Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Rakennustekniikan ammatillinen englantiLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: TRYR1887


2 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Pirjo Hentinen


The students are able to deepen and broaden their oral and written language skills supporting their field-specific competence. They are able to use terminology, language structures and style appropriate in each situation and they are motivated to maintain and advance these language skills as part of their professional identity.The students e.g.:
• are familiar with central terminology of their own field
• can prepare and deliver presentations related to their field, based on the nature of the audience and the situation
• can act in typical communication and interaction situations of their field appreciating diversity and considering multicultural characteristics
• can create documents and messages in an appropriate style.


Construction engineering terminology and concepts
Business terminology
Presentations related to company operations and the students' own field of study
Customer contacts, e.g.:
- meetings and negotiations
- trade fairs
- problem situations and complaints
Official-style texts and electronic communications, e.g. reports, summaries and emails


English for Working Life

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The general criteria of the competences that the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees awarded by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences provide can be found on JAMK’s web pages (

The learning outcomes of individual courses are assessed in relation to the objectives of the course concerned. Unless otherwise defined in the curriculum, a course accepted as completed is assessed on the following five-step scale: 5 (Excellent), 4 (Very Good), 3 (Good), 2 (Satisfactory), 1 (Sufficient), If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail). In special cases, a course may be graded as Pass/Fail, marked as “S (Pass)” and “0 (Fail)”.
More exact information about the learning assesment criterias to be used shall be given during the first contact meetings of the course.


01.03.2022 - 19.06.2022


01.03.2022 - 31.12.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

2 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


School of Technology

Teaching languages
  • English

0 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor's Degree Programme in Construction and Civil Engineering
  • Pirjo Hentinen


The students are able to deepen and broaden their oral and written language skills supporting their field-specific competence. They are able to use terminology, language structures and style appropriate in each situation and they are motivated to maintain and advance these language skills as part of their professional identity.The students e.g.:
• are familiar with central terminology of their own field
• can prepare and deliver presentations related to their field, based on the nature of the audience and the situation
• can act in typical communication and interaction situations of their field appreciating diversity and considering multicultural characteristics
• can create documents and messages in an appropriate style.


Construction engineering terminology and concepts
Business terminology
Presentations related to company operations and the students' own field of study
Customer contacts, e.g.:
- meetings and negotiations
- trade fairs
- problem situations and complaints
Official-style texts and electronic communications, e.g. reports, summaries and emails

Location and time

1.3. - 31.12.2022 in Moodle


The learning material is provided by the teacher.

• Additional material:
o Quizlet word lists:
o Isaacs, C., Pesso, P., Rasimus, R. & Rönkä I. 2019. Engineer Your English. Keuruu: Edita Publishing Oy.
o Perttila-Glenclairn, T. 2010. Academic and Professional English – Reading, Writing and Spoken Communication. Porvoo: Finn Lectura.
o Lehtola, S. 2019. Update English Construction. Berlin: Finn Lectura.

Teaching methods

This is an online course which is completed independently in Moodle according to your own schedule. The course is open till 31 December 2022.

Please note that the enrollment is not open during the summer break 2022.

The target group is students in the degree programme in Construction and Civil Engineering who must complete the course Professional English for Construction Engineering but have not completed it yet.

In this course, you will:
• study construction engineering terminology and concepts (e.g. housing, building process, materials, PPE) through vocabulary and reading exercises and vocabulary tests
• complete two speaking assignments related to your own field of study (grading scale fail/ 1-5)
• complete one writing assignment related to your field of study and customer encounters (grading scale fail/ 1-5)

Exam schedules

There is no exam in this course. The completed assignments will determine the grade.

Student workload

54 hours of independent study (studying the learning material and completing the assignments)

Further information

The completed exercises and assignments will determine the grade.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The general criteria of the competences that the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees awarded by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences provide can be found on JAMK’s web pages (

The learning outcomes of individual courses are assessed in relation to the objectives of the course concerned. Unless otherwise defined in the curriculum, a course accepted as completed is assessed on the following five-step scale: 5 (Excellent), 4 (Very Good), 3 (Good), 2 (Satisfactory), 1 (Sufficient), If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail). In special cases, a course may be graded as Pass/Fail, marked as “S (Pass)” and “0 (Fail)”.
More exact information about the learning assesment criterias to be used shall be given during the first contact meetings of the course.


English for Working Life