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Practical Training 3Laajuus (15 cr)

Code: TRHA0003


15 op

Responsible person

  • Petri Pelkonen


After completing the supervised internship, the student knows the practical tasks that are essential for professional studies and can apply his / her knowledge and skills to the working life. The student understands the operations of an organization and related issues such as quality and management systems, financial realities and the laws of working life. During the internships, the work and school representatives, who are instructors, assist the student in achieving their goals.
The student sets goals for his / her internship according to his / her work tasks together with the supervisors. The student returns the objectives, a statement of the achievement of the objectives, interim and final feedback memos, and a report of the internship. The report will include: analyze the achievement of the learning objectives of the practice. These are the basic tasks of the course.


Supervised Practicing placed in a construction company or in R & D projects in the construction industry.
Training Documents, Report.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Approved: The student recognizes all the subjects described in the learning objectives, understands their significance and is able to complete the basic tasks in accordance with the objectives of the course.

Further information

The Student has to show that he / she masters the learning objectives of the course with proof, such as certificate of earlier degrees, documents and performances made in working life supplemented with statements.


09.01.2023 - 31.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

15 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Pekka Lähdesmäki
  • Heidi Hämäläinen-Laitinen
  • Marko Viinikainen
  • Petri Pelkonen
  • Hannu Haapamaa
  • Antti Kauppinen
  • Hannu Haapamaa
  • Panu Putkonen
Teacher in charge

Petri Pelkonen

  • TRY20S1
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering


After completing the supervised internship, the student knows the practical tasks that are essential for professional studies and can apply his / her knowledge and skills to the working life. The student understands the operations of an organization and related issues such as quality and management systems, financial realities and the laws of working life. During the internships, the work and school representatives, who are instructors, assist the student in achieving their goals.
The student sets goals for his / her internship according to his / her work tasks together with the supervisors. The student returns the objectives, a statement of the achievement of the objectives, interim and final feedback memos, and a report of the internship. The report will include: analyze the achievement of the learning objectives of the practice. These are the basic tasks of the course.


Supervised Practicing placed in a construction company or in R & D projects in the construction industry.
Training Documents, Report.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Approved: The student recognizes all the subjects described in the learning objectives, understands their significance and is able to complete the basic tasks in accordance with the objectives of the course.

Further information

The Student has to show that he / she masters the learning objectives of the course with proof, such as certificate of earlier degrees, documents and performances made in working life supplemented with statements.