core skills for creating a sustainable career in the future of work
To recognise the role of narrative in increasing self-awareness, creating meaning, and adapting to changes
To understand the nature, benefits, and challenges of meaningful work and how to pursue meaningfulness in your career
To understand the importance of creativity in career design and how to use intuition and design thinking to support career decision-making and adaptability

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Please remember to add also that after completion of the course, a student has to upload the certificate in the IB General Moodle workspace (Future of Work certificates:§ion=20#tabs-tree-start )

Further information

Registration for the course at
Get acquainted with the course contents. The course consists of five chapters, each divided into several sections. The course content is available both in text and audio format and are supported with videos by Aalto University alumni who share their career experiences.
After each section, there is either a multiple-choice quiz or self-reflection assignment.
In order to successfully complete the course, you will need to pass all assignments.
After completing the course, you can download an official Aalto University course Certificate on the Future of Work platform.