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Heat and flow engineeringLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TERP0400


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Ville Kotimäki


The purpose of the course

You will learn the basics of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics which are required to understand different industrial and heat transfer phenomena. In addition, you will learn logical problem solving.

Eur-ACE competences

EA-KW: You obtain the basic knowledge of heat transfer processes and fluid mechanics for the field of engineering.
EA-MC: You are able to apply the physical problem solving strategies in other fields of interest.
EA-CT: You will learn to communicate technical information, ideas and solutions in the engineering comminity.

Learning outcome

After completing this course you are able to identify the basic principles of the heat transfer and fluid mechanics. You are also able to solve simple heat transfer and fluid mechanics problems.


The course consists of the following themes

Heat equation and applications, steady heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, laminar flow and turbulent flow.


The basic knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics and calculus are required. Advanced equation solving skills are also needed.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Grade 1

You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve simple problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Grade 2

You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects by using examples. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Grade 3

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Grade 4

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Most of your solutions don't have any mistakes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Grade 5

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Are are able to estimate the suitability of the used models for the problems at hand. Your solutions contain only few small careless mistakes.


01.11.2021 - 05.01.2023


01.01.2023 - 31.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Ville Kotimäki
  • TER21S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • TER21SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)


The purpose of the course

You will learn the basics of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics which are required to understand different industrial and heat transfer phenomena. In addition, you will learn logical problem solving.

Eur-ACE competences

EA-KW: You obtain the basic knowledge of heat transfer processes and fluid mechanics for the field of engineering.
EA-MC: You are able to apply the physical problem solving strategies in other fields of interest.
EA-CT: You will learn to communicate technical information, ideas and solutions in the engineering comminity.

Learning outcome

After completing this course you are able to identify the basic principles of the heat transfer and fluid mechanics. You are also able to solve simple heat transfer and fluid mechanics problems.


The course consists of the following themes

Heat equation and applications, steady heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, laminar flow and turbulent flow.


Kurssilla käytetään opettajan tekemiä videoita sekä pdf-muotoista materiaaleja.

Kurssi pohjautuu seuraavaan kirjaan:

1.) Cengel, Yunus A.; Ghajar, Afshin J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Fundamentals & Applications, Fifth Edition in SI Units.

Mikä tahansa painos kelpaa tukimateriaaliksi.

Teaching methods

Kurssi koostuu perinteisestä luento-opetuksesta, opetusvideoiden katselusta sekä laskuharjoitusten laskemisesta.

Exam schedules

Kurssin tenttiaikataulut ilmoitetaan ensimmäisellä luennolla.

Student workload

64 h kontaktiopetusta
6 h kokeita
65 h itsenäistä opiskelua

Content scheduling

Laskuharjoituksia tehdään tasaisesti lähes koko kevään ajan. Kurssilla pidetään kaksi koetta, joista ensimmäinen puolivälissä ja toinen lopussa.

Further information

Kurssi arvioidaan harjoitustehtävien sekä välikokeiden perusteella.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Grade 1

You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve simple problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Grade 2

You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects by using examples. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Grade 3

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Grade 4

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Most of your solutions don't have any mistakes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Grade 5

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Are are able to estimate the suitability of the used models for the problems at hand. Your solutions contain only few small careless mistakes.


The basic knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics and calculus are required. Advanced equation solving skills are also needed.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology


Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Energy and Environmental Technology
  • Ville Kotimäki
Teacher in charge

Ville Kotimäki

Scheduling groups
  • Päiväryhmä (Size: 40. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Monimuoto (Size: 40. Open UAS: 0.)
  • TER20SM
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka (AMK)
  • TER20S1
    Energia- ja ympäristötekniikka
Small groups
  • Päiväryhmä
  • Monimuoto


The purpose of the course

You will learn the basics of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics which are required to understand different industrial and heat transfer phenomena. In addition, you will learn logical problem solving.

Eur-ACE competences

EA-KW: You obtain the basic knowledge of heat transfer processes and fluid mechanics for the field of engineering.
EA-MC: You are able to apply the physical problem solving strategies in other fields of interest.
EA-CT: You will learn to communicate technical information, ideas and solutions in the engineering comminity.

Learning outcome

After completing this course you are able to identify the basic principles of the heat transfer and fluid mechanics. You are also able to solve simple heat transfer and fluid mechanics problems.


The course consists of the following themes

Heat equation and applications, steady heat conduction, convection, thermal radiation, laminar flow and turbulent flow.


Kurssilla käytetään opettajan tekemiä videoita sekä pdf-muotoista materiaaleja.

Kurssi pohjautuu seuraavaan kirjaan:

1.) Cengel, Yunus A.; Ghajar, Afshin J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Fundamentals & Applications, Fifth Edition in SI Units.

Mikä tahansa painos kelpaa tukimateriaaliksi.

Teaching methods

Kurssi koostuu perinteisestä luento-opetuksesta, opetusvideoiden katselusta sekä laskuharjoitusten laskemisesta.

Exam schedules

Kurssin tenttiaikataulut ilmoitetaan ensimmäisellä luennolla.

Student workload

72 h kontaktiopetusta
8 h kokeita
55 h itsenäistä opiskelua

Content scheduling

Laskuharjoituksia tehdään tasaisesti lähes koko kevään ajan. Kurssilla pidetään kaksi koetta, joista ensimmäinen puolivälissä ja toinen lopussa.

Further information

Kurssi arvioidaan harjoitustehtävien sekä välikokeiden perusteella.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Grade 1

You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve simple problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Grade 2

You are able to identify the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects by using examples. You are able to read charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Grade 3

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve basic problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Your solutions may contain some mistakes.

Grade 4

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Most of your solutions don't have any mistakes.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Grade 5

You undestand the basic principles of the course subjects and the models used to describe the physical systems. You are able to solve challenging problems related to the course subjects. You are able to read and produce charts and tables. Are are able to estimate the suitability of the used models for the problems at hand. Your solutions contain only few small careless mistakes.


The basic knowledge of mechanics, thermodynamics and calculus are required. Advanced equation solving skills are also needed.