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Discutons en françaisLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: BI00BT67


3 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Jenni Riipinen


The goal of this course is to activate and maintain your French oral language skills (approx. B1 level). During the course you will practice different communication skills and strategies, pronunciation, as well as presentation and argumentation skills in French.

After completing this course, you can understand the main points of clear standard speech on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, studies and leisure. You can express and argue your own opinions and you know how to give a brief presentation in French. You can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst travelling in an area where French is spoken.

The course prepares and equips you to act and work in an international and multicultural environment.


The goal of this course is to strenghten your French oral language skills. The contents of the course include oral everyday situations (related to work, studies, leisure, travelling, etc.), spontaneous conversation and argumentative skills, presentation skills and giving opinions and instructions.


French level A2.2 - B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ( For example, French for beginners 1-3 successfully completed at JAMK UAS (15 ECTS), or successfully completed French courses 1 – 6 in a Finnish high school as a B3-language (approx. 2-3 years).

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation skills are sufficient to communicate understandably in most everyday situations. You know how to express your own opinions. You participate actively during the lectures and do the assignments of the course according to the instructions and within the set deadlines. Written self-assessment at the end of the course.

Further information

The course is well suited for anyone with intermediate knowledge in French (level A2.2-B1 of The Common European Reference for Languages) and who would like to continue their French studies.