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Johtamisen tutkinto-ohjelma, ylempi AMK, Tradenomi

Master of Business Administration

Degree title:
Master of Business Administration

90 ects

Key learning outcomes

After graduating, you possess the skills to manage and renew organisations and work communities. You are able to assess and develop your leadership and career in a goal-oriented manner. You understand the significance of strategy in the management of an organisation and are able to draw up strategies for the national and/or international operating environment. You advance and lead your work community and organisation ethically and in accordance with the values of sustainable development. You utilise financial management in supervisory work, identifying and analysing development needs. You master the in-depth knowledge base of your field and are able to produce new information, taking the perspectives of different disciplines into account. You are able to critically assess information and ensure the continuous development of your personal competence and the competence of your work community. In your management work, you are able to apply research and development methods to produce new solutions that anticipate the future.

In the business and financial management studies, you develop skills in work community management and financial management in a digitalising society with the help of researched information. In organisational management studies, you develop skills in leadership and responsibility as well as the management of a diverse work community. In the financial management studies, you focus on financial management ethics, strategic financial management, public organisations’ financial management and international finance and accounting.

Education content and professional growth and know-how

The Master's Degree Programme in Management and Leadership, Business and Financial Management consists of 90 credits. You will take the Management study module (20 cr) and Research studies (10 cr) in a multidisciplinary student group. You will deepen your field-specific competence in the studies for Work community and financial management competence (25 cr), in your thesis (30 cr) and through elective studies (5 cr).

Joint Management Competence, 20 cr

The study module focuses on human and financial management as well as strategic management.
- Development as a Leader
- Human Resource Management
- Strategic Management
- Financial Management

Research Studies, 10 cr

Through research and development studies, you learn key methods for the development of business and industry, and the use of different research methods and research communication. You also learn to apply research data in your field and use it to develop the activities of your own organisation or another organisation.
- Research-based Development
- Qualitative Research or
- Quantitative Research

Work Community and Financial Management 20 cr

You can select five courses with an emphasis on responsibility or service management. You can place your additional studies in elective studies.
- Managing Diversity in the Workplace
- Leadership and Management in Digital age
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Current Phenomena in Management
- Ethics of Financial Management
- Strateginen talousjohtaminen
- Julkisorganisaatioiden talousjohtaminen
- Talousjohtamisen kansainväliset ulottuvuudet

Master's Thesis 30 cr

Writing a master's thesis is a core competence in the degree programme. In the thesis, you apply research data, develop your chosen field and/or organisation and deepen your professional expertise from the perspective of leadership or financial management.

The thesis is a research and/or development project that serves the world of work, where you apply your research skills in practice and support your own career development.

Elective Studies 10 cr

You can select courses offered by the degree programme, Jamk's other Master's degree programmes, EduFutura, EUDRES higher education institutions, Summer School or other universities of applied sciences. You have the opportunity to take a study tour abroad in at San José State University in California.

Flexible studies

The studies can be completed entirely online, so where you live or work is not an issue. Online learning includes online discussions and guidance with a team or instructor, carrying out and handing in versatile assignments and reports in a virtual learning environment, video or online lectures, independent study of source materials and participating in webinars. Some of the studies include scheduled webinars and assignments with date-and-time deadlines for submission. Webinars are mainly held on weekday evenings or in the afternoon. The student group's wishes are taken into account in the implementation. In addition, student groups meet in virtual learning environments or can independently arrange meetings online or face-to-face.

You can choose your alternative or elective studies from EduFutura partner institutions (University of Jyväskylä and Gradia) and international studies from European EUDRES higher education institutions. You can also choose from Finnish and foreign partner universities, such as other universities of applied sciences and universities. You can apply for accreditation of higher education studies that you have completed elsewhere.

Working life oriented learning

Learning and development assignments related to studies are mainly integrated into the development of work communities and/or organisations. During courses and on various expertise and alumni days, we invite visitors from our business and cooperation partner organisations. Student groups completing their degree alongside their work make up multidisciplinary and organisational networks where the competence and expertise of the group members benefit the entire group, drawing on the opportunities offered by digitalisation. The studies provide an opportunity to participate in professional and international networks.

If the student has acquired work skills that meet the degree programme's intended learning outcomes, studification of work is also an option for accreditation.

