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Master's Thesis, Research WritingLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: YZ00BL98


3 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish
  • English

Responsible person

  • Jaana Alila, Tutkimuskirjoittaminen
  • Jason Stevens, Research Writing


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


01.08.2023 - 08.11.2023


13.11.2023 - 28.01.2024

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Tiina Autio


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan, kun opinnäytetyön lähdeaineistoon on tutustuttu ja tietoperustan kirjoittaminen on aktiivivaiheessa. Tämän varmistamiseksi palautat opintojakson aluksi 3–5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ennen aloituswebinaaria. Vain sovitun tietoperustan palauttaneet opiskelijat jatkavat opintojaksolla. Opintojakson aikana tietoperustaa kirjoitetaan lisää, muokataan ja analysoidaan ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla.


ma 13.11. klo 23.59 / Tietoperustan (3-5 sivua) palauttaminen Moodleen; tällä lunastat paikkasi verkkototeutuksella

ma 13.11. klo 16.30–17.30 / Aloituswebinaari (tallenne)
ma 11.12. klo 17.00–19.00 / Toinen webinaari (ei tallennetta)
ma 22.1. klo 17.00–19.00 / Kolmas webinaari (ei tallennetta)

Lisäksi tarjolla on opettajan Zoom-päivystyksiä.

Tämä opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomeksi kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing.

Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö. Opetus tapahtuu zoom-yhteydellä. Osoite tulee näkyviin Moodlen työtilaan.

Completion alternatives

Laurea amk:n, Centria amk:n ja JAMKin yhteisesti tuottama opintojakson CampusOnlinessa, 3 tai 5 op.
Jamkissa laajuus on 3 op.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 10 - 20 h
Materiaalien opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja
analysointi 30 - 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2023 - 15.10.2023


30.10.2023 - 31.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Jason Stevens


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


American Psychological Association. APA style. (2021).

Stevens, J., & Crawford, S. (2014). Project reporting instructions. Adapted from Raportointiohje [Reporting instructions] by Liukko, S., & Perttula, S. (2013). JAMK University of Applied Sciences’ Open Learning Materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars (as necessary/appropriate), exercises/learning assignments

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Completion alternatives

The conditions and procedure for applying for replacement of studies can be found by navigating to Elmo --> Language Studies --> Accreditation.

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi and can be accessed in various ways according to the instructions found on the Peppi — Calendar page (

The estimated/approximate student workload in this course is as follows:

- Online lessons/meetings: 15 hrs
- Familiarization with online course environment: 6 hrs
- Self-study, homework assignments: 50 hrs
- Peer review activities: 10 hrs

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2023 - 18.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 19.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Jaana Alila


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan, kun opinnäytetyön lähdeaineistoon on tutustuttu ja tietoperustan kirjoittaminen on aktiivivaiheessa. Tämän varmistamiseksi palautat opintojakson aluksi 3–5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ennen aloituswebinaaria. Vain sovitun tietoperustan palauttaneet opiskelijat jatkavat opintojaksolla. Opintojakson aikana tietoperustaa kirjoitetaan lisää, muokataan ja analysoidaan ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla.


ti 24.10. klo 23.59 / Tietoperustan (3–5 sivua) palauttaminen Moodleen

ti 24.10. klo 15.00–15.45 / Aloituswebinaari
ti 14.11. klo 15.00–15.45 / Toinen webinaari
ti 28.11. klo 15.00–15.45 / Kolmas webinaari.

Tämä opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomeksi kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing.

Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö. Opetus tapahtuu Zoom-yhteydellä. Osoite tulee näkyviin Moodlen työtilaan.

Completion alternatives

Laurea amk:n, Centria amk:n ja JAMKin yhteisesti tuottama opintojakson CampusOnlinessa, 3 tai 5 op.
Jamkissa laajuus on 3 op.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 10 - 20 h
Materiaalien opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja
analysointi 30 - 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2023 - 27.09.2023


02.10.2023 - 03.12.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Joonas Komulainen


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan, kun opinnäytetyön lähdeaineistoon on tutustuttu ja tietoperustan kirjoittaminen on aktiivivaiheessa. Tämän varmistamiseksi palautat opintojakson aluksi 3–5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ennen aloituswebinaaria. Vain sovitun tietoperustan palauttaneet opiskelijat jatkavat opintojaksolla. Opintojakson aikana tietoperustaa kirjoitetaan lisää, muokataan ja analysoidaan ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla.

Ennakkotehtävänä palauta 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa Moodleen ma 2.10.

