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Family NursingLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: SHZC1500


5 op

Teaching language

  • Finnish


Student is able to promote family health in different stages of life. Student has acquirement of planning, implementing and evaluating evidence-based family nursing care of pediatric and adolescent patients and clients of sexual- and reproductive healthcare. Student is able to apply the knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health and pediatrics in family nursing.


Family health promotion and health-supporting networks.
Family nursing process.
Womens’ health, maternity care.
Early interaction and parenthood. Breastfeeding. Pediatric and adolescent nursing, basics of nursing care of disabled children
Mental health care of children and adolescents.
Basics of gynecology and pediatrics.


Student masters the basic knowledge and interventions of health promotion, preventive nursing and public health nursing.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Outstanding (5)
The student demonstrates his/her comprehensive and extensive acquirement of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters extensive knowledge of basics of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to critically analyze his/her knowledge base showing creative thinking. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based multiprofessional knowledge extensively in a developing manner.

Excellent (4)
The student demonstrates his/her comprehensive acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters comprehensive knowledge of basics of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to critically analyze his/her knowledge base. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based multiprofessional knowledge extensively in a developing manner.
Good (3)
The student demonstrates his/her basic acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters basic knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to analyze his/her knowledge base. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based multiprofessional knowledge in a developing manner.
The student demonstrates his/her sufficient acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters partially the basic knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to analyze his/her knowledge base. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based knowledge
Poor (1)
The student demonstrates his/her meager acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters partially the basic knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is analyzes his/her knowledge base inadequately. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


03.01.2022 - 11.03.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Distance learning


School of Health and Social Studies


Lutakko Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

15 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Midwifery
  • Tuija Kontinen
  • Niilo Kuokkanen
  • Riina Sahlman
  • Jenni Ikola-Mäki
  • Elina Tiainen
  • SOK20K1
    Kätilö (AMK)


Student is able to promote family health in different stages of life. Student has acquirement of planning, implementing and evaluating evidence-based family nursing care of pediatric and adolescent patients and clients of sexual- and reproductive healthcare. Student is able to apply the knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health and pediatrics in family nursing.


Family health promotion and health-supporting networks.
Family nursing process.
Womens’ health, maternity care.
Early interaction and parenthood. Breastfeeding. Pediatric and adolescent nursing, basics of nursing care of disabled children
Mental health care of children and adolescents.
Basics of gynecology and pediatrics.


Botha Elina ja Ryttyläinen-Korhonen Katri. 2016 Naisen hoitotyö. Sanoma Pro. (soveltuvin osin)
Åstedt-Kurki P., Jussila AL. ym. 2008. Kohti perheen hyvää hoitamista. Helsinki: WSOY.Oppimateriaalit. (soveltuvin osin)
Naistentaudit ja synnytykset. 2011. Toim. O. Ylikorkala, & J. TapanainenHelsinki: Duodecim. E-kirja, Oppiportti.(soveltuvin osin).
Storvik-Sydänmaa, Tervajävi ja Hammar. 2019. Lapsen ja perheen hoitotyö. Sanomapro. (soveltuvin osin)
Rajantie ym. 2016. Lastenatudit. Duodecim. (soveltuvin osin)
Kumpulainen K.ym. 2016. Lasten psykiatria ja nuorisopsykiatria.Duodecim.
Sinkkonen J. 2004. Kiintymyssuhdeteoria –tutkimuslöydöksistä käytännön sovelluksiin. 120: 1866-73. Duodecim.
Perhehoitotyöhön liittyvät keskeiset Hoitotyön suositukset ja Käypä hoito –suositukset

Teaching methods

E-learning: independent study of the material, online tests, exercises and learning tasks
Contact teaching: Flipped learning, functional exercises, lectures
The course Portfolio

Exam schedules

Online exam
Online assignments

Student workload

5 ects, 135 h

Further information

During the course, assessment is carried out on the principle of continuous feedback. Self-assessment and peer review also play a key role. Assessment is based on the course objectives and assessment criteria.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Outstanding (5)
The student demonstrates his/her comprehensive and extensive acquirement of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters extensive knowledge of basics of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to critically analyze his/her knowledge base showing creative thinking. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based multiprofessional knowledge extensively in a developing manner.

Excellent (4)
The student demonstrates his/her comprehensive acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters comprehensive knowledge of basics of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to critically analyze his/her knowledge base. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based multiprofessional knowledge extensively in a developing manner.
Good (3)
The student demonstrates his/her basic acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters basic knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to analyze his/her knowledge base. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based multiprofessional knowledge in a developing manner.
The student demonstrates his/her sufficient acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters partially the basic knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is able to analyze his/her knowledge base. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing using evidence-based knowledge
Poor (1)
The student demonstrates his/her meager acquirements of promoting heath in families and implementing family nursing process. The student masters partially the basic knowledge of sexual- and reproductive health, pediatrics and related pharmacology. He/she is analyzes his/her knowledge base inadequately. The student is able to solve the learning tasks of pediatric and adolescent nursing.


Student masters the basic knowledge and interventions of health promotion, preventive nursing and public health nursing.