Career opportunities and employment

Graduates' career paths focus on management, supervisory or development tasks or expert assignments in the private or public sector or in organisations. The degree provides the opportunity to progress and develop competence in one's organisation or to seek new assignments.

Graduates mainly find employment in expert or supervisory positions in financial and personnel management in different fields in national or international organisations. Graduates are interested in career changes, such as obtaining new challenging assignments, more responsibility and a better income level; the degree is a springboard to all this.


This Master's degree provides general competencies for demanding supervisory tasks. The degree grants you eligibility for public posts and positions that require a Master's degree. The degree corresponds to level 7 of the European Qualification Frameworks (EQF7) and the National Qualifications Framework (NQF7) for qualifications and other learning.

Further studies

You may, after graduating, apply for postgraduate studies at universities or studies at the School of Professional Teacher Education. You can also continue your studies by applying for corresponding further education programmes in foreign higher education institutions, such as EUDRES higher education institutions. The university of applied sciences offers opportunities for competence development in various institutes, such as the open university of applied sciences, specialisation training and work-oriented continuing education.

Education planning

The degree programme was created in cooperation with other Master's degree programmes at Jamk, and it is based on extensive foresight information and benchmarking. The competence contained in the degree will be developed with an advisory board consisting of representatives of business and industry and with partners. Studies are also developed on the basis of the annual AVOP feedback provided by graduating students. Students and alumni of Jamk University of Applied Sciences are our lifelong partners, with whom we cooperate in the development of education quality and the curriculum.

RDI activities at Jamk involve high-quality research and development projects regionally in Central Finland, nationally and internationally with other higher education institutions, and organisations and research institutes of various fields. We are an active member of the international PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) community and EUDRES (European University Alliance) network, which, in addition to research cooperation, enables the development of education and teaching with our partners (for more information, visit

Contact Information

Sami Kalliomaa
Principal Lecturer, School of Business

Master’s Degree Programme in Management and Leadership, Business and Financial Management

Timing 27.01.2025 - 15.05.2025 Code YH00CL66-3001 Groups ZJA25KM ZJAYJM24S1 YJM24S1
Timing 30.09.2024 - 15.12.2024 Code YZ00CL59-3004 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
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Timing 02.09.2024 - 15.05.2025 Code YZ00CL56-3008 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
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Timing 20.01.2025 - 27.04.2025 Code YH00CL70-3001 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
Timing 15.01.2025 - 18.05.2025 Code YZZZ0130-3031 Groups YMJ22S1 YHO21S1 YMJ21S1 YJH24S1 YHO22S1 YMJ23S1 YJM24S1 YHO23S1
Timing 12.02.2025 - 15.05.2025 Code YH00CL69-3001 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
Timing 07.10.2024 - 13.04.2025 Code YZ00CB88-3001
Timing 20.01.2025 - 27.04.2025 Code YZ00CL57-3002 Groups ZJA25KM ZJAYJM24S1 YJM24S1
Timing 26.08.2024 - 08.12.2024 Code YZ00CL57-3003 Groups YSB22S1 YSB23S1 YSY22SJ YSH23S1
Timing 09.01.2025 - 13.04.2025 Code YZ00CL57-3005 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
Timing 03.02.2025 - 04.05.2025 Code YH00CM22-3001 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
Timing 16.09.2024 - 15.12.2024 Code YZ00CL58-3004 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
Timing 13.01.2025 - 13.04.2025 Code YH00CM21-3001 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YJH24S1
Timing 09.09.2024 - 15.12.2024 Code YZ00CK87-3013 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 YHP24S1 ZJAYJM24S1 YJH24S1 YJM24S1
Timing 10.09.2024 - 15.12.2024 Code YZ00CK87-3014 Groups ZJAYJH24S1 ZJAYJM24S1 YJH24S1 YJM24S1
Timing 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025 Code YS00BS61-3008 Groups ZJA24KHYVA ZJA24KHPYVA
Timing 30.09.2024 - 18.12.2024 Code ZZ00CQ17-3001
Timing 05.03.2025 - 19.05.2025 Code ZZ00CQ17-3002
Timing 26.08.2024 - 20.06.2025 Code ZZ00CQ18-3001