Aloituswebinaari (tallenne) ke 4.10. klo 16.30 - 18
Webinaari (ei tallennetta) pe 3.11. klo 16.30 - 18
Webinaari (ei tallennetta) ke 29.11. klo 16.30 - 18

Lisäksi tarjolla on opettajan Zoom-päivystyksiä.

Tämä opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomeksi kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing.

Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö. Opetus tapahtuu Zoom-yhteydellä. Osoite tulee näkyviin Moodlen työtilaan.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 10 - 20 h
Materiaalien opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja
analysointi 30 - 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2023 - 06.09.2023


11.09.2023 - 12.11.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Joonas Komulainen


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan, kun opinnäytetyön lähdeaineistoon on tutustuttu ja tietoperustan kirjoittaminen on aktiivivaiheessa. Tämän varmistamiseksi palautat opintojakson aluksi 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ennen aloituswebinaaria. Vain sovitun tietoperustan palauttaneet opiskelijat jatkavat opintojaksolla. Opintojakson aikana tietoperustaa kirjoitetaan lisää, muokataan ja analysoidaan ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla.

Ennakkotehtävänä palauta 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa Moodleen ke 13.9.

Aloituswebinaari (tallenne) to 14.9. klo 16.30 - 18
Webinaari (ei tallennetta) to 5.10. klo 16.30 - 18
Webinaari (ei tallennetta) to 2.11. klo 16.30 - 18

Lisäksi tarjolla on opettajan Zoom-päivystyksiä.

Tämä opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomeksi kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing.

Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö. Opetus tapahtuu Zoom-yhteydellä. Osoite tulee näkyviin Moodlen työtilaan.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 10 - 20 h
Materiaalien opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja
analysointi 30 - 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2023 - 31.08.2023


04.09.2023 - 31.10.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Pekka Kousa


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.04.2023 - 30.04.2023


01.06.2023 - 15.08.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Miina Kakko


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Location and time

Palauta ennakkotehtävä (3–5 s. opinnäytetyön tietoperustaa) Moodleen ennen kurssin alkua, DL ke 31.5. klo 23.59.

Webinaarit Zoomissa:
- to 1.6. klo 16.00–17.30
- to 8.6. klo 16.00–17.30
- ti 13.6. klo 16.00–17.30

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2022 - 09.04.2023


17.04.2023 - 11.06.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Miina Kakko


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Teaching methods


Webinaarit Zoomissa:

- ke 19.4. klo 16.00–17.30
- ke 3.5. klo 16.00–17.30
- ke 10.5. klo 14.00–15.30

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


20.03.2023 - 02.04.2023


04.04.2023 - 02.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Jason Stevens


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


American Psychological Association. APA style. (2021).

Stevens, J., & Crawford, S. (2014). Project reporting instructions. Adapted from Raportointiohje [Reporting instructions] by Liukko, S., & Perttula, S. (2013). JAMK University of Applied Sciences’ Open Learning Materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars (as necessary/appropriate), exercises/learning assignments

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Completion alternatives

The conditions and procedure for applying for replacement of studies can be found by navigating to Elmo --> Language Studies --> Accreditation.

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi and can be accessed in various ways according to the instructions found on the Peppi — Calendar page (

The estimated/approximate student workload in this course is as follows:

- Online lessons/meetings: 15 hrs
- Familiarization with online course environment: 6 hrs
- Self-study, homework assignments: 50 hrs
- Peer review activities: 10 hrs

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2022 - 28.02.2023


06.03.2023 - 07.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Sisko Riihiaho


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla tavataan webinaareissa. Ensimmäisen webinaarin ajankohta on ke 8.3. klo 17.00 - 18.30.
Osoite zoomiin on

Tämä opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomeksi kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing.

Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö. Opetus tapahtuu zoom-yhteydellä. Osoite tulee näkyviin Moodlen työtilaan.

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan siinä vaiheessa opinnäytetyöprosessia, kun opinnäytetyön suunnitteluvaihe on tehty (ks. Opinnäytetyö-ohjesivuston kuvio

Toteutuksen aluksi palautat 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa (osoitat, että olet aktiivisessa kirjoitusvaiheessa) ja opintojakson aikana muokkaat ja kirjoitat opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla. Pätkä tietoperustaa on palautettava viim. 8.3. klo 23.59.

Opintojakson kesto on noin kahdeksan viikkoa.

Completion alternatives

Laurea amk:n, Centria amk:n ja JAMKin yhteisesti tuottama opintojakson CampusOnlinessa, 3 tai 5 op.
Jamkissa laajuus on 3 op.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 10 - 20 h
Materiaalien opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja
analysointi 30 - 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2022 - 26.02.2023


06.03.2023 - 30.04.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Tuula Kotikoski


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


American Psychological Association. APA style. (2021).

