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Quantity and Tender Calculation, SchedulesLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: TRRTS005


4 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Petri Pelkonen


Object of the course:
The knowledge and skills you get on this course you will need in order to be able to calculate the amount of building components and, after pricing, to make a tender and a work schedule for the target.
Course competences:
- Technological competence
The learning objectives of the course:
You know how to make a quantity calculation of the plans in use, transfer the quantities to the tender calculation program and price them according to work types and materials using the Talo nomenclatures for transcription. After quantity calculation and pricing, you can make an offer. You identify different types of schedules for a construction project and you know how to select the most suitable you want to use for the target and you can make the schedule using the schedule software.
You know how to use Building Information Models in quantity calculations.
These are also the basic tasks of the course.


The quantity calculation of the construction project, the transfer of quantities to the tender calculation program, the pricing of work types and materials, and the submission of an offer. Transcription of operations according to Talo nomenclatures. Different schedule types for a construction project.


Basics of House Building, Construction economy.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Passable (1): The student recognizes all of the learning objectives, understands the meaning of them and is able to perform the basic tasks described in the learning objectives of the course.

Satisfying (2): In addition to previous skills, the student can systematically describe the issues of the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good (3): In addition to previous skills, the student can describe the influences of various solutions and can make reasoned choices between alternatives.

Laudable (4): In addition to previous skills, the student can apply the learned issues independently and is able to evaluate done solutions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent ( 5 ): In addition to previous skills, the student shows deep knowledge of course contents as well as ability to parse and wider analyze the influences of solutions.

Further information

Opintojakso on osa rakennusinsinöörin työnjohtajan pätevyyksiin kuuluvia opintoja (Ympäristöministeriön ohje rakentamisen työnjohtotehtävien vaativuusluokista ja työnjohtajien kelpoisuudestaYM4/601/2015).

Opintojakson sisältö noudattaa ammattikorkeakoulujen ja rakennusteollisuuden kanssa yhteistyössä vuonna 2019 laatimaa rakennustuotannon ohjeellista opetussuunnitelmaa.