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Italian for beginners 1Laajuus (5 cr)

Code: BI00BB38


5 op

Responsible person

  • Julia Närhi


You begin to acquaint yourself with the Italian language and culture in Italian speaking countries. By the end of the course, you are familiar with Italian culture and you know how to conduct yourself accordingly. You can cope with simple communication situations in Italian. You know the most common polite phrases in Italian. You understand the cultural differences between Finland and the Italian speaking countries. The course prepares and equips you to act and work in an international and multicultural environment.



Communication: Greetings, introductions, telling about your life in a simple way, languages and nationalities, family, restaurant, travelling and asking for directions,shopping

Grammar: personal pronouns,numerals, gender, articles, affirmative and negative sentences, basic questions, present tense of regular and irregular verbs, the form and the place of the adjectives

Cultural knowledge: The cultural knowledge of Italian speaking countries

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You can understand familiar words in simple texts. You understand very basic phrases concerning yourself, your family and immediate surroundings, when standard Italian is spoken slowly and clearly. You can interact in Italian in simple writing and speaking situations although there are often errors in pronunciation, vocabulary and structures.

2 You can understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You can understand simple, brief texts and find the main points in texts handling familiar themes. You are able to write short texts about familiar topics. You can manage well in routine speaking situations although your pronunciation is still defective. There are still errors in the use of grammatical structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 Standard speech spoken in normal tempo may cause some difficulties in case the speech is long. You understand texts about familiar themes. You are able to write simple and short messages. The deficiencies in pronunciation, structures or vocabulary do not interfere with understanding.

4 You can understand face-to-face speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo, but fast spoken language may cause difficulties. You understand texts well about familiar topics. You can speak Italian using short sentences without long pauses. You are able to write brief texts using the learnt vocabulary and structures. Your pronunciation is clear.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 You can understand speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo. You can assess spoken situations correctly and know how to act in them. You can speak short sentences with a degree of fluency and write clearly and with few errors about familiar themes. You can apply the learnt vocabulary and grammar structures in your language production, and your pronunciation is clear and often flawless.

Further information

The course is suitable for anyone willing to learn about the Italian basics and culture of Italian speaking countries.


01.11.2022 - 05.01.2023


09.01.2023 - 19.05.2023

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Virtual portion

5 op

Mode of delivery

Distance learning


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

  • Julia Närhi


You begin to acquaint yourself with the Italian language and culture in Italian speaking countries. By the end of the course, you are familiar with Italian culture and you know how to conduct yourself accordingly. You can cope with simple communication situations in Italian. You know the most common polite phrases in Italian. You understand the cultural differences between Finland and the Italian speaking countries. The course prepares and equips you to act and work in an international and multicultural environment.



Communication: Greetings, introductions, telling about your life in a simple way, languages and nationalities, family, restaurant, travelling and asking for directions,shopping

Grammar: personal pronouns,numerals, gender, articles, affirmative and negative sentences, basic questions, present tense of regular and irregular verbs, the form and the place of the adjectives

Cultural knowledge: The cultural knowledge of Italian speaking countries


Ziglio, L., Rizzo, G., Kaipainen, R. 2010. Espresso 1. Helsinki: Otava.

Teaching methods

Luennot, oppimistehtävät, välitestit tai tentit.

Further information

avoin AMK 3

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You can understand familiar words in simple texts. You understand very basic phrases concerning yourself, your family and immediate surroundings, when standard Italian is spoken slowly and clearly. You can interact in Italian in simple writing and speaking situations although there are often errors in pronunciation, vocabulary and structures.

2 You can understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You can understand simple, brief texts and find the main points in texts handling familiar themes. You are able to write short texts about familiar topics. You can manage well in routine speaking situations although your pronunciation is still defective. There are still errors in the use of grammatical structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 Standard speech spoken in normal tempo may cause some difficulties in case the speech is long. You understand texts about familiar themes. You are able to write simple and short messages. The deficiencies in pronunciation, structures or vocabulary do not interfere with understanding.

4 You can understand face-to-face speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo, but fast spoken language may cause difficulties. You understand texts well about familiar topics. You can speak Italian using short sentences without long pauses. You are able to write brief texts using the learnt vocabulary and structures. Your pronunciation is clear.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 You can understand speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo. You can assess spoken situations correctly and know how to act in them. You can speak short sentences with a degree of fluency and write clearly and with few errors about familiar themes. You can apply the learnt vocabulary and grammar structures in your language production, and your pronunciation is clear and often flawless.

Further information

The course is suitable for anyone willing to learn about the Italian basics and culture of Italian speaking countries.


01.11.2021 - 09.01.2022


10.01.2022 - 22.06.2022

Number of ECTS credits allocated

5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


TA94 - Kielikeskus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 27

  • Julia Närhi


You begin to acquaint yourself with the Italian language and culture in Italian speaking countries. By the end of the course, you are familiar with Italian culture and you know how to conduct yourself accordingly. You can cope with simple communication situations in Italian. You know the most common polite phrases in Italian. You understand the cultural differences between Finland and the Italian speaking countries. The course prepares and equips you to act and work in an international and multicultural environment.



Communication: Greetings, introductions, telling about your life in a simple way, languages and nationalities, family, restaurant, travelling and asking for directions,shopping

Grammar: personal pronouns,numerals, gender, articles, affirmative and negative sentences, basic questions, present tense of regular and irregular verbs, the form and the place of the adjectives

Cultural knowledge: The cultural knowledge of Italian speaking countries


Ziglio, L., Rizzo, G., Kaipainen, R. 2010. Espresso 1. Helsinki: Otava.

Teaching methods

Luennot, oppimistehtävät, välitestit tai tentit.
Tunneille on mahdollisuus osallistua Zoomin välityksellä.

Student workload

Kontaktitunnit 50 h, itsenäinen/ virtuaaliopiskelu 85 h. Yht. 135h (yhden opintopisteen työmäärä on 27 tuntia).

Further information

Jatkuva arviointi (tuntityöskentely & testit tai tentit), itsearviointi.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

1 You can understand familiar words in simple texts. You understand very basic phrases concerning yourself, your family and immediate surroundings, when standard Italian is spoken slowly and clearly. You can interact in Italian in simple writing and speaking situations although there are often errors in pronunciation, vocabulary and structures.

2 You can understand clear and slow speech about familiar topics. You can understand simple, brief texts and find the main points in texts handling familiar themes. You are able to write short texts about familiar topics. You can manage well in routine speaking situations although your pronunciation is still defective. There are still errors in the use of grammatical structures and vocabulary.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3 Standard speech spoken in normal tempo may cause some difficulties in case the speech is long. You understand texts about familiar themes. You are able to write simple and short messages. The deficiencies in pronunciation, structures or vocabulary do not interfere with understanding.

4 You can understand face-to-face speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo, but fast spoken language may cause difficulties. You understand texts well about familiar topics. You can speak Italian using short sentences without long pauses. You are able to write brief texts using the learnt vocabulary and structures. Your pronunciation is clear.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

5 You can understand speech about simple and familiar topics spoken in normal tempo. You can assess spoken situations correctly and know how to act in them. You can speak short sentences with a degree of fluency and write clearly and with few errors about familiar themes. You can apply the learnt vocabulary and grammar structures in your language production, and your pronunciation is clear and often flawless.

Further information

The course is suitable for anyone willing to learn about the Italian basics and culture of Italian speaking countries.