Jamk Reporting Instructions

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars (as necessary/appropriate), exercises/learning assignments

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Completion alternatives

The conditions and procedure for applying for replacement of studies can be found by navigating to Jamk Intra --> Accreditation.

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi and can be accessed in various ways according to the instructions found on the Peppi — Calendar page (

The estimated/approximate student workload in this course is as follows:

- Online lessons/meetings: 15 hrs
- Familiarization with online course environment: 6 hrs
- Self-study, homework assignments: 50 hrs
- Peer review activities: 10 hrs

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Satu Liukko


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Teaching methods

Webinaarit Zoomissa to 12.1., 26.1., 16.2., 9.3. klo 16

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 12.03.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Jason Stevens


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2022 - 27.11.2022


05.12.2022 - 19.02.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Satu Liukko


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Teaching methods

7.12., 14.12 klo 16 sekä
11.1., ja 25.1.2023 klo 16

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2022 - 23.10.2022


01.11.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Tuula Kotikoski


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Location and time

The webinars and lectures take place in Zoom:


American Psychology Association. APA style. 7th ed. (2021).

JAMK University of Applied Sciences´ Open Learning Materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars, exercises

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi (see Peppi calendar) --> navigate to and Moodle course workspace.

The estimated student workload for the course is
- online lessons/webinars ~12 hours
- familiarization with the material and workspace in Moodle - 6 hours
- self-study, home assignments - 63 hours

(3 ECTS equals 81 hours of student work)

Content scheduling

The course consists of five modules that are discussed in the six webinar sessions.

Further information

The course consists of assignments that are assessed with either pass/fail.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


10.10.2022 - 18.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Anne Nurminen


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2022. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Suositeltava kirjallisuus
Hirsjärvi, S., Remes. P. & Sajavaara, P. 2015. Tutki ja kirjoita. 20. p. Helsinki: Tammi.
Kniivilä, S., Lindblom-Ylänne, S. & Mäntynen, A. 2017. Tiede ja teksti. Tehoa ja taitoa tutkielman kirjoittamiseen. Helsinki: WSOY.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomen kielellä kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing. Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö.

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan siinä vaiheessa opinnäytetyöprosessia, kun opinnäytetyön suunnitteluvaihe on tehty (ks. Opinnäytetyö-ohjesivuston kuvio

Toteutuksen aluksi palautat 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ja opintojakson aikana muokkaat ja kirjoitat opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla. Kesto on noin yhdeksän viikkoa.

Toteutus on kokonaan virtuaalinen. Siihen kuuluu infowebinaarin lisäksi 2 -3 webinaaria, joissa ohjeistetaan kirjoittamista. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 5 -10 h
Materiaalin opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja analysointi 30 - 50 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2022 - 11.09.2022


03.10.2022 - 11.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Anne Nurminen


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2022. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Suositeltava kirjallisuus
Hirsjärvi, S., Remes. P. & Sajavaara, P. 2015. Tutki ja kirjoita. 20. p. Helsinki: Tammi.
Kniivilä, S., Lindblom-Ylänne, S. & Mäntynen, A. 2017. Tiede ja teksti. Tehoa ja taitoa tutkielman kirjoittamiseen. Helsinki: WSOY.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomen kielellä kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing. Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö.

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan siinä vaiheessa opinnäytetyöprosessia, kun opinnäytetyön suunnitteluvaihe on tehty (ks. Opinnäytetyö-ohjesivuston kuvio

Toteutuksen aluksi palautat 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ja opintojakson aikana muokkaat ja kirjoitat opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla. Kesto on noin yhdeksän viikkoa.

Toteutus on kokonaan virtuaalinen. Siihen kuuluu infowebinaarin lisäksi 2 -3 webinaaria, joissa ohjeistetaan kirjoittamista. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa. Infowebinaari on ma 3.10.klo 17.00 - n.18.30.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 5 -10 h
Materiaalin opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja analysointi 30 - 50 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2022 - 28.08.2022


05.09.2022 - 13.11.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Sisko Riihiaho


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla tavataan webinaareissa. Ensimmäisen webinaarin ajankohta on ti 6.9. klo 17.00 - 18.30
Osoite zoomiin on

Tämä opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomeksi kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing.

Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö. Opetus tapahtuu zoom-yhteydellä. Osoite tulee näkyviin Moodlen työtilaan.

