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Mobile Application DevelopmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: TTOW0615


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Pasi Manninen


The student understands the prospects of different mobile technologies for implementation of functional applications in mobile devices. The student is able to implement small-scale applications for various mobile platforms using various mobile technologies. The student is able to work as a project group member in a project concerning a research assignment.

EU-EN EUR-ACE Engineering Analysis
EU-KN EUR-ACE Knowledge and Understanding


The course consists of lectures introducing various technologies that can be used to implement applications for mobile devices.

The topics discussed are commonly and currently used cross-platform mobile technologies that can be used to implement applications for various mobile platforms. The students deepen their competence by selecting one technology for a mobile device and implementing a research assignment on the topic area in small groups.

The research assignment includes familiarization with the selected mobile technology and creating a small-scale mobile application. The results of the research assignment are documented and presented in a seminar. The research task can be continued as a course assignment in Mobile Project course.


Basic IT skills, programming

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient 1: The student is familiar with project work and the documentation related to it. The topic of the research task selected by the student is restricted. The student understands the prospects of the selected technology; however, to produce an application with the technology causes difficulties. The student is able to create a small-scale mobile application with the selected technology. The student has participated in the compilation of the research assignment documentation and the seminar presentation.

Satisfactory 2: The student is able to act in a research group. The topic selected by the student is restricted. The student is able to apply his/her knowledge of the selected technology and implement a mobile application presenting the features of the selected technology briefly. The documentation is partly disordered and insufficient. The student has given a seminar presentation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Good 3: The student masters project work and the documentation related to it. The topic selected by the student for the research assignment is conventional. The student is able to analyze the prospects of the selected technology and create a mobile application that presents the most essential features of the selected technology. The documentation attached to the research task describes the introduction, configuration, structure and implementation of the application. The student is able to analyze his/her own choices in a seminar presentation.

Very good 4: The student masters responsible project work and the high-quality documentation related to it. The topic selected by the student for the research assignment is demanding. The student is able to assess and assess the prospects of the selected technology and create a mobile application that presents the selected technology comprehensively. The documentation attached to the research task describes the introduction, configuration, structure, implementation and release of the application extensively. The student is able to assess and validate his/her own solutions in a seminar presentation.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Excellent 5: The student masters responsible project work and the high-quality documentation related to it. The topic area of the research assignment selected by the student is challenging and extensive. The student is able to assess the prospects of the selected technology critically and create a mobile application that presents the selected technology in depth. The documentation attached to the research assignment describes the introduction, configuration, structure, implementation, release and testing of the used technology extensively and faultlessly. The student is able to assess and validate his/her own choices critically in a seminar presentation.