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Global Marketing and SalesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: YH00BJ01


5 op

Teaching language

  • English

Responsible person

  • Jay Panjwani


Global marketing and sales course has been designed to emphasize on the global perspectives of marketing and sales management. The course offers rigour and relevance on classical and contemporary global marketing and sales concepts. The core areas of the course actively address a balance between rigour and relevance. The rigour aspect involves up to date research and conceptual understanding, whereas the relevance aspect of the course is delivered through case studies, sales workshops and evaluating the marketing and sales strategy of a product/service. Students in a group will apply the theoretical knowledge by evaluating the marketing and sales strategy of a product or service. The strategy will be designed and discussed step by step in every class followed by two sales workshops. Sales workshops will be accompanied by sales professionals and class teacher.

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
Apply disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge to analyze business challenges and global trends to propose or put into action practical business solutions based on the findings

IBCOM: Communication Skills
Communicate responsibly and effectively in English through oral, written and digital formats in academic and professional contexts

IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
Demonstrate intercultural teamwork, leadership, and conflict resolution skills


An introduction to global marketing and sales: Development and role of selling in marketing
Understanding global motives
Global marketing research
Sales strategies
Sales environment: Consumer and organization buying behaviours
Strategic Element of Competitive Advantage
Designing sales settings
Global marketing theories
The global marketing selection process
Global marketing entry strategies
Law and ethical issues
Personnel selling: A workshop
Internet and IT applications in selling and sales management:
Global Promotion and Communication Strategies: A workshop

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Sufficient (1):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show very low acumen in assessing the project requirement.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain less motivated in initiating communication with the groups and class tutor.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You show less understanding of the group dynamics and cultural diversity resulting in raising concerns in your group

Sufficient (2):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show understanding of project requirements but struggle to develop business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You participate in the class discussion and extend your limited contribution towards the group project.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You do not participate in the team’s weekly meetings often

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Sufficient (3):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show understanding of project requirements and develop business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain motivated in engaging in communication with the groups and class tutor.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You participate in the team’s weekly meetings

Sufficient (4):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show a very good understanding of project requirements and develop critical business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain motivated in engaging in communication with the groups and class tutor. Your reflection in the learning diary is not limited to the class content, your understanding of process insights shows potential contribution.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You participate in the team’s weekly meetings and take a lead when required

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Sufficient (5):

IBBUS: Applied Business Skills
You show an excellent understanding of project requirements and develop critical business insights.
IBCOM: Communication Skills
You remain motivated in engaging in communication with the groups and class tutor. Your reflection in the learning diary is not limited to the class content, your understanding of process insights shows potential contribution and discusses recent academic contributions.
IBCOL: Intercultural Collaboration Skills
You consider group dynamics and cultural diversity as essential elements. You participate in the team’s weekly meetings and you show key leadership skills by guiding and motivating your team towards the final stage of the project.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

1 ECT = 27 hours of study, therefore, this course requires a total of 135 hours of studies in order to qualify with grade 5

Group wise
Project Report = 20
Video Presentations =30

Reflection/Learning Diary =35
Discussion Forum and active Class Participation =15

Total: 100

Below is mention grading schema;

Grade 0 = 0-44 points = Fail
Grade 1 = 45-54 points
Grade 2 = 55-64 points
Grade 3 = 65-74 points
Grade 4 = 75-84 points
Grade 5 = 85-100 points