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan siinä vaiheessa opinnäytetyöprosessia, kun opinnäytetyön suunnitteluvaihe on tehty (ks. Opinnäytetyö-ohjesivuston kuvio

Toteutuksen aluksi palautat 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ja opintojakson aikana muokkaat ja kirjoitat opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla.

Opintojakson kesto on kahdeksan viikkoa.

Completion alternatives

Laurea amk:n, Centria amk:n ja JAMKin yhteisesti tuottama opintojakson CampusOnlinessa, 3 tai 5 op.
Jamkissa laajuus on 3 op.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 10 - 20 h
Materiaalien opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja
analysointi 30 - 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.08.2022 - 28.08.2022


01.09.2022 - 31.10.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Jason Stevens


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


American Psychological Association. APA style. (2021).

Stevens, J., & Crawford, S. (2014). Project reporting instructions. Adapted from Raportointiohje [Reporting instructions] by Liukko, S., & Perttula, S. (2013). JAMK University of Applied Sciences’ Open Learning Materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars (as necessary/appropriate), exercises/learning assignments

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Completion alternatives

The conditions and procedure for applying for replacement of studies can be found by navigating to Elmo --> Language Studies --> Accreditation.

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi and can be accessed in various ways according to the instructions found on the Peppi — Calendar page (

The estimated/approximate student workload in this course is as follows:

- Online lessons/meetings: 15 hrs
- Familiarization with online course environment: 6 hrs
- Self-study, homework assignments: 50 hrs
- Peer review activities: 10 hrs

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


15.03.2022 - 22.05.2022


30.05.2022 - 31.08.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Tarja Ahopelto


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2020. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomen kielellä kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing. Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö.

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan siinä vaiheessa opinnäytetyöprosessia, kun tietoperustan kirjoittaminen on aktiivisessa vaiheessa.

Tämän kesätoteutuksen ohjaus toteutetaan kahdessa osassa: alku viikoilla 22 - 24 ja loppu viikoilla 32 - 35.Välissä on itsenäistä tietoperustan kirjoittamista ja analysoimista ohjevideoiden avulla.

Toteutus on kokonaan virtuaalinen. Siihen kuuluu infowebinaarin lisäksi kaksi webinaaria, joissa annaetaan palautetta tehtävistä ja ohjeistetaan kirjoittamista. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa.

Webinaarien aikataulut:
ma 30.5. klo 16.30 - 17.30 infowebinaari
ke 15.6. klo 16.30 - 18
ti 23.8. klo 16.30 - 18

Completion alternatives

Laurea-amk:n, Centria-amk:n ja JAMKin yhteisesti tuottama Tutkimusviestinnän opintojakso CampusOnlinessa, 3 tai 5 op.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 5 -10 h
Materiaalin opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja analysointi 30 - 50 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2021 - 24.04.2022


02.05.2022 - 22.06.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Tarja Ahopelto


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2020. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.

Teaching methods

Huom.!Opettajien kesävapaan takia opintojakso toteutetaan nopeutetulla aikataululla. Kesto on kuusi viikkoa.

Opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomen kielellä kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing. Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö.

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan siinä vaiheessa opinnäytetyöprosessia, kun opinnäytetyön suunnitteluvaihe on tehty (ks. Opinnäytetyö-ohjesivuston kuvio

Toteutuksen aluksi palautat 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ja opintojakson aikana muokkaat ja kirjoitat opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla.

Toteutus on kokonaan virtuaalinen. Siihen kuuluu infowebinaarin lisäksi kaksi webinaaria, joissa ohjeistetaan kirjoittamista. Webinaarit pidetään Zoomissa.

Webinaarien aikataulut:
ti 3.5. klo 16.30 - 18 infowebinaari
ti 24.5. klo 16.30 - 18
to 2.6. klo 16.30 - 18

Completion alternatives

Laurea-amk:n, Centria-amk:n ja JAMKin yhteisesti tuottama Tutkimusviestinnän opintojakso CampusOnlinessa, 3 tai 5 op.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 5 -10 h
Materiaalin opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja analysointi 30 - 50 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


22.03.2022 - 22.04.2022


25.04.2022 - 12.06.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Jason Stevens


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


American Psychological Association. APA style. (2021).

Stevens, J., & Crawford, S. (2014). Project reporting instructions. Adapted from Raportointiohje [Reporting instructions] by Liukko, S., & Perttula, S. (2013). JAMK University of Applied Sciences’ Open Learning Materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars (as necessary/appropriate), exercises/learning assignments

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Completion alternatives

The conditions and procedure for applying for replacement of studies can be found by navigating to Elmo --> Language Studies --> Accreditation.

