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Early Childhood Music EducationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: KP00BA90


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Leena Kangastalo


Course competences:
You acquire, process, evaluate, and critically and appropriately apply knowledge, principles, theories, and methods of your field.

You are familiar with the key teaching methods of group guidance as well as the learning materials and are able to appropriately select, apply and develop them.
You can use digital learning environments as both a student and a teacher.

Course outcomes:
After the course, you can use and apply methods of music education (singing, playing, movement, dance, listening and integration of art subjects) when planning and implementing experiential music activities in groups of expectant mothers and young children and parents.
You are familiar with the general and musical development of a child under 3 years and the basics of music education.
You will learn to understand the importance of supporting a child’s holistic development and the importance of supporting musical interaction between parent and child in early childhood music education.
You know how to plan and implement goal-oriented music education activities in accordance with the goals of early childhood music education.
You will learn to evaluate and develop your theoretical and practical skills as well as your guidance skills in teaching.


Goals and methods of early childhood music education.
General and musical development of a child under 3 years..
Basics of music education for the period of pregnancy.
Goal-oriented music and art education for children under the age of 3 and their families.


You have learned about the basics of music education, early childhood music education or early childhood education.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

PASS: You know how to use and apply the ways of music education in practice.
You know the main features of the general and musical development of a child under three years.
You know the basics of music education. You understand the importance of supporting the holistic development of the child and the musical interaction between a parent and a child.
You will plan and implement goal-oriented music lessons for the families.


01.08.2022 - 25.08.2022


29.08.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Finnish Music Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music Pedagogue
  • Leena Kangastalo
  • KPD20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Music
  • KPD21S1
    Musiikkipedagogi (AMK)


Course competences:
You acquire, process, evaluate, and critically and appropriately apply knowledge, principles, theories, and methods of your field.

You are familiar with the key teaching methods of group guidance as well as the learning materials and are able to appropriately select, apply and develop them.
You can use digital learning environments as both a student and a teacher.

Course outcomes:
After the course, you can use and apply methods of music education (singing, playing, movement, dance, listening and integration of art subjects) when planning and implementing experiential music activities in groups of expectant mothers and young children and parents.
You are familiar with the general and musical development of a child under 3 years and the basics of music education.
You will learn to understand the importance of supporting a child’s holistic development and the importance of supporting musical interaction between parent and child in early childhood music education.
You know how to plan and implement goal-oriented music education activities in accordance with the goals of early childhood music education.
You will learn to evaluate and develop your theoretical and practical skills as well as your guidance skills in teaching.


Goals and methods of early childhood music education.
General and musical development of a child under 3 years..
Basics of music education for the period of pregnancy.
Goal-oriented music and art education for children under the age of 3 and their families.

Location and time

Maanantaisin klo. 15.15 - 17.30
Pitkäkatu 18 -22 luokka 238


KARPPINEN, S., PUURULA, A. ja RUOKONEN, I. (toim.) 2007. Elämysten alkupolulla. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
LINDEBERG-PIIROINEN, A. & RUOKONEN, I. (toim.) 2017. Musiikki varhaiskasvatuksessa -käsikirja. Classicus Oy.
AHONEN, L. & ROSS, P. 2021.Untuvikot. Alle 3-vuotiaiden pedagogiikka. PS-Kustannus.
RUOKONEN, I.(toim.) 2022. Ilmaisun ilo. Käsikirja 0-8 vuotiaiden taito- ja taidekasvatukseen. PS-kustannus.

Teaching methods

You will participate in lessons, including lectures, demonstrations and workshops. You will practice group guidance in your student group, familiarising yourself with music education materials for children under the age of three. You will work independently with other students in a small group, making a mini-project for families with children in a community, for example. cultural clinic, art museum, kindergarten.
You will learn about early childhood music education and the work of a music teacher by following groups of children whose ages vary.
You write a learning diary describing the development of your learning process.
The materials and assignments of the course are in an e-learning environment, where you also return all the tasks you have done.

Employer connections

You observe the lessons in a place of your choice, for example in a Muskaristudio, the music groups of parish or private music schools.

The mini-project is implemented in a nearby place, eg in kindergartens, an art museum.

Exam schedules

Paritentti tehdään toiseksi viimeisellä tunnilla.

Completion alternatives

Osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen: Hyväksilukeminen (korvaaminen ja sisällyttäminen)

Muulla tavoin hankitun osaamisen tunnistaminen ja tunnustaminen
Tarkemmat ohjeet löytyvät tutkintosäännöstä ja opinto-oppaasta.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

PASS: You know how to use and apply the ways of music education in practice.
You know the main features of the general and musical development of a child under three years.
You know the basics of music education. You understand the importance of supporting the holistic development of the child and the musical interaction between a parent and a child.
You will plan and implement goal-oriented music lessons for the families.


You have learned about the basics of music education, early childhood music education or early childhood education.