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Planning of return to workLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SZXX2027


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish

Responsible person

  • Satu Tuomimäki


Purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic competences of the preparation of an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan.

Course competences
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Rehabilitation planning competence
Rehabilitation guidance competence

Intended learning of the course
You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and know the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can apply the information produced by a working group to practice. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can justify the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency.


Work ability, threat of loss of work ability, sustainable solutions for vocational rehabilitation. Drawing up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan. Individual step-by-step process of vocational rehabilitation and its measures. Multiprofessionalism and working in networks. Guidance and planning of rehabilitation. Modifying work.


Service system for work ability rehabilitation

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and can name the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can consider the information produced by a working group. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can explain the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency. You recognise the specialist role of the rehabilitation counsellor in the rehabilitation processes and in the preparation of rehabilitation plans.


03.09.2024 - 20.09.2024


01.10.2024 - 31.03.2025

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 20

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Satu Tuomimäki
    Avoin AMK, sote, Työkykykuntoutus


Purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic competences of the preparation of an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan.

Course competences
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Rehabilitation planning competence
Rehabilitation guidance competence

Intended learning of the course
You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and know the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can apply the information produced by a working group to practice. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can justify the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency.


Work ability, threat of loss of work ability, sustainable solutions for vocational rehabilitation. Drawing up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan. Individual step-by-step process of vocational rehabilitation and its measures. Multiprofessionalism and working in networks. Guidance and planning of rehabilitation. Modifying work.

Location and time



Arola, Anne-Mari; Härkäpää, Kristiina ja Järvikoski, Aila (2013). Työtä tavoittelemassa: ammatillisen kuntoutuksen projekti tarkastelun kohteena. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Autti-Rämö Ilona; Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta ja Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen.

Gould, Raija; Härkäpää, Kristiina ja Järvikoski, Aila (toim.) 2012. Toimiiko työeläkekuntoutus? ETK:n tutkimuksia. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Kaisa Haapakoski, Leena Åkerblad, Asko Tolvanen, Mikko Mäntysaari.
Kelan työllistymistä edistävä ammatillinen kuntoutus. Palvelun toimivuuden edellytyset. Sosiaali- ja terveysturvan raportteja 22/2020. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Pirjo Juvonen-Posti ja Tiina Pensola (toim.) 2016. Kohti koordinoitua yhteistoimintaa. Ammatillisen kuntoutuksen työnjako. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Juvonen-Posti P (2018) Work-related rehabilitation for strenghtening working careers. A multiperspective and mixed methods study of its mechanisms. Acta Universitas Ouluensis D Medica 1468. University of Oulu, Oulu 2018.

Teaching methods

Käänteinen opetus, oppimistehtävät, ohjauskeskustelut, itsenäinen opiskelu, pienryhmätehtävät.

Further information

Avoin AMK 10
COL 10

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and can name the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can consider the information produced by a working group. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can explain the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency. You recognise the specialist role of the rehabilitation counsellor in the rehabilitation processes and in the preparation of rehabilitation plans.


Service system for work ability rehabilitation


20.11.2023 - 04.01.2024


11.03.2024 - 20.05.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 10

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Occupational Therapy
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Physiotherapy
  • Satu Tuomimäki
    Avoin AMK, sote, Työkykykuntoutus
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


Purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic competences of the preparation of an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan.

Course competences
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Rehabilitation planning competence
Rehabilitation guidance competence

Intended learning of the course
You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and know the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can apply the information produced by a working group to practice. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can justify the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency.


Work ability, threat of loss of work ability, sustainable solutions for vocational rehabilitation. Drawing up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan. Individual step-by-step process of vocational rehabilitation and its measures. Multiprofessionalism and working in networks. Guidance and planning of rehabilitation. Modifying work.

Location and time



Arola, Anne-Mari; Härkäpää, Kristiina ja Järvikoski, Aila (2013). Työtä tavoittelemassa: ammatillisen kuntoutuksen projekti tarkastelun kohteena. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Autti-Rämö Ilona; Salminen Anna-Liisa, Rajavaara Marketta ja Ylinen Aarne (toim.) 2016. Kuntoutuminen.

Gould, Raija; Härkäpää, Kristiina ja Järvikoski, Aila (toim.) 2012. Toimiiko työeläkekuntoutus? ETK:n tutkimuksia. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Kaisa Haapakoski, Leena Åkerblad, Asko Tolvanen, Mikko Mäntysaari.
Kelan työllistymistä edistävä ammatillinen kuntoutus. Palvelun toimivuuden edellytyset. Sosiaali- ja terveysturvan raportteja 22/2020. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Pirjo Juvonen-Posti ja Tiina Pensola (toim.) 2016. Kohti koordinoitua yhteistoimintaa. Ammatillisen kuntoutuksen työnjako. (Löytyy myös verkosta.)

Juvonen-Posti P (2018) Work-related rehabilitation for strenghtening working careers. A multiperspective and mixed methods study of its mechanisms. Acta Universitas Ouluensis D Medica 1468. University of Oulu, Oulu 2018.

Teaching methods

Käänteinen opetus, oppimistehtävät, ohjauskeskustelut, itsenäinen opiskelu, pienryhmätehtävät. Osallistuminen jokaiselle opetuskerralle on välttämätöntä.

Further information

Avoin AMK 20
COL 10

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and can name the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can consider the information produced by a working group. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can explain the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency. You recognise the specialist role of the rehabilitation counsellor in the rehabilitation processes and in the preparation of rehabilitation plans.


Service system for work ability rehabilitation


01.11.2021 - 05.12.2021


14.03.2022 - 20.05.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

0 - 15

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Social Services
  • Satu Tuomimäki
  • SOS20SM
    Sosionomi (AMK)
  • SKO20SM
    Bachelor's Degree Programme in Rehabilitation Counselling


Purpose of the course
During the course, you will acquire basic competences of the preparation of an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan.

Course competences
Competence in assessing rehabilitation needs and opportunities
Rehabilitation planning competence
Rehabilitation guidance competence

Intended learning of the course
You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and know the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can apply the information produced by a working group to practice. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can justify the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency.


Work ability, threat of loss of work ability, sustainable solutions for vocational rehabilitation. Drawing up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan. Individual step-by-step process of vocational rehabilitation and its measures. Multiprofessionalism and working in networks. Guidance and planning of rehabilitation. Modifying work.

Teaching methods

Käänteinen opetus, oppimistehtävät, keskustelut, itsenäinen opiskelu.

Further information

Avoin AMK 10
CampusOnline 10

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

You can describe individual and work environment level factors that promote and prevent work ability. You understand the threat of loss of work ability and can name the practical measures that can influence this threat. You can describe the activities of multiprofessional working groups and the roles of actors in vocational rehabilitation. You can consider the information produced by a working group. You can draw up an appropriate vocational rehabilitation plan together with the employee (rehabilitee). You can take sustainable individual solutions into account in the plan and guide and advise the employee and the employer at different stages of the rehabilitation process. You can explain the contents of the plan expertly, know how to put it into practice and monitor the implementation of the plan appropriately. You can motivate the employee and strengthen their agency. You recognise the specialist role of the rehabilitation counsellor in the rehabilitation processes and in the preparation of rehabilitation plans.


Service system for work ability rehabilitation