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Functioning, Participation and CounsellingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SZXX2010


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Maija Jylhä


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.


08.01.2024 - 17.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
Teacher in charge

Sonja Salonen

  • ZJA23SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 60

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Minna Seikkula
  • Maija Jylhä
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 30. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Avustaminen ja apuvälineet 1 (Size: 22. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Avustaminen ja apuvälineet 2 (Size: 22. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Avustaminen ja apuvälineet 3 (Size: 22. Open UAS: 0.)
  • ZJASFT23S1
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti, päivä
  • SFT23S1
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT23S1
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin amk, sote, korkeakoulupolku, Gradia, kuntoutus- ja sosiaaliala
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2
  • Scheduling group 3
  • Scheduling group 4
  • Scheduling group 5


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3,5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Minna Seikkula
  • Maija Jylhä
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT23SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT23SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3,5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT23SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT23SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3,5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 24. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 24. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT23SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT23SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3,5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2023 - 24.08.2023


30.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Minna Seikkula
  • Maija Jylhä
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 24. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 24. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT23SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT23SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
  • SOS23SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO23SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
Small groups
  • Scheduling group 1
  • Scheduling group 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3,5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
Teacher in charge

Sonja Salonen

  • ZJA22SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


24.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anniina Berg
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT22SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT22SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä 1
  • Pienryhmä 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3,5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


24.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anniina Berg
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT22SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT22SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä 1
  • Pienryhmä 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3.5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


24.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anniina Berg
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT22SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT22SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä 1
  • Pienryhmä 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5. Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3.5 Cr

Further information

Gradian korkeakoulupolku 5 paikkaa.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


24.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anniina Berg
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 22. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 22. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 3 (Size: 22. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT22S1
    Fysioterapeutti (AMK)
  • STT22S1
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin amk, sote, korkeakoulupolku, Gradia, kuntoutus- ja sosiaaliala
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä 1
  • Pienryhmä 2
  • Pienryhmä 3


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3,5 Cr

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




01.08.2022 - 26.08.2022


24.10.2022 - 21.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

4 op

Mode of delivery

20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 50

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Tuomas Lallukka
  • Anniina Berg
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
  • Minna Seikkula
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

Scheduling groups
  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 25. Open UAS: 0.)
  • SFT22SM
    Fysioterapeutin tutkinto-ohjelma (AMK)
  • STT22SM
    Toimintaterapeutti (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, sosionomi monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, kuntoutuksen ohjaaja monimuoto
  • SOS22SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO22SM
    Kuntoutuksen ohjaaja (AMK)
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, fysioterapeutti monimuoto
    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, toimintaterapeutti monimuoto
Small groups
  • Pienryhmä 1
  • Pienryhmä 2


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- contact lessons
- groupwork
- selflearning (videomaterial, pretasks, other material

Student workload

Contack learning, webinars and self learning 1.5 Cr
Learning tasks: Case task, motivational discussion webcourse and motiovational guidance videotask and analycize 3.5 Cr

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




07.09.2022 - 15.09.2022


29.08.2022 - 16.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 25

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Riikka Rantanen
  • Anniina Berg
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
Teacher in charge

Riikka Rantanen

    Avoin AMK, sote, AMK-polut, lähihoitajasta sosionomiksi monimuoto


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


• Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet.
•Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto. TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

- webinars
- selflearning (videomaterial, tasks, other material)

Student workload

Webinars 20 h
Self learning, motivational discussion webcourse and learning task 115 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Sonja Salonen
Teacher in charge

Sonja Salonen

  • ZJA21SSA
    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, Alkio-opisto


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction

Further information

Alkio-opisto, kuntoutus-sosiaalialan polkuopinnot.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.