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi and can be accessed in various ways according to the instructions found on the Peppi — Calendar page (

The estimated/approximate student workload in this course is as follows:

- Online lessons/meetings: 15 hrs
- Familiarization with online course environment: 6 hrs
- Self-study, homework assignments: 50 hrs
- Peer review activities: 10 hrs

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2021 - 27.02.2022


07.03.2022 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Sisko Riihiaho


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


Liukko, S. & Perttula, S. 2019. Opinnäytetyön raportointi. Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu. Ohjetta päivitetään vuosittain.

Teaching methods

Opintojaksolla tavataan webinaareissa. Ensimmäisen webinaarin ajankohta on ma 14.3. klo 17.00 - 18.30.
Osoite zoomiin on

Tämä opintojakso on tarkoitettu opinnäytetyötään suomeksi kirjoittaville. Englannin kielellä kirjoittavat osallistuvat vastaavalle englanninkieliselle toteutukselle Research Writing.

Käytössä on Moodle-oppimisympäristö. Opetus tapahtuu zoom-yhteydellä.

Opintojaksolle osallistutaan siinä vaiheessa opinnäytetyöprosessia, kun opinnäytetyön suunnitteluvaihe on tehty (ks. Opinnäytetyö-ohjesivuston kuvio

Toteutuksen aluksi palautat 3 - 5 sivua opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ja opintojakson aikana muokkaat ja kirjoitat opinnäytetyösi tietoperustaa ohjatusti ryhmän kanssa yhteisellä aikataululla.

Opintojakson kesto on yhdeksän viikkoa.

Completion alternatives

Laurea amk:n, Centria amk:n ja JAMKin yhteisesti tuottama opintojakson CampusOnlinessa, 3 tai 5 op.

Student workload

Orientoituminen ja työtilaan tutustuminen 10 h
Webinaarit 10 - 20 h
Materiaalien opiskelu ja tehtävien tekeminen 10 - 20 h
Oman opinnäytetyön tietoperustan kirjoittaminen ja
analysointi 30 - 40 h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2021 - 27.02.2022


07.03.2022 - 30.04.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Tuula Kotikoski


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Location and time

The webinars and lectures take place in Zoom:


American Psychology Association. APA style. (2021).

JAMK University of Applied Sciences´ Open Learning Materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars, exercises

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Completion alternatives

The conditions and procedure for applying for replacement of studies can be found by navigating to Elmo --> Language Studies --> Accreditation

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi (see Peppi calendar) --> navigate to

The estimated student workload for the course is
- online lessons/webinars ~15 hours
- familiarization with the material and workspace in Moodle - 6 hours
- self-study, home assignments - 60 hours

(3 ECTS equals 81 hours of student work)

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


17.01.2022 - 24.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Anne Nurminen


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


01.11.2021 - 02.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 28.02.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • English

12 - 30

  • Jason Stevens


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis


American Psychological Association. APA style. (2021).

Stevens, J., & Crawford, S. (2014). Project reporting instructions. Adapted from Raportointiohje [Reporting instructions] by Liukko, S., & Perttula, S. (2013). JAMK University of Applied Sciences’ Open Learning Materials.

Teaching methods

Lectures, webinars (as necessary/appropriate), exercises/learning assignments

Exam schedules

This is not an exam-based course.

Completion alternatives

The conditions and procedure for applying for replacement of studies can be found by navigating to Elmo --> Language Studies --> Accreditation.

Student workload

The course schedule is maintained in Peppi and can be accessed in various ways according to the instructions found on the Peppi — Calendar page (

The estimated/approximate student workload in this course is as follows:

- Online lessons/meetings: 15 hrs
- Familiarization with online course environment: 6 hrs
- Self-study, homework assignments: 50 hrs
- Peer review activities: 10 hrs

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.


02.08.2021 - 28.11.2021


01.12.2021 - 31.01.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

3 op

Virtual portion

3 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 30

  • Satu Liukko


The content of the course is specifically designed to support theses that serve the development and renewal of working life. During the course, the focus is on writing the theoretical basis of your own thesis.

You will gain the needed confidence in your research-style writing to be able to work on your thesis and write authentic, factual text based on published sources, follow the principles of scientific writing, and demonstrate your ability to write in accordance with the style manual designated by JAMK (Project Reporting Instructions/APA 7).


The writing process
Structure of the thesis
Basic principles of citation
Narrative of the thesis

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The course is marked as passed when all assignments have been completed and they demonstrate that the themes of the course have been studied and the learning materials have been utilized in the process.


You have completed the Research-Based Development course and Phase 1 of the Thesis Plan, which is described on the Thesis webpage in JAMK's Open Study Materials.