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Human Resources ManagementLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: MTMW2300


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Susanna Nuijanmaa
  • Serena Paasivuori


The student understands the content and significance of human resource management in managerial work and organizational performance. The student reflects his/her potential or achieved readiness in management role, shares experiences and developes skills and understanding further. The student understands employment law, collective labor agreement and can apply those to rota planning leading to profitable outcome. The student can state reasons, make and carry out decisions leading to profitable business in line with certain strategy.


the role of superior
roles of HRM in a modern organisation
HR planning and recruitment
HR development
performance management
reward and compensation
work well-being
international human resource management and diversity
labour relations and labour legislation
employee security


Basics of business function
(entrepreneurship, management, marketing, accounting)

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The general criteria of the competences that the Bachelor's Degrees awarded by Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences provide can be found on JAMK's web pages. The learning outcomes of individual courses are assessed in relation to the objectives of the course concerned. Assessment is based on knowledge, skills and competence in accordance with the National and European Qualifications Framework, level 6

Assessment methods are based on learning objectives.
A course accepted as completed is assessed on the following five-step scale:
5 (Excellent) Student plays a readiness in management role, shares experiences and develop skills and understanding further. The student argues for employment law, collective labor agreement and can apply those to planning and leading to profitable outcome. The student can analyze the reasons, make and carry out decisions leading to profitable business.

4 (Very Good) Student reflects a readiness in management role, shares experiences and develop skills and understanding further. The student demonstrates employment law, collective labor agreement and can apply those to planning and leading to profitable outcome. The student can choose the reasons, make and carry out decisions leading to profitable business.

3 (Good) The student reflects his/her potential or achieved readiness in management role, shares experiences and develop skills and understanding further. The student understand employment law, collective labor agreement and can apply those to planning and leading to profitable outcome. The student can state reasons, make and carry out decisions leading to profitable business.
2 (Satisfactory) The student explains his/her potential or achieved readiness in management role, shares experiences and identifies skills and understanding for further development. The student lists employment law, collective labor agreement and defines those to planning and leading to profitable outcome. The student understands reasons for carrying out decisions leading to profitable business.

1 (Sufficient) The student identifies his/her potential in management role, shares experiences and skills. The student lists employment law, collective labor agreement and defines those to planning and leading to profitable outcome. The student identifies reasons for carrying out decisions leading to profitable business.

If the student does not meet the minimum criteria set for the course, the grade is 0 (Fail).