10.01.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Anu Myllyharju-Puikkonen
  • Maija Jylhä
Teacher in charge

Maija Jylhä

    Avoin AMK, sote, YTOL-opinnot, HIerojakoulut


In this course you will learn about the factors affecting functioning capacity and inclusion and how to influence them. You will learn to use motivational and interactive guidance in client situations

- You understand and are able to utilize the ICF Framework to describe functioning capacity and inclusion.
- You recognize the basics of assessing a client's ability of functioning capacity, inclusion, and need for rehabilitation and service, and are able to find evidence-based assessment methods.
- You know how to support client`s inclusion by using different methods
- You know the basic principles of activating patient transfer techniques and ergonomics.
- You know the stages of process for assistive devices and can justify the importance of wellness technology / assistive devices in supporting the client's functioning capacity and inclusion
- You know the principles of motivational guidance. You know the main factors on motivational discussion and different means of communication affecting the guidance.
- You know the factors that influence on equal interaction and you recognize the strengths of your interaction and the things you need to develop.

Client competence in social, health care and rehabilitation services
Promotion of well-being and occupational performance
Technological competence


Theoretical basics of the concepts of functioning capacity, inclusion, agency and guidance.
Methods supporting client`s inclusion
The ICF framework for person-oriented and multidisciplinary work: goals of ICF, common language and concepts, ICF structure and codes, tools how to apply ICF
ICF based documentation
Functioning evaluation and related methods and measures.

Ergonomic assistance in patient transfer techniques
Assistive devices and accessibility criteria
Assistive devices for functioning capacity, independence and security, and wellness technologies such as mobility and communication aids, and assistive devices.
Accessibility of different environments

Principles of motiovational guidance and discussion
Practical tasks for interaction


• Autti-Rämö Ilona, Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta, Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen. E-kirja
• Helminen Jari. 2017. Asiakkaan moniammatillinen ohjaus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa.
• ICF-luokitus. Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos.
• Motivoivan keskustelun verkkokurssi. Duodecim.
• Osallisuus. THL.
• Terveyskylä.fi. Apuvälineet. Toimintakyvyn mittaamisen ja arvioinnin kansallinen asiantuntijaverkosto.
• TOIMIA-tietokanta.
• Vehviläinen Sanna. 2014. Ohjaustyön opas: yhteistyössä kohti toimijuutta.
• Vänskä, K., Laitinen-Väänänen, S., Kettunen, T., & Mäkelä, J. 2011. Onnistuuko ohjaus. Sosiaali- ja terveysalan ohjaustyössä kehittyminen. Helsinki: Edita.
• Leena Tamminen-Peter & Gustav Wickström.

Teaching methods

In this course you will study theory and practical skills in videolectures and multidisciplinary small groups.
Flopped learning: you will be prepared in advance for contact lessons through videos an literature.
Case learning assignment.
In small group contact sessions you will practice motivational communication and interaction skills,
inclusion and instructing skills.
Online study

Student workload

Contact lessons, webinars and videolectures, preparation for contact lessons and video lectures 2,5 cr. Learning assignments: Case assignment and motivating online course, motivating guidance and video analysis, 2,5 cr

Further information

VAIN Suomen Hierojakoulut Oy:n opiskelijat

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Adequate 1. You understand the meaning of ICF- framework and you are able to classify issues related to functioning capacity using the classification. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You know the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe in a narrow way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication or a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Satisfactory 2 You are able to classify functioning capacity using the ICF- framework and describe every day life inclusion. You view inclusion in limited way. You can describe an individual's life situation and choose some methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe partly way the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You can mention a few principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can mention a few interaction factors about the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3. You view functioning capacity versatily using the ICF- framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity.
You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe many principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You know a few interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation

Very good 4 You view functioning capacity versatily and precisely using the ICF framework. You view inclusion from different perspectives. You can make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You describe extensively and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You recognize multiple interaction factors and view versatily the guidance situation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5 You are able to view functioning capacity widely, variably, appropriately and accurately aplieng the ICF framework. You view inclusion versatily from many different perspectives. You can structure and make conclusions of individual`s life situation and choose meaningful methods supporting inclusion. You understand the criteria for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify appropriate methods and metrics for assessing functioning capacity. You are able to choose and justify aids to support client`s functioning capacity and welfare technology solutions. You describe widely the process of purchasing aids and the basics of availability based on theory and client`s needs. You know the principles of ergonomic and active assistance to the client's transfers and movement. You are able to describe extensively, illustrative and justify the principles of motivational guidance and means of communication. You can estimate multiple interaction factors and analyze the guidance situation.

