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Bachelor's Thesis, PlanningLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: ZZ00BL91


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Pasi Lehtola, Teknologia
  • Riikka Ahlgren, Liiketalous
  • Sari Järvinen, Hyvinvointi


There are no implementations of the Bachelor's Thesis, Planning course and therefore no enrolment for it. Start your thesis by making a topic proposal in Wihi.

Purpose of the course:
You prepare a working life oriented thesis plan as part of bachelor's degree in which you demonstrate your competence required for expert duties in the field as well as general working life skills. You understand and know how to act responsibly in development and research projects.

Course competences
Learning and information management competence
Entrepreneurship, innovation and working community competence
Internationalisation and communications competence
Ethical competence

EUR-ACE accredited degree programmes
Research and information retrieval
Engineering practice
Communication and team-working

Intended learning outcomes:
As a student, you identify development needs or problem areas of working life in your professional field and in work places. You plan a practice-based development project or research for their solution, that you implement as your thesis. You use reliable and research- and evidence-based information from different sources and data basis in the field of your studies. You follow the principles of responsible conduct of research and use source-criticism. You are able to communicate about your thesis plan at different stages of the plan phase to different target groups in an illustrative way, both in writing and verbal. You act in compliance with the principles of ethical research.


- Familiarizing with the Thesis process and practices at JAMK
- Responsible Thesis: Responsible conduct of research, ethical issues of practice-based development and research, data privacy and copyright
- Agreement and permit practices
- Critical and systematic information seeking from relevant databases in the field of studies guided by library staff for groups
- Open science and research - Data management planning tool DMP Tuuli and Bachelor's thesis data collection
focusing Thesis topic
- Methodological approaches, the data collection instrument (questionnaire, interview form, observation form, the necessary measurements for recording the form etc., or e.g. literature review articles evaluation forms)
- Preparing and presenting Thesis plan
- Participation in small group and individual supervision of the thesis plan phase


Sufficient familiarity with own professional field and mastery of development and research methods.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The thesis assessment criteria at levels adequate 1 and satisfactory 2 are described in the thesis assesment criteria form.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The thesis assessment criteria at levels good 3 and very good 4 are described in the thesis assessment criteria form.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The thesis assessment criterion at level excellent 5 is described in the thesis assessment criteria form.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The approval grade for the thesis plan phase is recorded when the thesis supervisor has approved the thesis plan and its appendices. The approved entry changes to a grade in accordance with the thesis assessment criteria when the thesis is approved and the grade is given in the thesis group.