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AccountingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: HMTM0200


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Susanna Nuijanmaa


The student knows the role and meaning of accounting and knows the prerequisites of profitable business operations. The student perceives the processes of the company from the accounting point of view and understands how bookkeeping and financial statements are drawn up on the basis of these processes. He/She knows the principles of break-even analysis and can apply them in basic level calculations. The student develops both his/her own professional skills and the skills of the organization where he/she works in active interaction.


The course contents include business skills, business processes (customers, products/services, purchases, sales), recording of business transactions, financial statements, break-even analysis, cash flow, budgeting and the basics of value added taxation and company taxation.


ICT Skills

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

5 (Excellent): The student shows a complete understanding of the basic processes of accounting and understands break-even analysis and the logics of profitable business operations. He/she can independently produce accurate and reliable bookkeeping data and financial statements for a small company. He/she understands how the information of accounting and break-even analysis is utilized and applied in the steering of business activities.
4 (Very Good): The student shows thorough understanding of the basic processes of accounting and understands the break-even analysis and the logics of profitable business operations. He/she can produce almost accurate bookkeeping data and financial statements for a small company. He/she understands how the information of accounting and break-even analysis is utilized in the steering of business activities.
3 (Good): The student shows a developing understanding of the basic processes of accounting and knows the break-even analysis and the logics of profitable business operations. He/she can produce mostly accurate bookkeeping data and financial statements for a small company. He/she knows how the information of accounting and break-even analysis is utilized in the steering of business activities.
2 (Satisfactory): The student is able to recognize the basic processes of accounting and break-even analysis and recognizes the logics of profitable business operations. He/she can produce break-even analysis and bookkeeping data and financial statements for a small company when tutored. He/she is aware that the information of accounting is utilized in the steering of business activities, but the perceiving on a practical level is insufficient.
1 (Sufficient): The student is able to recognize the basic processes of accounting and break-even analysis and recognizes some parts of profitable business operations. He/she can produce bookkeeping data for a small company when tutored and knows the connection between bookkeeping data and financial statements and he/she can perform a break-even analysis. He/she is aware that the accounting information is utilized in the steering of business activities, but the perceiving on a practical level is insufficient.
0 (Fail): The performance of the student will be evaluated with the grade fail if he/she cannot attain the minimum learning outcomes defined for the course.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

4 (Very Good): The student shows thorough understanding of the basic processes of accounting and understands the break-even analysis and the logics of profitable business operations. He/she can produce almost accurate bookkeeping data and financial statements for a small company. He/she understands how the information of accounting and break-even analysis is utilized in the steering of business activities. 3 (Good): The student shows a developing understanding of the basic processes of accounting and knows the break-even analysis and the logics of profitable business operations. He/she can produce mostly accurate bookkeeping data and financial statements for a small company. He/she knows how the information of accounting and break-even analysis is utilized in the steering of business activities.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 (Excellent): The student shows a complete understanding of the basic processes of accounting and understands break-even analysis and the logics of profitable business operations. He/she can independently produce accurate and reliable bookkeeping data and financial statements for a small company. He/she understands how the information of accounting and break-even analysis is utilized and applied in the steering of business activities.